
Dictator with a Badass System

Have you ever thought about having a cool system at your disposal? What would you do if you were a Dictator who suddenly transmigrated to a completely new world with a system? Would you use the system to take over the new world or destroy the world altogether to get stronger? This is a story of the most powerful and ruthless Dictator on earth who took over the body of a young noble who died humiliated, betrayed, and broken. If you are expecting a harem, beta MC who has a soft spot for young ladies, please turn back. This is not for you. But if you crave something new, something fresh and not a cliché young master but an Alpha MC who wouldn't blink an eye to kill anyone regardless of their gender and age, you won’t regret reading the novel. Join the journey of Hunter from being the Dictator to the most feared Crime Lord in a fantasy world!!! WELCOME TO THE CRIMINAL EMPIRE BUILDING CLASS Schedule : Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

don_offl · Ação
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50 Chs

Secret passage to Bellburn city

Hunter, Kolvar, and Thrud rode their horses to the shacks outside the city walls. The closer they got, the more the air reeked of piss and shit. This strong stench reminded Hunter that this world wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. The people stared at them with both curiosity and hostility. Judging by the look in their eyes, Hunter could tell these slum people weren't fans of the rich nobles. Since Hunter was on a horse, they naturally thought of him as a noble.

"Just ignore them boss," said Thrud. Hunter let Thrud lead the way to the person called Octagon. Hunter felt grateful he didn't have to step on the ground. He doubted the people would be hygienic and intelligent enough to differentiate between toilers and paths. Case in point, Hunter saw a young boy shitting on the path not far from Hunter.

Hunter turned his gaze toward the shacks they called home. These made the slum houses look like palaces. They just put four sticks into the ground and covered the structure with fur, big leaves, and barks. Some of the girls threw a seductive smile at Hunter, revealing their dirty teeth.

"You wanna tap one of those Kolvi?" Hunter chuckled.

"Eww. don't be gross," Kolvar rolled his eyes.

Hunter followed Thrud, zig-zagging through the houses until they reached a house covered with gray fur and dried leaves. This one looked a bit better than the rest of the houses. A man flanked the entrance with a dagger dangling around his waist. Seeing the three of them on horses, the man frowned.

"Is Octagon home?" Thrud asked.

"Who is asking?" the man asked in a raspy voice.

Thrud slowly took off his hood, revealing his face.

"Thrud?" the man's body loosened up.

"Hello, Nirdan," Thrud greeted the man with an expressionless face. He unmounted his horse and so did Hunter and Kolvar.

"Why are you looking for Octagon?" asked Nirdan.

"Business. Can we talk inside?"

Nirdan looked at Hunter and Kolvar from top to bottom. When he noticed Kolvar's pale complexion and pointy ears under the cloak, Nirdan spat. Kolvar didn't react as he was used to the hate. However, Hunter wanted to take out his dagger and increase the number of holes in Nirdan's body. Fortunately for Nirdan, Hunter chose not to cause a scene yet.

"What's up with the new faces? You know Octagon doesn't deal with new faces, especially with pointy ears," Nirdan snickered.

Thrud was about to respond when Hunter placed his hand on his shoulder. Hunter stepped forward.

"Here's the deal. I have a business proposition for your boss. I don't know him, but I bet he doesn't refuse coins. So you can let us in and make him a happier and richer person or turn us away and explain to your boss why you stopped him from getting paid. You have five seconds to decide," Hunter slowly said.

The cold glimmer in Hunter's eyes freaked out Nirdan. Moreover, he really turned around to leave the tent.

"Wait," Nirdan stopped them as Hunter expected. Kolvar was surprised at how Hunter gained the upper hand without breaking a sweat.

"Octagon is not home. You can wait inside. He'd be here in five or ten minutes," said Nordan. Hunter's cold look disappeared instantly. Instead, Hunter smiled at Nirdan warmly.

"That's more likely. Here's something for your hospitality," Hunter took out an astral coin and placed it in Nirdan's hand. Hunter's gesture caught Nirdan off guard. All the frustration and hatred in Nirdan's eyes faded away at the sight of the sparkling astral coin.

"Thrud, stay with the horses until Octagon arrives," said Hunter.

"Yes, boss," said Thrud. When Nrdan heard Thrud call Hunter as boss, it broke his focus on the coin. Plus, it made Nordan wonder what happened to Maxwell, who was Thrud's boss.

Hunter and Kolvar entered the tent. It was just as dirty and shabby inside as it was outside. At least, Octagon had a couple of piles of leaves in a sack that he used as chairs. They reminded Hunter of bean bags back on earth. But they were not where near as comfortable as the bean bags. Hunter did not complain because he was not here to sit but to conduct business.

"You have to stop giving astral coins like candies man," Kolvar whispered to Hunter.

