

passio met with an accident while traveling with his father and sister but wakes up to find that he has been summoned to another world now he sets off on a journey to find a way to return to his previous world

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4 Chs


The sound of rushing crowds and a beautiful starry sky on Christmas eve am I gonna die like this, my consciousness is fading will I ever be able to show this to them, first of all, are they still alive, damn it when I thought everything was going smooth this accident it has ruined everything.

Why is it so bright here, my pain has gone numb now is it because I've lost a lot of blood, but these blinding lights are bothering me will you at least let me rest peacefully, now then what are my regrets,... there is no point in worrying now anyways good bye Sora, goodbye dad goodbye to this beautiful world which I couldn't see clearly, my last wish is that you guys should make it out of this accident.

***Hea...was...it...succe...*** what is this I am still able to hear voices, did they save me but there was no way it crashed straight onto my face, so definitely those 2 who sat in the back must've survived right.

*** It was a success my lord*** uhhh what is this where am I and what is this lord and stuff I am hearing ***The hero who answered our summoning please open your eyes his Highness is here*** "His Highness huhh where the hell am I now, just you wait, I'll report you, abductors, to the police" what is this place, so different, wait I can see clearly.

*PASSIO opened his eyes to see a clear world for the first time in 17 years, tears flowed from his eyes "is this... is this.... what the world looks like" all of his confusion was overflown by the happiness that he was able to see the world, at last, he didn't utter a word but was shouting inside with joy because that was the most wonderful moment in his life*.

***I am the Head priest and the man standing in front of you is the king of the great nation Mentior Elisium, Rex Mentior*** "why am I naked you perverts I'm gonna call the police now " the fact I could see clearly froze me now, what is the situation I'm in, it looks like these people aren't just con artists because their tone is not trying fake the accent looks like I was summoned here as a hero would they want me to help them fight a demon lord or something, for now, I must play along.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness I'm Passio could I know why I've been summoned here without my permission and I want to be sent back immediately" "Oh don't be so hasty about returning my friend passio you see we kind of got a little situation here that could only be solved by you, that's what the head priest said anyway".

"don't be ridiculous I want to get back I want to see my family their lives are at risk right now so let me back now", "that's a bit difficult I suppose considering that there is no spell to de-summon someone, ahh this is why I objected to the idea of summoning ", "Isn't there no other way, no no no no I want to get back there I wa-n-t t-o go back I want to see them alive, I want to show them that I finally won something in my life I...I... wanted to show them that I could do things fine even without their help"

"Now now I can see that you are very desperate for now calm down put these on, we will find a way to go back I can understand your feelings but for now take some rest, Cellarius take my friend to his room ", "yes sire"

I've to calm down, for now, I knew this would be their reply because even if they had a way to go back they wouldn't just tell me until they had their goal fulfilled by me, but I didn't expect a king of my age administering the whole kingdom oof some crazy things have happened today ill soon have to fulfill their goal and find a way to return I hope they'll be waiting alive for me to return, "I wish all of this would end soon"

This is my first time writing a novel if you have any suggestions or have spotted a mistake please comment it, I hope you all liked the first chapter of my novel


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