
Diary of a Demon Lord: The Rise to Power

This is a promotional flyer crafted by Azazel, who has used it to fiercely undermine the forces of Heaven, deceiving countless souls into Hell. "Hey, Azazel, how's life in Hell?" "Blazing hot—oh, a jest—I know you're not talking about the weather. There are seductive and beautiful succubi, all kinds of strange jellies, daily horror shows, and grand battles every third day. Betrayal, and, well, more betrayal, stratagems and lies that even Hollywood can't match. Hell is quite nice, hey, this isn't a recruitment advert for Hell, but really, Hell is quite nice."

Xia_0745 · Fantasia
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55 Chs

You Are a Good Man

Amidst the emotional tempest, the two angels and the paladin were too preoccupied to concern themselves with the bystanders.

Saint Terial was a portrait of agony, her words echoing with heartache, "Valis, look at what you've done. Theft: you've stolen the 'Sword of Dawn'; foolishness: to conceal yourself, you sealed your own power, only to be utterly duped by a lowly imp; and now, you consort with evil, walking alongside a devil and a cloaked mage. What has become of you? Is there any goodness left in your heart? Are you still the Valis I knew? What of your wings? Do they still gleam with purity?"

Azazel let out a mocking laugh, "Ward, or Valis, whatever you prefer, that lady just called you their disgrace."

Valis paid no heed to Azazel. He lifted his eyes, which had been darting away, and gazed steadily at Saint Terial, his voice soft yet firm, "I haven't changed, not in the slightest. How could I possibly change?" As he finished speaking, a pair of pure white wings unfurled from behind him, "Look, I've always been here. I am still the Valis you know. I am the Archangel Valis."

Azazel and Falling Star could only watch, mouths agape. Valis was not the simple paladin Ward they had thought, but the Archangel Valis. Damn it, within their four-member team, two had hidden their true identities. Azazel suddenly considered himself—perhaps it was three, and with a glance at the shocked Falling Star, maybe even all four.

Upon witnessing Valis's spotless wings, Saint Terial finally smiled, speaking with sincerity, "You truly haven't changed. Then come back with me. We will all advocate for you. The Arbiter is compassionate. He will mitigate your transgression."

(Azazel interjected, "Yes, they won't halve you, at worst they'll decapitate you. You're the shame of Heaven; don't go back." Alas, no one heeded his words.)

In that moment, Valis's eyes held only Saint Terial. He looked at her deeply, as if to imprint her image onto his heart, then shook his head resolutely, "You know I can't return. You should understand what I'm doing this for. Everything I've done, it's all for you."

"For me?" Saint Terial's face mirrored her astonishment.

"I love you, Terial! I love you so much it's overwhelming. I long to be with you forever, always. But the distance between us only grows; you've ascended, you're a Seraph with four wings. And I am nothing. I must work harder, accrue valor in battle, enhance my abilities. The Blood War, yes, the Blood War is my chance. I will slay legions of demons and return to Mount Celestia, where the Arbiter himself will receive me and hold a grand wedding for us. Terial, I can't go back. If I return in disgrace now, judgment awaits, and shame will shadow me all my life! For you, and for myself, I cannot return!"

Saint Terial, flustered by this passionate outpouring, turned her head, seeking the counsel of the Seraph beside her, Laurence, who awkwardly averted his gaze, fixating on the scorched earth beneath his feet.

With a guilt-laden voice, Saint Terial turned back to Valis, "I'm sorry, I didn't... I don't deserve this. You do all this for me, and yet I..."

"Say no more, I seek no recompense. I simply love you with all my heart and wish to be with you."

"Valis, you must listen to me. It's difficult to say, but it must be said. Valis, you are a good man. I've always seen you as my dearest kin. I wish for your blessing."

The words from Saint Terial were like the sharpest spear, effortlessly piercing through the dense sorrow and shattering Valis's heart.

In an instant, his heart turned from fragments to ash, as if ready to die then and there.

Bless them?

Very well!

Let the blessing be given!

Suddenly, as if prompted by an inner voice, thoughts he had never entertained before began to surface.

Why should I?

If I do this, am I still a man?

Do I want to be a failure for the rest of my life?

They will marry, they will be happy, but what about me? What do I have? I am a thief, doomed to be imprisoned forever, surrounded by scorn and ridicule?

Laurence is smirking, yes, he must be. He should laugh! He's taken everything from me, what kind of friend?! Damn friend!

Wait, why isn't he getting up? It was just a punch; does it warrant lying there so long?

Ha! It's because he's lying in Terial's arms!

He's a Seraph; how could my punch have landed so easily?

The scoundrel! The charlatan!

I hate! I hate you all!