
Did I become an Elf?

Warning: Mature Audiences only 18+ A tragedy struck the elven race, The demon ambushed all the elven males at the shrine of the Goddess they were worshipping, except one Lawrence who was left to recuperate inside the elven village after being poisoned but died not long after. Now the goddess reincarnated Lawrence who was living 2 thousand years in future as a human and tasked him with the responsibility of populating the elven village. And prevent the future occurrence of the extermination of the elven race. This is about the journey and struggles of the last elven male who wants to turn his village into an empire.

ElvenHero · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

Red dragon (3)

Lawrence decided to target the men behind the patriarch

He activated his nature energy and controlled the trees surrounding the men to crush them. He's glowing green

"he-he is over there!" one of the men shouted





"no! The trees are moving" "Gaaarrh" "Ahhhh" "Noo!!" *help! *The men cried out





Lawrence used trees to crush the men

"bastard!" the patriarch shouted and ran towards to green light

Lawrence then deactivated his green light and flanked the patriarch. While running he's holding his whip with daggers as a whiphead

The patriarch couldn't see Lawrence because of the mist and just ran towards his previous location

Once the patriarch is running in front of him, he actively his nature energy and channelled it into his whips

He then whips it to the patriarch's left side

The patriarch stopped running once he noticed the green light at his side. And immediately faces the direction of the green light only to see 4 daggers coming at him

He tried to deflect all of them but only managed to parry three, the fourth one hit the patriarch on his abdomen. But it didn't pierce through

"you pointy-eared bastards! You killed my son I'll freeze your body and shatter you piece by piece!" suddenly the patriarch used a great deal of his stamina and froze his surroundings with ice energy. He's glowing dark blue

Even the water naturally found in the air seems to be frozen. Causing the mist to thicken

Lawrence then deactivated his nature energy, stepped back away from the patriarch and watched him frantically search for him while freezing everything around him even the trees froze

*swish* *crackle* *booom

*swish* *crackle* *boom*

*swish* *crackle* *boom*

Damn, that's the best way to waste stamina. No wonder he tried to break the barrier.

The patriarch is freezing and breaking the trees around him. Pieces of ice are scattered everywhere

Lawrence continued to watch the patriarch wasting his stamina while smiling

*swish* *crackle* *booom

*swish* *crackle* *boom*

*swish* *crackle* *boom*

You're a powerful ice mage but you didn't tell your son about it huh? Then you can tell it to your son in your next lives

"come out you pointy-eared bastard! I'll destroy this entire forest if I have to!" The patriarch shouted full of rage. While using his ice energy, he's glowing dark blue

*swish* *crackle* *boom*

*swish* *crackle* *boom*

The patriarchy is starting to look visibly tired, it's my time to shine. Literally

Lawrence tightened the hold of his whip on one hand and sword on the other hand. Then he started running towards the patriarch, he was glowing green

"You finally show yourself! Now die!" the patriarch said full of rage

The patriarch runs towards Lawrence while holding his spear with both hands and pointing it at Lawrence. He is covered with thick dark blue energy even the air around him becomes dark blue

"die bastard!" the patriarch shouted

Lawrence used his whip and tried piercing the patriarch but the ice energy surrounding him alone deflected the whip

Lawrence then uses a great amount of his energy and summons a tree in front of him and the charging patriarch but this tree is different, it's covered with nature energy. The tree is glowing green

The patriarch didn't stop and charged at the tree and tried piercing it with his spear. Both the patriarch and the spear are glowing dark blue


A loud sound vibrates similar to two metallic objects clashing with each other

"*cough* *ptooey* that the hell is that!" the patriarch coughs a little blood and spits it out his mouth. He was forced to take a few steps back

"surprise mother f*cker!" Lawrence said with a smile while stabbing his sword at the patriarch's neck

"arrhh b-as-ta"

The patriarch couldn't finish his last words as Lawrence withdrew the blade from his neck, decapitating the patriarch

"That was a good fight patriarch, thank you for the weapons," Lawrence said while getting the patriarch's spear

Lawrence then started walking towards the dragon who was still outside the barrier

Damn this red dragon. Luckily I managed to kill the patriarch if not this would all be for nothing because the patriarch would surely kill this dragon

"hello there friend, are you feeling better?" Lawrence said with a smile

The red dragons nodddd

"*sigh* if I speak this elve will probably think I'm about to attack him like those humans" the red dragon said

"Don't worry miss dragon, I can understand you" Lawrence said with a smiley

Damn she has a voice of a female huh

"so you can understand me elf?" the female red dragon asked with wide eyes

"Yes, let me heal you more then we can talk," Lawrence said with a smile

He then starts healing the red dragon

A few minutes later at dawn, while Lawrence is healing the red dragon




Is what the remaining humans heard




Is what the red dragon was saying in a panicked tone

Lawrence and the red dragon beside him looked up.

"What the hell?" Lawrence exclaimed with wide eyes

In the sky above him, there are over 20 dragons more than 100 feet long.

The flapping of their wings blew off the surrounding mist near Lawrence and the little female red dragon

"Run! The dragons are attacking us!" "They are here to avenge the little dragon we killed" "Go and inform the other nobles" "Run!" The humans who survived Lawrence's onslaught panicked

Huh? They didn't look like they were about to attack tho, and you guys didn't kill the red dragon, she's still alive you know. What's wrong with these humans, I'm getting embarrassed thinking I was one of them

Thank you for reading this chapter! ^_^

ElvenHerocreators' thoughts