
Diary Of My Life In Highschool

The start of highschool is a new beginning for me and I can't wait to take the first step. Many highschool graduates have told me stories about highschool, one of them being that highschool is a place where crushes are made where we experience first love and of course love fight, be it struggle for one girl of struggle for one boy. Well mum had once told me that highschool is a place where irrelevant posts are given such as school belle, school hottie, queen bee and so on. That was the thought that brought me out of my room and couldn't help but think of how my own highschool story will be, but then in all of that I don't wish for any heart break, I mean my heart is way too weak to love someone and then suffer a heart break afterwards well I...      "Happy first day in highschool sweetie" mum said as she headed towards me with her protruded stomach.     "Thanks mum, can't help but feel nervous of what today holds" I said as I hugged her     "Oh don't be dear, I know it will be fun filled"    "Thanks mum" I said and was about to sit and have my break fast when dad came towards me while holding my ear pod and said     "You forgot this"    "Dad were you in my music room again?" I asked while collecting the ear pod    "Um I don't think that's a proper way of saying thank you"    "Dad the last time you were in my music room you broke my guitar"       "And I fixed it"     "Come on hun say thank you" mum intervened     "Fine thank you"    "You're welcome"

P8nk3ng3l · Adolescente
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29 Chs

Chapter fifteen(15)

Some minutes to 2:30 the door bell was heard

"I'll get it" i shouted half way through the stairs. Since i told everybody that olivia melvin was coming to my listening party everyone has been running around to get things ready, mum had been busy baking cookies with the chef and grandma who had come with grandpa for the listening party, i wonder why mum's parents didn't come well am sure there is a reason because they never missed any of my listening parties before, baby Alex surprisingly have been quiet, Edna and Nathan have been arranging and rearranging the sitting room, well dad and grandpa? they have done well not to disturb anybody and rather discuss in the living room Janet have been helping me choose an outfit, after much deliberation we settled for a pink handless short flair gown with a blue jacket and blue three inched heel.

As i opened the front door i was greeted by a smiling Junior

"Gosh what are you doing here?"

"You invited me to your listening party dummy" he said as he made his way past me and then to the sitting room, shutting the door i walked inside

"I mean i wasn't expecting you now, you know? You are always late" (yes he is)

"But today am not" he said and made towards dad and grandpa to greet them, then i heard the door bell again, knowing that no one else was coming i ran to the door but then it was the delivery man

"Who ordered something" i shouted but no one answered

"Sorry, but no one ordered anything are you sure its here?" Mum said walking to the door

"Yes ma'am, here there is a note" the delivery man said

"What?but i cant remember ordering anything" i said as i saw my name, but then i collected it and signed it as i walked inside i heard the door bell again but ignored it, and it rang again, being the closest to the door mum shouted

"Will you get the damn door" and i went to the door and opened it i saw a smiling Olivia Melvin

'Wow its you, welcome do come in" i said to her and she walking right in, i cant believe it. Olivia melvin in my house, am so lucky, i was brought back from my train of thoughts as Nathan and Edna ran towards us and hugged Olivia.

"Where is Jessy?, and when is the listening party starting?" Olivia asked and I about answering her but mum beat me to it

"I think she's in her music room, Mae go call her let the party begin" I went up the stairs and taking my guitar from my music room, my manager came down before me and dimmed the lights while i descended the stairs playing my guitar. While everyone turned towards me, well my manager had given me my mask and I did my signature hairstyle style(ponytail).

After I was finished with the new song it was then time for suggestions

"its wonderful, and I think this would be your biggest hit, but then I can't say its perfect, at least not yet, why not do something different this time around, I mean instead of being just singular it should be a dramatic singular, this song is like you expressing your inner thoughts on highschool, you should have a background humming it will be more spectacular" mum said

"Thanks mum"

"Yeah I think your mum is right, the humming in the background could sound like other highshoolers agreeing to your thoughts, because believe it or not every body at the beginning of highschool have this same thoughts" Dad said

"Thanks dad"

"I don't know it seems perfect to me, but that's my own idea though, what I wanted to say is that, there is this highschool series coming up and it kinda rhymes with the song, and I was thinking if you would allow us use it as a background music"

"Why not I will be honored to" I replied to Olivia. Gosh can't believe this is happening, or maybe am dreaming