
Did I transition to another world without passing away?

A young man in the prime of his youth, in the height of his strength, and with a desire to experience the pleasures of life. However, circumstances took an unexpected turn. The aura of death surrounded the young man, becoming apparent to him even before the doctor could inform him. "I still want to live. I'm still at the beginning of my life. I still have the ability to contribute more to this world." These were the young man's final thoughts as he felt that his time had come. But is he truly approaching the experience of death, or is it an impossible miracle? This is a story of someone who desired an opportunity and was given one. The actions they choose to take will determine whether this opportunity becomes a gift or a curse. ............. https://ko-fi.com/sehman0lamba

sehman_lamba · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

10: The first tasks of the system (2)

The young man who was running to the best of his ability did not know that reality was different from his imaginations and misplaced fears. Even if he failed to complete the task on time, he wouldn't lose his masculine desires. His sexual desires would remain subject to his own choices. However, if he failed, the previous owner's skills would become permanently his, making it slightly harder for him. 

So when he wants to do something, he'll get a feeling telling him that all his actions are futile and just a waste of time and effort. But if he's compelled to do it, another feeling will urge him to postpone it until tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, or the following week... or maybe the next year? And this was the effect of the skills of laziness and procrastination.

Although Maimoun wasn't afraid of this, these two skills were the real terror in Fayte's abilities. Because Maimoun didn't have time to experience these two destructive skills of their owner, he overlooked their hidden danger. When these skills start working, one would believe it's their own thoughts, and few would be cautious of things that come from within themselves.

Nevertheless, these lazy thoughts wouldn't have absolute power over their owner. They could be ignored with a little determination. The same applied to the skill of hating the opposite sex.

As for Maimoun's fear, it stemmed from his misunderstanding. The skill of hating the opposite sex had two effects: one made its owner see women as less beautiful than they actually were. If a woman's beauty in the natural state was 100%, in Moumen's eyes, it would become 80%. This ratio increased with a bad relationship with the woman he saw. Other men would see him 20% more attractive than he was. So, his premise that this skill would change his preferences and desires was far from reality.

In fact, in this world, no skill could directly influence a person's beliefs, decisions, or actions unless they lost consciousness or their soul was replaced. You had 100% freedom in your decisions, and likewise, you had to bear 100% responsibility for them.

Poor Maimoun didn't know any of this, so now he was running with all his might in this body to save his threatened manhood in the next three hours.

As soon as he left the room, he found the beautiful girl standing in front of the room's door. He didn't know why she was standing there, and being busy at the moment, he didn't bother to ask her.

"young master, can I talk to you?"

"No, not now."

The girl asked with a sad expression, hoping Maimoun would respond positively, but Moumen didn't even stop in front of the girl for a second and quickly ran past her, too preoccupied to notice her sad expression.

"Is what Sina said true?... No, I believe there's a mistake in what she told me."

The girl lowered her head, her sadness evident on her face, and tears started gathering in her violet eyes.

"My fiancé wouldn't do this."

Although the girl's words showed her confidence in her fiancé, her expressions suggested otherwise to the onlooker.

If Maimoun had seen these emotions on the girl's face, he would have stopped to ask her what was bothering her and inquire about her well-being. But he was too focused on solving his imaginary problem.

As he ran, he remembered that except for the room he woke up in, he didn't know anything about this place. So, he was blindly running without any destination in mind. Fortunately, he encountered a maid on his way.

She wasn't as young or as beautiful as the girl, but she wasn't much older and had a naturally beautiful and friendly face, making people feel comfortable around her. She was the kind of person who could become a friend to anyone.

"The lunchtime is approaching; Roudel must be getting hungry now," she sighed. "I wonder when he will surpass this level so I can have some relief from this matter."

The cheerful maid continued her work, and soon she remembered what she was supposed to do next, which made her work faster.

"I must finish my work quickly and sneak into the kitchen to grab some food before the rest of the staff get free, and the activity increases in front of the kitchen."

