
Did I just awaken an overpowered ability?

In a world where Earth enjoys unprecedented peace and prosperity, wars and conflicts have become distant memories. However, beyond the veil of this utopian existence lies a hidden realm, a dimension where countless individuals known as ability users engage in unseen battles against monsters, demons, otherworldly races, and even their fellow humans. While humanity is aware of their existence, the truth about their whereabouts, nature, and identities remains shrouded in mystery. Amidst the backdrop of this hidden conflict, Raven Michell experiences a profound awakening. His once ordinary eyes now shimmer with an otherworldly hue of deep purple, a previously unseen ability that sets him apart. As the realization of his newfound power dawns, Raven is compelled to confront the enigmatic world that has long remained concealed.

killzoldik · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


"Today, we are discussing energy, how to use it, and why it's important," David began his lecture.

Energy goes by different names like mana, chi, special energy, and more, but ultimately, it's just energy that beings can harness for personal development.

To utilize it, you need a breathing technique, and then you build both your body and mind. People use this energy to create techniques and engage in combat, whether against each other or ability users.

"When individuals have perfected their minds and bodies according to their needs, they enter the next stage known as the 'zone stage,'" David continued.

The concept of the zone stage had Raven excited. Aside from his studies at the school, he was a fan of anime, manga, novels, and movies. The concept of the zone ability closely resembled "domain expansion" or "Room," similar to the devil fruit of Law.

In the zone, you could create a battlefield suited to your preferences and engage in battles.

David went on, "There are more stages, but most people don't reach them. They can be complex to understand, so we'll discuss them later."

"Teacher, is there a ranking system or a way to gauge people's power?" Lucas inquired.

"No, people may assign ranks or nicknames to those with exceptional abilities, but you can't judge your adversaries that way," David replied.

The variance in energy usage makes it impossible to discern whether you're facing a powerful wizard or a minor threat, and ability users add even more confusion.

Evaluating ability users based on their energy or aura is unreliable. You never know when you might confront someone with weak aura but the ability to conjure a massive fireball or another with a lightning power that could prove deadly even for an adult.

It's better to exercise caution and avoid engagement in battles until you've determined your enemy's capabilities.

"That's all for today. Raven, please come with me," Dave requested.

As Raven stood up and followed, he felt a sense of anticipation.


"Are you adjusting well?" David asked, reaching into his pocket for a cigarette.

Raven forced a smile. "Not really, but I find this world exciting and fun. My mind is busy discovering this new world."

David lit his cigarette and exhaled some smoke. "Take it from an old man like me, find peace in your mind first before diving into anything else. If you don't, you'll never succeed."

Raven sidelong glanced at David and sighed. "Easier said than done, Teacher," he replied.

David stopped walking and turned toward him. "Your mother was a bad person, your father disappeared years ago, your sister is a powerful individual who's always occupied and doesn't even know you're here. You have no attachments to your old life, Raven. What's done is done. You are new, a completely different person."

Then, David resumed walking.

Raven pondered what he had heard. He realized that he was essentially alone. His sister was engrossed in her own affairs, and he had no friends or family to worry about. He bore no responsibilities or future obligations. He found himself in a new place surrounded by peculiar people, with a journey into a strange world on the horizon.

Why bother about the past when he didn't even have much love for his mother?

Raven felt a sense of ease. "Thanks, Teacher," he whispered.

David smiled but didn't say more. "Do you understand something about your ability?" he asked.

"Yes, I can scan whatever I read and memorize it."

"That's good; you won't have any problems with learning then." David smiled and handed Raven a card.

"This card contains 1,000 points. You can use them to buy techniques, weapons, or anything you need. To earn more points, you'll need to complete missions," he explained.

Raven took the card and examined it. "Is this like a gift from the school?"

"No, this is from me. The school doesn't provide anything for free. Most, if not all, of the people here come from wealthy families, so we don't assist them."

Raven was surprised. "Why are you helping me, Teacher?"

David took a few moments to finish his cigarette. "Your sister and my wife are like sisters; they've worked together and known each other for a long time. This makes you like my wife's brother, so I take care of you more," he explained.

In reality, his wife would give him a hard time if he didn't look after Raven. Left to his own devices, David would probably neglect it, as he was generally indifferent to people other than his wife.

Raven smiled. "Please thank your wife in my place."

Raven headed to the treasury to make his purchases.

"What a drag, Evelyn, you must reward me for all this care. Ugh, I wish I could just retire and lead a peaceful life," David mused as he gazed at the sky.


Raven spent 750 points on acquiring the best breathing technique he could find, called "Calm Mind." It was renowned for being challenging to practice but promising great results. He took a gamble, believing that his unique eyes would aid him in mastering this difficult technique.

With 50 points, he purchased a variety of essentials: new clothing, a phone, a laptop, and training equipment. Left with 200 points, he decided to invest in a katana. Since many around him used katanas, including Luna, Ain, and Lucas, and he often observed people carrying them, he assumed it might be a cultural preference in this world.

His katana was a fine choice, a sleek black blade adorned with purple decorations.

Returning to his room, he organized all of his newly acquired belongings. He opened the technique manual and began to read, unsurprisingly finding that he could grasp its concepts almost instantly. It took him only an hour to thoroughly understand the technique, and he wasted no time in putting it into practice.

As he felt the energy in the environment flowing into his body, he found a sense of comfort and warmth, and all distracting thoughts melted away. His mind became as calm as a still lake. After two hours, he sensed a surge in his strength, yet his body ached. Raven decided to take a soothing shower before drifting off to sleep.