
The First Real Part 2

Someone tapped me on my back, it's my best friend Cherry. How did your exam go? I don't know really I think I'm going to flunk it. There's this boy who I keep bumping into. A boy? Oh is he cute?

Cherry said he can't date a guy while in college, I tried once to set her up with a friend of mine a guy from Church named Marv. She has her standards, tall, someone funny, and definitely not shorter than her. She is 5'8" tall, the tallest in our class. She is pretty and simple. She and I have been close from our freshman year, I was smaller than her, but I surely am not in personality. She is somewhat shy and conservative. I know girls like her coming from a small town only wants big things. I know she'll go places. One day my Church mate and her became real close. She even dated him for a while. She changed her mind not dating, I guess they really clicked. Up until my indecisiveness caught on me. That guy friend from church is also my secret love.

He is an artist, paints and made posters, slogans and stuff. I was secretly in love with him for 3 years. I saw him from when I was 16 years old. A very funny, very charming guy. He can make Donald Duck sounds with his mouth. He can play the drums and can sing. That sort of antics makes girls at church swoon over him. But I was not. I only kept it in my heart. We were close every sunday we lead the choir, every sunday school he sits with me, he always likes to play pranks on me. I saw him get dumped by the prettiest girl who attends church with her grandparents. I saw him have the longest relationship for him which was 3 years, and almost 6 months dated a cousin of another church friend, and now my best friend in College he got really busy, while I just sat there waiting. He was always there every heartache I encounter, every problems I had in school or at home he was there to listen. In total I waited for him to propose his affection for 4 years. Which never came.

Cherry asked me do you have feelings for him? I said yes but I don't want to hurt you. Jill, why didn't you tell me?. Cherry didn't talk to me for the whole of our third year. I knew I deserved it. I was not honest to her, I bet she didn't consider me a real friend at all. We just started to talk again in fourth year of College when she was having difficulties with her studies. It seemed that when someone proposed to you while waiting for so long, it might be exciting for some, or it might be not. To me I grew up already, I moved on so by the time he did, I was not really that in love with him after all. I told him if he waits for me for four years then maybe we will have a chance. But it never did. It was hard to explain, I hate explaining to people about my feelings.

While I was waiting for an email from the Rude Computer Engineering student to tell me he got his notebook back, I hanged out at the cafe where I met him yesterday. I just got my coffee when I message came in. Hi this is Sol, I never got to properly introduce myself. Hi again my name is Sol. I don't live here, i`m from the States. My mother and father immigrated from here to the US when I was 3 years old, I didn't have any friends here when I got back. So it's hard for me to explain how I react and treat people around me. My parents divorced so I'm pushed back in a corner and I chose to go back in this third world country. While i was reading his email, my thoughts of empathy and frustration got mixed up by his story. I was sad and thinking how big his ego was to talk rudely to people while he was like a helpless little kid inside. I want to understand and reach out. I replied when he thanked me for bringing back his notebook. Dear Sol, nice to meet you. I hope you can be calmer next time I see you. PS. That notebook of yours is very cool, keeping a lot of poems. I hope you don't mind me asking. How come you are telling me such personal things?. I clicked Sent.

I went to class later and he was there. I sat two rows from him so he might not see me. Since knowing his story really changed my impression of him. We were both hard at explaining things. I don't want to push it. I was writing notes and someone passed me a letter. It said, meet at the cafe later, Sol. Oh my gosh, did he just ask me out?. I was confused, bud I did went. I saw him sit next to the window. I fixed my hair and quickly swiped a gloss on my dry lip. I said Hi.

Continued to The First Real Part 3...