
Diary of a Teenage Alpha

Big-hearted and witty, Samantha Kingsley is the Alpha's daughter who grew up learning to meet everyone's expectations. But Samantha isn't a pup anymore, she's in high school now, and is just about to discover that her life is written by her choices. Not by dreams, or prophecies, or even the moon goddess. This girl is going to protect the happiness of her pack and everyone she loves. Read her diary here. Updated every night. Mon-Sat Volume Synopsis VOL 1 It's the first week of school. Despite my failed attempt to make a friend, I somehow ended up surrounded by a handful of wolf classmates, got accepted by the human "cool" girls, and became a vampire's guard dog? VOL 2 I think I'm just starting to get the hang of school. From navigating school halls, new friends, vampires, and school clubs... Back home it should have been the usual drill, but things started shifting. And I urm...might have been messing around where I shouldn't. VOL 3 I had to miss a couple of school days this week due to my ah, long term bout of "anemia". It's been pretty intense at home. My alpha position was challenged, rogues burnt down our home, I rescued my first fight dog, discovered the Lorent's secret oracle, almost rescued my mate...and accidentally stumbled into my Alpha Dad's secret. VOL 4 My worlds collide as some members from my pack come to my school to sell concert tickets. And when Grandpa Alpha shocked us all by dying, my dad's family comes together to pay their last respects at the Night Forest Pack. VOL 5 It's February and the Vampire Queen is celebrating her birthday. Would Rebel's plan to escape work out? Meanwhile, I'm stuck in school dealing with high school drama, an evolving wolf, and a new human sister. In the Red Packlands, war nearly breaks out. (This might have been a very little bit my fault.) VOL 6 It's the week of Valentine's Day, but I've got a highschool play, Lorent drama, Vampire slaying training, and an underground army to deal with first. And then warlock weather threw an extended snowstorm at us. The whole of Green Packlands goes into lockdown - but what about Valentine's Day? VOL 7 Exams are a week away, and it feels like my time at Winderhill is really coming to a close. I'm trying to be a good student, but there are paparazzi camped outside my school, I ran with rogues (I'm shocked too), Maria just had to enter her dark cycle in school...My life is too exciting to study for exams. VOL 8 It's exam week, but I've got far greater problems brewing at home. The prophecies are merging. River's stone had unlocked warlock trouble, the rogue king has moved in, and then there's Uncle Louis' economical problems... one at a time. Just let me survive Code Black and figure out what's going on at Heller's first, and I'm sure everything else will work out somehow. VOL 9 Its the last week of school and the exams are over. Its like for better or worse, all the big bad things are over now. At home, My pack works to clean up the aftermath of the rogue war, the warlock's defeat, and Jude's betrayal. In school, everyone treats me more or less the same... like a freak. Meanwhile, our school play is in dire straights, and as the Last Hurrah's debut draws near, I get ready to say good bye to Winderhill for good. VOL 10 We follow Dad to the past to stop the traitor (AKA Jude), from ever stepping into our Packlands. It would've been a good plan too - if it didn't change EVERYTHING. Now, I can't help but feel my life is ruined. Nobody understands me. Is it selfish of me to wish none of this ever happened? Why does my world have to be so magical?

katisnow · Fantasia
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1202 Chs


Homework did get done on the train despite having Pearl with me for half the train trip. I managed to use the computer and scroll through the club listings just before dinner.

It turned out that the official closing date was on Monday, but many clubs were still open and the tryouts and selection would last till end of next week.

Whoa, most of the tryouts were on weekends. Actually, most of the clubs were on weekends, including the Karate Club, which was out for me since I had pack training, Lycan Study Group, and stuff like that.

Actually, Wednesday and Thursday were bad for me too. Luckily there was a table displaying all the clubs, the teachers in charge, and their regular meeting time and days. I printed it out.

It turned out just by eliminating all the clubs that clashed with my pack schedule, I only had a few clubs to choose from.

Suddenly my job got really easy.

I guess my main tip for choosing a club was checking out their weekly schedule first.

This actually left me with as many choices as a simple multiple choice question;

Which club should I join?

A) Dance club (MON &FRI afternoons)

B) Archery club (TUE/FRI afternoons)

C) Adventure club (FRI afternoons)

D) Cooking club (TUE afternoons)

Although Art Club was on Fridays, for obvious reasons, that was out.

I was quite pleased with the shortlist and decided to use it to take a survey, just for fun.

"Which club should I join?" I asked my family over dinner, "I only have these to choose from."

I passed the single multiple choice question form around the table. Savy took a quick glance at it and passed it to Dad

"Why doesn't your school have a fight club?" She wanted to know.

