
Diary of the Former World’s #1 Raising a Minor Character to the Peak

He never performed well in either middle nor high school, and even after becoming an adult, he never worked. Be it morning, noon or night, he only played an online game. For him, being the world’s number one rank, playing that online game, was his very reason for living. One day, his account was hacked and his character deleted. Restoration was impossible. Nothing that could be done. The number 1 rank that he literally spent his life to attain and to defend was now lost. Filled with despair he was given another chance When he opened his eyes again, there was the online game. No, the world itself looked similar to the game. He had been reborn as the extra character of the premium avatar he created in the past, but left untouched. The former world’s top, was reborn in a world that looked like that online game. That was the beginning of his extraordinary legend.

Manoftrueculture · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
161 Chs

136 Lending a sword for a real treasure

"Land of the Eight Swords... it's the first time I've heard of it."

"What a coincidence. Me too."

 Yukari and I have never heard of this country. Really suspicious.

 However, the faces of the men in kimono in front of me were quite serious.

 ...Hmmm, I'm curious. Okay, let's hear it directly from them.

"Hey, is this the birthplace of sword-drawing? "

"Correct. Sword-drawing was born here and flourished ever since! "

"No, it hasn't flourished at all on the mainland."

"Isn't that obvious!? "

"Well, even if you call it obvious..."

"I have no duty to explain it to strangers like you! "

 Nope, these guys can't even communicate.

 Even as I said this, the men were leaning toward us with their hands on the katana at their waists.

 No questions asked, huh?

"If you're going to do that, I'm going to have to use some kind of magic."

 I stepped forward as I said it, and the men opened their mouths without backing off.

"Don't think that the same move will work twice! "

"We are Samurai! It is our duty to protect this land! "

"I will put the name of the Daikoku-style on the line to defeat you! "

 Hey, hold on a second.

 When it comes time to start a fight, don't use such an intriguing string of words.

"――That's enough! "

 Immediately after.

 A voice came unexpectedly from behind the men.

 It was the voice of a young woman.

"...You! "

"The Tobatsu-style…! "

"Do you want to get in our way?" "

 As soon as the men turned around and saw the woman, they turned hostile.

 The woman, on the other hand, did not lose her dignity.

"They are my guests. I'd appreciate it if you'd stay out of my way."

"What do you mean? They are obviously outsiders! "

"Shut up, loser. Or are you saying that you want to have a fight with me here? "

"...Tch...! "

 A brief staring contest ensued... and then, the men quietly removed their hands from their katana.

"We'll remember this, Akaneko."

"I will report this matter to Toukichirou-sama."

"Yes, that you are sheltering an outsider."

 Each of them said a few words of resignation and left the harbor.

 The three people left there were me, Yukari, and a girl called Akaneko.

"You saved us."

 After a brief thank-you, Akaneko spun around. Her long, slender black hair, tied in a ponytail, danced softly in the wind.

"Don't get me wrong. I don't like useless killing, so I stopped them. Now leave this land immediately."

 What an unapproachable statement.

 I wondered what to do and decided to ask a question to get the conversation started for now.

"Who is this Toukichirou? "

"You don't need to know."

"What is the Daikoku-style or the Tobatsu-style? "

"I said, go home."

"What kind of people are the Samurai? "

"Again. Go home."

 Just when I was about to give up, Yukari next to me suddenly opened her mouth.

"One would expect that Daikoku-style and Tobatsu-style are the sword-drawing styles in this Land of the Eight Swords. Also, the one named Toukichirou whom the men said they would report to. From the way they said it, he is probably the head of the Daikoku-style school."

 The schools of [Sword-drawing]! I see, that was a blind spot. Oh, I see…schools. That's the kind of environment that is created when a game becomes reality. I couldn't imagine it because the only school that existed in Mobius was the joke type of school, 『Okan style』.

"And then there are samurai. There are several schools in this Land of the Eight Swords, and I believe that only by training in sword-drawing as a student of one of these schools will one be able to handle a katana. Those who are allowed to wield a katana after such rigorous training are called Samurai. Hence, it is kept from the public. Sword-drawing is not allowed to be spread outside of the island, and the techniques are kept secret except from the students at the various schools. In other words, a very closed off island... Or so I have surmised."