"I know it has pros and cons, Kolvar. Don't worry about it. I got this," said Hunter. He planned to stop giving out astral coins after establishing himself in Bellburn city. Until he could do so, he needed to rely on people. What could motivate and earn the support of the people more than money? Hunter knew that currency might change but the value of money didn't.

They waited for Octagon for a couple of minutes. Finally, someone entered the tent. Contrary to their expectation, it was a woman who entered the tent. This woman had short, greasy brown hair and was large. Hunter smelled something strange and odd after she entered the tent. He ignored the nauseating smell as she sat before them on the chair. The wooden chair creaked, threatening to break apart because of her weight.

Following the woman, Thrud entered the tent.

"I heard Octagon is a man," said Hunter.

The woman snickered.

"Name is Zuri, and you will deal with me, not with Octagon. Here's the thing," the woman named Zuri leaned forward,

"Octagon don't know you. He doesn't do business with new faces. But I am here to hear you out because of Thrud," Zuri glanced at Thrud,

"So cut to the chase and tell me what business opportunity you have for Octagon?" asked Zuri.

Hunter took a deep breath. It seemed to him he had no choice but to deal with this woman. Hunter kinda felt annoyed by this Octagon person. He just wanted to get inside the city without being searched. Thrud said Octagon was the only person who could get him inside the city walls without alerting the guards. However, this OCtagon person made this task look like war preparation.

Despite everything, Hunter remained calm because he was the one who needed Octagon's help the most.

"I need a way inside the city," said Hunter.

"Why don't you try the main gate in the north and the second gate at the west of the city walls?" asked Zuri as though she didn't know the meaning of Hunter's words. Hunter leaned forward,

"I need to get inside without alerting the guards or anyone," said Hunter.

"Why the secrecy?" asked Zuri.

"That's not for you to know. Can you help us or not? Don't waste my time with all the secrecy bullshit," said Hunter. He was slowly losing his patience to deal with them.

"Slow your horse, dude. How can we believe you are not a soldier in disguise?"

Hunter sighed. The frustration in his heart became visible on his face. Hunter raised his hand,

"Let me show you something," Hunter slowly moved his hand into his pocket. Under Zuri's curious gaze, he pulled out a handful of devil's buttons.

"Does a soldier have this?" Hunter asked Zuri. For a few moments, Zuri was surprised. She was lost for words.

"Now you know why I want to get inside the city without being searched by the soldiers," said Hunter.

"I might be able to help you, but it will cost you," said Zuri. Finally, Hunter smiled.

"Name your price,"

"Hundred astral coins," Zuri's words startled Thrud and Kolvar. The price was simply outrageous. She showed their desperation and raised the price. After seeing the devil's buttons, she knew they couldn't get inside the city through the main gates without being detained by the soldiers. Getting caught with devil's buttons would send them directly to the dungeons.

"Fifty now and fifty after you safely reach inside the city walls," said Zuri.

Judging by the look on Kolvar and Thrud's face, Hunter could tell she was asking an outrageous price. Unfortunately, he had no choice but to look for another way inside the city walls. Without Zuri's help, he wouldn't be able to get inside. Hence, Hunter decided to pay her. However, he etched everything in his mind. He swore to himself he would make Octagon and Zuri pay double the price in the future.

Hunter pulled out the pouch in his pocket and retrieved fifty coins. Zuri's face lit up, seeing the coins as if someone had put a candle inside her head. Hunter poured down the coins onto her hands. She counted them one by one for another three or four minutes. Eventually, she finished counting and looked at Hunter. This time, her face had a smile.

"When do we depart?" asked Zuri. She put the coins into a punch and tied it on her waist,

"What about now?"

"Works for me," Zuri rose up as the chair creaked. She walked out of the tent as Hunter followed her behind.

"You cannot take your horses with you," said Zuri, looking at the horses.

"They can stay here, right? I'll be back for the horses later," said Hunter.

"It's cool with me," said Zuri. Hunter glanced at Thrud and Kolvar, wordlessly telling them to take the sacks filled with devil's buttons. Zuri's eyes glistened with strange interest when her gaze fell on the sacks. She quickly moved her gaze away when Hunter looked at her.

"Follow me," Zuri led them away from Octagon's camp. Hunter kept the devil's cry closer to his chest in case Zuri did something funny. Hunter followed Zuri behind until they put the slum houses behind them. They got closer and closer to the city walls. Hunter noticed a dirty stream running between them and the city walls. The water in the stream seemed murky and sluggish. He crossed the stream with a single jump.

"Wait," suddenly, Zuri stopped them.

"Archer, look above," Zuri pointed at the soldier with a long bow strapped behind him, patrolling the city walls atop.

"Move behind that bush, quick," Zuri rushed them as they all ran behind the bush to hide.

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Check out my new stories connected to the DBS universe; Anti Hero With a Legendary System and Hitman with a Badass System. The links are in the synopsis.

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