

With a gorgeous bestfrriend and a hot housemate, Jennifer,an 18years old transfer student finds it hard to choose between love and friendship,her bestfriend and her housemate . Chaos start when friendship grows into a budding romance

AzuraLuna · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


Getting home Kelvi wasn't home yet I thought he went to get his self drunk so i didn't bother looking for him.i was still pissed off.I needed hot tub bath to reduce stress but I wasn't in the mood ,so I took a shower instead it helped a little.i was coming out of the shower when I got a call from chloe."hey Chloe, what's up"."i can't find jack and Kelvi" she said,her voice was shaky as if she had been crying."what do you mean?"


"i was about to leave the class that when I saw jack and Kelvi's bag on their seats.they didn't leave the school.i searched the whole school but I couldn't find them.i'm getting worried,I didn't know what to do that's why I called you~booh" Chloe explained."where are you ?"i asked"i'm at the school gate."she said."stop crying Chloe,I'll be there okay wait for me."i said then I hanged up.


I took out a simple winter hoodie ,short skirt and a long boot out of my wardrobe.i wore it quickly and dash out of the room.i informed Lilo that I would be back soon.when I got to the school gate i found Chloe squatting with her head on her knees."chloe did you find them." "No jenny."she said wiping her tears with the back of her hand.when I left Kelvi he was trying to appologize for shouting at me so....


"did you check the roof?" "No,why?" "well I think Kelvi might be there.i'll check the roof and you check the School football court, I'm hundred percent sure jack will be there.call me when you find him okay"i said rushing inside the school.i climed the stairs in twos ,i opened the door to the roof.kelvi was there ,he was sitting on of the bench.looking at the sky.


"What's so interesting in the sky that made you forget you have a home"i asked irritation vivid in my voice.he turned to look at me.the cool breeze blew his hair.my heart flustered.he was shocked to see me ."jenny! what are you doing here?"he asked he wasn't expecting me,I kinda expected that.*why would I not be here.it almost evening and you were no where to be found.Chloe called me because she couldn't find both of you."


I said sitting next to him."both of us? " "yeah,the both of you.you and jack" I said.silent elongated.i glanced to my side to look at kelvi.his dark hair shone under the sunset."i'm sorry."his voice brought my eyes to his face."why are you appologizing?."i asked.his eyes drifted to me his green eyes gleamed with guilt."for shouting at you,for blaming you,and for making you look bad.i know you only wanted to help me,but I just don't like people interferring in my personal problems."he said.


"i can understand how you might have felt when I meddled in your business.i should be the one appologizing not you.i took your meaning of friendship to the next level.i am sorry."i appologized sincerely.i had no choice but to appologize."this isn't your fault.it took me a long time before I could bring myself to trust someone.Naina was the only one I could trust at that moment.i thought she understood me but I was wrong, she's just like everyother person who want to know my problem."he said calmly.


"maybe you didn't make her understand you well.she loves you,and you love her.atleast you guys have the chance to be together."i said."what if what I feel for her isn't love."kelvi words dropped.i glanced at him.he had a serious look plastered on his face."are you being serious right now?"i gave him a skeptical look."yeah, we went into a relationship because I thought only she understands me.she said it's over "he said putting his head down."over as in over like you guys broke up "i exclaimed I couldn't believe it. Kelvi nodded. ............,.....,..........A/N :please like,share and comment, support me with votes. thanks for the support you have shown so far.