
Did I become an Elf?

Warning: Mature Audiences only 18+ A tragedy struck the elven race, The demon ambushed all the elven males at the shrine of the Goddess they were worshipping, except one Lawrence who was left to recuperate inside the elven village after being poisoned but died not long after. Now the goddess reincarnated Lawrence who was living 2 thousand years in future as a human and tasked him with the responsibility of populating the elven village. And prevent the future occurrence of the extermination of the elven race. This is about the journey and struggles of the last elven male who wants to turn his village into an empire.

ElvenHero · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs


After eating breakfast, Claren, Miraen, and Karina all said goodbye and returned home.

"Dear, may I ask what you do during the day?" Lawrence asked Freya

"I fetch water for us, pick up some fruits and root crops at the village farm then return home. Sometimes go out and meet my mother and sister"

"That's it huh" Lawrence smiled awkwardly

After talking to the four elves, I found out that these elves do nothing every day. Aside from picking up food and water. The village also does not have a single warrior, all of them are just leeches that eat drink and sleep throughout the day.

If a single demon managed to enter the village, all of them would be dead for sure.

As for this shabby-looking house and the barely passable furniture inside it. I found out that I together with Freya made all of it. It's what newly married couples do. They build their own home.

How creative huh i have the power of all the elements except dark and all I did was tie up some fallen branches with vines or roots for furniture

"Everyone come to the world tree!"

Voice amplifier using mana! She's a mage

"who's that dear?" Lawrence asked

"it's the village chieftess, we should go dear. The men might be back" Freya answered

"alright let's go and meet the village chieftess and the men that just returned"

They surely returned but in pieces.

A few minutes later, everyone is gathered below the world tree including the elven settlements outside the village. Lawrence and Freya saw Claren, Miraen, and Karina so they approached them.


"It seems like there's something wrong" Freya remarked

"yeah the village chief looks terrified of something"

Even with that look, the village chieftess is still a beauty. About 173cm tall. She has brown hair and a curvaceous body with tight abs. Her tits are huge probably a D-cup or F-cup, I can even see most of her brown public hair even from afar those leaves covering her surely aren't doing their job.

Her face is the same as most of the elves. It's just so beautiful that not even a single woman from the human kingdoms can compare to a single elf around me.

"I'm scared brother, hold my hand"

"Sure sister Claren" Lawrence holds Clarens hands.

"I have grave news for everyone, as the village chief I'm deeply sorry to say this. I have failed you all. During the prayer of our males at the shrine of goddess Esmeralda, they were attacked by beasts and died. All of them old, young, even the children and the infants were killed or eaten. As your village chief, I am sorry. I have failed you all". The village chieftess said with a heavy heart


A few moments later as Lawrence looked around, he could see and hear a lot of elves crying, some were even shouting, some were just passed out from sorrow, some were hugging each other for comfort and some just stared blankly with lifeless eyes.

Most of the elves around him lost their loved ones, some lost their parents, some lost their siblings, some lost their lovers, and some lost their children.

Lawrence starts to feel the weight of the responsibility tasked to him by the goddess Esmeralda. He realises that this is not just about him getting under someone's pants, because this is about the fate of an entire race. The fate that only he, the last elven male can change


Even though I already know what happened, it still affects me after seeing all of these elves who look so devastated.

Hm I feel like someone is looking at me

Lawrence looked up and he saw the village chief staring back at him

"You there, who are you?" the village chieftess asked using a commanding tone.

"I am Lawrence Chieftess, son of Karina and husband of Freya" Lawrence answered respectfully.

Damm she seems strong, I thought there were no warriors in the village, but she seemed as strong as me back then. Tho it isn't much. She's still more powerful than me right now. My little wife is probably a useless source of information, I'll spank her ass later when we got home. I should talk around to someone more reliable maybe I should look for Amelia, she seemed informed about the village. Like a city government official back in the kingdom since she's the healer and has been handling all the herbs.

Freya and Karina hold Lawrence's hands tightly

"Follow me inside my house Lawrence son of Karina and husband of Freya. I need to talk to you about something important" The village chieftess said

"Yes chieftess" Lawrence answered respectfully.

"Don't worry darling, Mom and my sisters. I'll see you later once I'm done talking to the village chieftess".


Damn her ass is huge. I mean those leaves don't cover anything. Might as well remove them. She is probably the curviest elven woman I have seen till now. I can even see her slit. I hope she's a milf that has a daughter that looks just like her.

As Lawrence entered the house, it surprised him. Inside the house, there are no wooden furnitures instead everything is made of leaves. The outside of the chieftess's house is also made from sticks and some trunks with vines and roots that hold them together. But the inside looks like a garbage dump, there are tree leaves and branches scattered everywhere.

"Sit" the chieftess commanded.

Sit where woman? This looks like a garbage dump, I'll probably get bitten by a snake the moment I sit down.

*sigh* Lawrence signed as he sat down.

As Lawrence sat down the village chieftess also sat down

"tell me Lawrence why didn't you join the other elven males? Did you know what's about to happen?" the village chieftess asks Lawrence with narrowed eyes.

"chieftess, how can I know that? When I was on my way to the shrine, I found a colourful mushroom and ate it. I got poisoned and almost died. I was sent back to the village and healer Amelia healed me." well I technically died

"Yeah I know I'm just confirming it. Amelia already told me about you, do you know that after searching for a day, the search party couldn't find a single man alive? You are the last surviving male elf"

"Yes chieftess I already heard you earlier. But I still couldn't believe it"

"I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation Lawrence most elven couples only have about 1-3 children. Do you think it will be enough for our species to survive?"

"No chieftess, is there anything I can do?, as the last elven male, I am willing to sacrifice myself for it" Just please don't tie me up at some wooden bed and have the willing elven woman hump on me, I'm not a fan of reverse g*ngbang

*sigh.* the village chieftess sigh

"There is one thing you can do, you need to form a child with as many as elven women that you can. Of course, I will help you convince them. The survival of our species relies on you"

F*ck yeah! finally, this is it. The start of my journey of having the biggest harem i mean to become the elven hero.

One woman at a time Lawrence, one woman at a time.