
Dice Heart

Announcement: Sorry, I'll start publishing new chapters next week. I'm a bit sick as of now and can't write new chapters. Rowan is a teenager who has always dreamed of adventuring beyond the shores of his home island, holding the little Embers of his dreams close to his heart, Embers his father wants dead because of his own beliefs and of course 'experience'. Just when Rowan's dreams were about to die off, Rowan woke up on board a ship with news about his island that leaves Rowan battling between himself, a battle between his guilt and his adventurous side. But one thing is for certain whatever side wins the battle, Rowan is sailing straight into a world he has only ever heard stories of, and even the stories do no justice to it. Follow the adventures of Rowan and see where the winds take him. A New Take on System fantasy or Litrpg. A dice-based system where everything is based on luck, this is meant for all system lovers add this book to your library if you love systems books and want something new. ********** 3 Chapters/ Week [I don't have much time to write and don't want to burn myself out] This book is not like most webnovels and will take more chapters before shit starts happening.

Lavardemon_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Duel Of The Fused

'The Mana Orb was first created by a witch during the age of war.

The witch had created it as a method to increase the amount of mana she could use back then. But When the witches of present found the object they tried to find a way it could work for us who do not have mana to connect with it that was when they created the fuse a mana device which was also a remake of something from the age of war, the fuse helps connect the mana orb to a soul giving the ability to controlled it but then another problem arised the mana could not be used the way it had been used back in the age of war because back then mages had manipulated chaos and order to get results but now the chaos and order have been used to seal the sun god in the hue-less sun.

So that was when they turned to the only things who still used something similar to magic in the age of war the beast that was how the dice Heart was discovered and with it the dice where discovered as well and then they tried to put it into the human body and it was a success.

This story i had just told ye was somethingthat took the witches almost a hundred years to figure out. Presently they have made so much progress that people can even use traits from the mana beasts down from more kin ears down to high regenerative abilities.' Abara had explained.

Rowan had always had questions of how those men in stories did what they did but he didn't think too much of it but now he knew and he wanted his hands on it. Not only that but it seems nearly every one has this dice Heart in the two continents.

When he got there bones and the captain where having a similar argument they had last night.

"Cap'n, ye know I could have won, that little dance if it wasn't for me eye that couldn't help catching a beauty." Bones argued somehow making the words seem serious.

"Ye'r the timberhead always talking about never getting distracted in battle. Bah, don't even think about lying Bones." The cap'n said matter of factly and Rowan couldn't argue with the captain, even when bones was drunk last night he was quoting the worries oath and could never shut up about his swords and sincerity.' A heavy mind is a heavy sword' he had said looking straight at Rowan.

"Aye, aye. I hear ya, I just thought she was danger that all, I've never seen a beauty like that in the Grays before don't blame me for lossing focus, ahh… if only cap'n was standing at my place." He said with a sigh obviously acting over dramatic.

Rowan looked around the man, stood near Abara he look fustrated, from they're stories he was the on that separated fight and not the one who got into them.

He walked to the middle of the main deck then stood looking at Bones tiredly. Bones soon joined him.

"The Challenged makes the call, Roll or no Roll, Weapon or no weapon, External condition or not?" Bones asked by now only they're two still talked.

The captain, Sharp and Abara where now standing to one side Rowan soon joined them.

"I'm gonna challenge both of them after this to full fused Duel." the captain whispered to Abara and sharp

"Don't be foolish. Bones will skin ye alive, and Buker. I know ye know this but in case ye forgot, Bones fused powers are dangerous Jay, I'm not looking forward to new patient." She said to the captain as voice not as calm has her words.she even sound like she wanted him to do it.

"Aye, I'm gonna do it." The captain jay said smiling like he was planning something spectacular in his mind or rather imagining something.

"I call on one roll, and weapons shall be allowed and traits not extra conditions, trait." Bucker said slowly like he was weighing his option the man was calculative. Rowan remembered that when he teased bones last night ne was drunk he would have probably not done that if he was sober, and the man had even held his tounge for the rest of the night.

"Accepted." Bones said.

As bones said those words he dashed forward his left hand stretched side ways and his sword scattered into darkness which drew a lot of attention in the morning light and the next instant the sword was in his left hand he brought the sword above his head and drew it half way just in time to block Bucker who his fingers had grown ten or more inches out and they where Blood red blade's.

They both shot backward a moment later.

"One roll." They both said a moment later and they're mana orbs uncloaked they're self, Bones Mana Orb seemed to suck in all the light around them, while Buckers seem to be a glowing red liquid.

The next moment Bones smiled, and Bucker grimaced. A red shield formed in front of him no doubt that wasn't what he was hoping for, while many dark blades started Forming In the sky near bones the blades where half drawn like bones balde.

Bones drew his sword so quickly that Rowan's eyes couldn't follow and the next instant all the blades where cutting through air as they flow with the force of a hawk hunting it's pray towards Bucker. Bucker didn't stand still he dodged and parried with both his shield and his fingers. But Bones wasn't standing still, Bones ran straight at Bucker, just behind one of the black blades that was heading straight at Bucker.

Bucker dodged the blade instead of deflecting it and the blade did not vanish like the others it flew back into the sky and stayed there but Bucker didn't notice it, after all how could he when Bones had almost destroyed the shield protecting him. Bones was pushed back once by Bucker and the man dashed forward hoping to finish it of but Bones had already finished the battle with out him knowing the dark blades was dashing towards Bucker, who only noticed after it was a fingers length from him.

The man just raised his hand in defeat and the balde burst out of existence

"Fucking shield, I knew I should have never added it to this dice." Bucker said in quiet anger.

"Nice duel Bucker," Bones said with a grin. "I think i should take ye more seriously."

"I challenge both of ye to another due…" Captain Jay trailed of as a Golden mist suddenly covered the whole sea.

"The Golden Lords Domain." The captain said and everybody tensed up.