 ――At that moment, Akaneko's expression froze.

"I see that... so it is now known."

"I was just guessing, but you unexpectedly answered the question, didn't you? "

"If that's the case, I can't let you go home alive."

"――shiiiin! "


 A fast movement and a drawn sword that moved so fast that it was right in front of you in the blink of an eye, just like a flash of light.

 As soon as Akaneko finished speaking, she launched a "Knight Sword-drawing" attack.

 From a state of complete calmness, with no killing intent, no feelings of anything, not even a preliminary movement of any kind.

 She took a stance, grabbed the mouth of the sword sheath, activated her skill, and pulled it out. The technique with which she did everything in an instant was truly that of a master.

"Wha…! "

 She must have had a great deal of confidence.

 In fact, she was quite skilled. She was well within the level of the title contenders in this world.

 That is precisely why she broke her dignified face and showed a look of astonishment.

"It's a nice katana. Do you take care of it every day? "

"Wh-what are you saying…no, what did you do!? "

 Knocked back, she raised her voice.

 Well, that would be hard to accept. She was prevented from doing her best iai by a mere plate.

 No, I don't think she even realized it yet. Maybe she misunderstood that I did something with my hands empty.

 In the time it took for her to ready herself, grab the mouth of the sword sheath, activate the "Knight sword-drawing" skill, pull it out, and slash at me, I took a plate from my inventory, equipped it, activated "Soldier's Shield Arts", eyeballed the 0.037 second timing, parried, removed the plate from my equipment, and put it back in my inventory.

 She did not understand it instantly. That's all.

"I've changed my mind."

 I mutter to no one in particular.

 Originally, I traveled to this Island of the eight swords to obtain a katana. Once here, I can come and go as much as I want using Anko's transfer summons. Therefore, I was going to leave immediately without being told to do so.

 ...But that's the thing. The people of this island betrayed my expectations, in a good way.

 Is there a school for the mere skill of [sword-drawing]? A person who holds a katana and uses [sword-drawing] is called a Samurai? A hidden technique that is not available outside of the country's gates? A closed island nation?

 Sounds really, really interesting, doesn't it?!

 And the best part is her, Akaneko.

 She is quite young by the looks of it. About 17 years old. I didn't know such a girl could be so strong.

 She then tried to slay a stranger, a man and a woman, in a split-second decision for the sole purpose of "keeping the information inside the island from getting out." And without any hesitation at all.

 How does one grow up this way?

 This is clearly an odd environment. A foreign culture.

"...Why are you smiling...?"

 Whoops, I guess I had a big grin on my face.

 However, the corners of my mouth never came back down. Because I could sense the smell of a strong person, and my heart was beating with excitement at the thought of this.


"I'm sorry, but I think I'm going to stay here for a while."

"...It can't be helped, I guess. Well, it always happens."


 I broke the silence by saying a few words to Yukari and turning to Akaneko.

"Akaneko. Show me around the island."

"What a stupid thing to say."

"I'm serious. I came to this island to learn sword-drawing."


 Akaneko kept her mouth shut and showed a thoughtful stance.

 However, her expression remained strained.

 Do you think I should be a little more forceful here?

"Maybe the Tobatsu-style for now? I'd like to take a look at the dojo."

"No, don't be absurd. If you had heard the woman's deductions, you would know. I don't want Kenshin-sama to know that I brought you to the island. If you would just shut up and leave here, there would be no problem."

"Kenshin? "

"...The head of the Tobatsu-style school. My father. Would the name Kenshin Bishamon convey the message? "

"Hoo! "

 The current Bishamon. A title holder?

"So, your father is the most powerful samurai on the island? "

"I can't say for sure. But practically he is the strongest."

"Ohh! "

 It's an unexpected meeting. My expectations are slowly rising.

"Now I want to see him even more. But first, I need to learn sword-drawing..."

"Nonsense. It's not that easy to learn."

 Oh, good, good, she took the bait. This will be a good starting point for negotiations.

"That's right. At least if I had a katana."

"...you, maybe."

"Yeah, I already know. Iron sand, tamahagane, katanas. And all the different ways to learn sword-drawing."

"...After all, I must kill you here."

"Well wait. Come, Anko."