She muttered to herself audibly, unaware that Maimoun was standing behind her. She didn't realize it until his footsteps became louder as he approached closer.

"Sir, I didn't mean to, I..."

As Maimoun saw her, he decided to ask her about the palace exit, not understanding the reason for her terror and her stuttering words, and he didn't care much at that moment, for he too had his own thoughts.

But should he ask her directly or try to interrogate her? Ultimately, he didn't want to arouse suspicions. "I'll ask her directly," Maimoun concluded.

Maimoun arrived at this decision after considering two reasons: firstly, he didn't have enough time, especially since his new body didn't know anything about its capabilities. He didn't know how much time he would spend to complete these exercises with this body. Also, the statistics he saw didn't give him much hope, so he wanted to make use of every minute and second.

Secondly, even if he behaved oddly and people began to suspect him, it wouldn't make much of a difference. As soon as he completed the task, he would regain the memories of the previous owner. Then he would be able to dispel their doubts, assuming he completed the task on time.

Maimoun stopped in front of her, moving his legs up and down as if he were running in place, pondering how to ask. The cheerful girl bent down, expecting him to yell at her, but as time passed and he stood in front of her, running in place without saying anything, she looked at him cautiously.

"y..young master?"

Maimoun had no time for pleasantries, but he also didn't want these people to suspect him.

"Where is the palace exit?"

"Sorry, sir?"

"I don't have time, so answer quickly. Where is the palace exit?"

Maimoun decided to act imperiously, despite it being a bad trait. However, two people couldn't disagree that dictatorship, despite its many harmful long-term consequences, excelled in achieving one's goal in a short period, which Maimoun needed at the moment.

"Go in that direction, then turn left, and then you'll find the staircase. Go down it, and then continue straight ahead, and you'll find the exit."

"Thank you."

And Maimoun set off again, running in the direction he was told.

"What just happened? The young master didn't yell at me? Not only that, but he also thanked me!!"

The cheerful maid was puzzled by the young man's actions. Firstly, how could he not reprimand her after hearing her plan to sneak into the kitchen? Secondly, how could he ask her about the palace exit, isn't he considered the owner of the palace? The place where he had lived since birth? Thirdly, and more strangely, since when did the young master thank his servants???

"Could it be finally that the young master appreciates my efforts?" Happiness appeared on the maid's face.

"First, I'll get rid of my toughest competitor, and now the young master is thanking me? My chance of achieving my goal has increased greatly!"

The cheerful maid set off, jumping and singing as if she were a little girl. In fact, she was indeed a young girl, 15 years old, two years older than the beautiful girl.

Meanwhile, as Maimoun ran along the path he was told, he encountered many servants who, when they saw him, bowed to him, but when he passed by them, they looked at him with surprise, and all of them said the same thing.

"Bed Conqueror seems active today; he must have caused a new problem, or perhaps the world is on the brink of destruction," they said before each returned to their own work.

And after a few minutes, the boy finally reached the palace exit. "It was indeed a huge palace; it took several minutes to reach here, and that was by running all the way."

"Anyway, I must hurry, but shouldn't I change into regular clothes and wear shoes... I don't have time. It's now or never."

"The young man dashed out of the palace in his sleepwear, barefoot, running at full force. Anyone who saw him would think that something serious had happened in the palace, most likely prompting him to flee.

"Are you kidding me?!"

As he exited the palace, he thought he would start running to complete a mission. However, he found the palace garden awaiting him, which was not small at all. This time, though, he didn't need anyone to guide him out. Upon leaving the palace, he found a giant gate. Despite the vastness of the courtyard, the gate was clearly visible.

"Even if my path is paved with thorns and glass, I will never surrender. I will never abandon my identity."

With that resolve, he dashed once more towards the exit of the palace's outer courtyard, despite the cold weather and being barefoot. Even the curious glances thrown his way couldn't deter his determination.

lol, It seems I drew inspiration for this chapter from the episodes where Goku spends running along that long, winding path before returning to Earth after his training and facing Vegeta.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

sehman_lambacreators' thoughts