"It's just Karate Club but its on Saturdays." I said. Seriously? Even you, Savy?

"I'm just taking a survey and getting opinions." I said.

"With many counsellors, a war is won." My dad told me.

Okay... "So... What do you think I should choose and why?" I asked in general.

"Archery sounds cool." Savy said.

Dad picked "Archery or the adventure club are both useful."

Mum pursed her lips, "Maybe archery." She decided at last.

Really, Archery was really my last choice.

"Nobody thinks I could learn to dance or cook?" I'm not sure if I should be offended.

"Waste of time." My dad said of dance club.

"You might burn down the school." Savy cackled.

"Mum? Why did you pick archery?" I asked, curious. That was unexpected.

"I'd prefer you learning to shoot arrows indoors than spend more time outdoors." So Mum's choices were only between the options Dad picked out?

"Survival skills are useful to practice often." Dad said.

"She already has enough pack training." Mum pleaded, "She's our daughter, dear." Mum stressed on the word "daughter".

Dad blinked, and then for the first time in my educational life, he asked me, "What would you like to do, Sam?"

And for the life of me, I didn't know what to answer.

If I just followed my heart, I would say cooking club. Alright, maybe following my stomach would be more accurate. Sometimes it's hard to separate the two. I think might heart lived in my stomach.

If I wanted to be one of the populars like my friends were planning, I guess the dancing club would be cool. Even though I didn't have the confidence of being any good at it. But it did look like an intensive club with performance and competitions throughout the year.

If I wanted something I'd probably be good at, then it'll be archery or adventure. My dad obviously wanted me to join the adventure club as much as my mum didn't.

If I wanted my whole family to agree, then I would choose archery. Plus it had different levels from beginner to master, and only higher levels would be expected to compete AND there was only one competition a year. Very practical for me to make all my home pack commitments too.

But if I'm choosing a club just for myself, what would I choose?

Mum sighed, "Sam, if you like the adventure club, go ahead."

Dad said, "It's just a club. Choose something you'd like."

Something I like? Something that isn't to be a better alpha or support the agendas of my home pack or my little pack in school?

Actually, I could also run for student council or try out for the public speaking position.

Say Wolfie, what do you want to do?

Of course Wolfie didn't answer me.

"I don't know." I finally admitted to my family, "Maybe I won't join anything at all. It's not compulsory till sophomore year to have a club."

"Oh honey," my mum seemed to be more upset than the situation called for it, "Highschool is supposed to be fun. I'm sorry pack training left you with so few options."

"It's the burden of the Alpha." Savy hugged her arm around my shoulder.

I thought about how Henry had pretty much lined up his high school plans just to secure our little pack a good position in a school where we were the foreign minority. By positioning us as populars, he protected us from becoming the oddballs. And because he took it on himself, I was left with the luxury of doing whatever I wanted.

I didn't think I was much of an Alpha at all right now. I'm not much of an Alpha if I'm just going to blunder through life instinctively without a game plan in sight.

I thought about how dad's daily work, his budgeting and meetings and emails and whatever boring office hours activities he dealt with each day so that our pack house got upgraded every decade, I got a loft bed, and we never had to not know what to expect the next day.

The truth was, I was the alpha, but I've never had to think for anyone other than myself. I had been just doing whatever I wanted all this while.

My dad cleared his throat, "Alpha Lorent is visiting us tomorrow afternoon, if you are still interested in joining us."

I nodded, "I'll be there."

And then I added, "I want to be there. Nobody has ever forced me to do anything I didn't want to."

~I am not the victim. I always have choices.

And at this realization, something like a power surge broke through inside of me.

I always had a choice, each choice had its own consequences. What would I choose?

I could choose to make that choice or let circumstance and others make it for me.

My choice to make, my responsibility to take, my consequence to live with, but it was because I chose it.

I felt the warmth of my wolf, a rumbling, and realized I was purring. My wolf liked the power running in my veins right now. It was so near the surface.

Savy cuddled close and leaned on my shoulder, "The kitty is purring." She cackled softly.

My mum looked surprised. My dad just said, "Soon Sam, your shift is so near."

"Your wolf is so strong." Savy hugged me tighter.

"Of course it is." I boasted petting her head. "We can't be all cute fluffy white clouds."

If my wolf was a cloud, it would be the most ominous one in the sky. The one that was so dark and heavy, so laced with lighting, so rumbly with thunder, so...

"You better get going for your training." Mum reminded me.

I grinned. I'm so going to storm into the training all today and take down the morning side goons

Then Savy called out to me as I grabbed my water bottle and headed out the back door, "I still think archery club! You'd look so cool!"

She had a point.