"――Yes, My Lord. Anko is here."

"! ? "

 I sneakily used "Monster Summoning" and made Anko appear from behind Akaneko.

 Akaneko's eyes widened, and her body stiffened. It's a common sight. This is what happens to everyone who sees Anko for the first time. Biologically, instinctively, after a single moment, you subconsciously realize, "I'm no match for this monster," and every cell in your body becomes terrified.

"Take Yukari home."

"As you wish."

 When I instructed Anko, she bowed with a smile on her face and disappeared with Yukari.

 Where on earth did they disappear to? Akaneko would be thinking desperately, but there would be no answer.

"Look, they got away. An outsider who has learned the secret. What will you do? "

"...No. This doesn't mean they've escaped yet. There must be some kind of gimmick to it."

"No. They ran away. Out of the island. You can't catch them now. And then I'll be running away, too."


"And when I get back to the mainland, let's see. Let's spread the word on how to Manufacture Katanas for starters. I would like to add that Akaneko-san of the Tobatsu-style school taught me that."

"You! What do you think will happen if you do something like that? "

 Well, Akaneko will be banished from the island, not just the village. If things go badly, she will be killed.

 So, there it is.

"Wanna make a bet? "

"Are you threatening me?"

"That's wrong. In a way, it's a request."

"...Say it."

"I have a week from today to learn all the sword-drawing skills. So, lend me your katana."

 It's a short-term game. Since I have come to the Island of the eight swords, I can collect iron sand any time I want. With that said, I aim to shorten the time even further.

 In other words, I decided to put off the "Manufacture" of the katana and equip myself with someone else's katana for the time being to learn all the [sword-drawing] skills.

"I can't. There's no guarantee that you'll come back."

"If you lend me your katana, I will leave you something that I value as much as you value that katana."

"...That arrow is…"

"The Arrow of Bonds. If this is paired with a bow, an infinite number of arrows can be shot. It was given to me when I cured the blind archer Alfredo's eyes, and it's my treasure."


You're wavering, Akaneko.

 Of course, you would be hesitant. An infinite arrow, for example, is honestly worth many times more than a katana.

 In addition, the bets. I am sure she thinks so, that it is impossible to learn all the [sword-drawing] skills in a week.

 Especially "Dragon Horse sword-drawing"and "Dragon King sword-drawing". These two learning methods are different and more cumbersome than the Dragon Horse and Dragon King in other skills.

 Well, to tell you the truth, there is a "shortcut technique" that has been developed by tens of thousands of players who have shared a vast amount of information, tried and tested, and after much research and study, came up with the idea of how to make the tedious process easier and shorter in efficiency... The only thing I can say is that there is a "shortcut technique" that has been developed through trial and error and research after research after research.

 If you don't know, there is no way to possibly find out. One cannot even imagine. It is next to impossible for a single person to reach the crystallization of knowledge accumulated by tens of thousands of people working together.

"...So, what's the bet?"

 See, she bit.

 Akaneko had a slightly exasperated look on her face, urging me to speak.

If I can learn it in a week, you will show me around the island. If I can't learn it, I'll be your slave until the day I die."

"...A slave, not bad. It gets cold this time of year, so I shall have you warm my footwear in your bosom."

"I hope you're ready to put on a miniskirt, too. "

"W-Why is that so? "

"A tour guide is supposed to wear a mini-skirt."

"You're a real scoundrel, aren't you...?"

 Akaneko was taken aback but offered me the katana at her waist.

 We exchanged the Arrow of Bonds and the katana, and faced each other again.

"Then, one week later. See you back here at this time."

"Understood. I can't wait to see what face you'll make when you get here."

"Maybe something like this?"

"Hmfp, stop! Are you trying to make me laugh!? I mean, what's with that face? "

"I have a cat at home who loves to stare at me. I'm studying hard every day."

"Don't talk nonsense! Get going! "

"Yeah, yeah."

 Fluttering and waving my hand, I sent a communication to Yukari requesting a meeting.

 On my waist was the katana I borrowed from Akaneko.

 ...Now, it's time to learn [sword-drawing].

Hello everyone I hope you are loving the story so far. I am doing all the translations myself so I would love your support on patreon. The more you support the faster I can translate :)


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