
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
455 Chs

Chapter 26: Aftermath

"Goodbye, it was fun knowing you" [Diana]

"No, Diana, please don't go" [Nar]

"But I have to, they're after me" [Diana]

"We will kill them, we promise" [Sas]

"But you like entertaining them" [Diana]

"It's not like we have a choice, the letter just came without warning" [Nar].

"Before I am sold for your benefit, I will leave. Please don't stop me" [Diana]

"DIANA!" [Nar, Sas]

"Breakfast is ready" [Head Maid]

"Breakfast!" [Diana]

"I'm starving" [Sas]

"Let's think about what to say after this" [Nar]

"Is it really necessary?" [Diana]

"Unfortunately, we do, or else Queen Amleth will scold us" [Nar]

"I can burn them and tell others it was an accident" [Diana]

"If only it were that easy" [Sas]

The soap opera between Nar, Sas and me came to a halt after the head maid told us that our breakfast was ready. My stomach rumbled at the mere mention of breakfast.

Two letters from nobles none of us knew arrived at the mansion this morning, basically asking for my hand in marriage.

A sunny day with birds singing their melodies and bees dancing around. A day where the flowers smelled super nice, a day where the sun hit the face nicely, ruined by the two letters.

Sitting right next to Nar, I take the metal fork and start eating the pancake. I wanted to eat it with Sas, but we are stopped by Nar, who says that nobles should act like nobles. That notion is wholeheartedly supported by the head maid.

"What a drag" [Sas]

Sas' funny comments make me laugh, and I copy his words.

"Master, how do you plan to answer that?" [Head Maid]

The head maid's curiosity made her ask the question. I also looked at my two elder brothers with the same curiosity.

"Over our dead bodies" [Nar, Sas]

"Ohhh! Nice answer! As expected from you two!" [Diana]

"Of course, just leave it to us" [Nar]

"We won't even show them mercy" [Sas].

"That won't do..." [Head Maid]

The head maid looked dissatisfied, but she started to write down a rough guideline for both Nar and Sas on how to properly refuse the marriage proposal.

"You're a genius head maid!" [Diana].

"As expected from the queen's tutor." [Sas]

"Huh?" [Diana]

"When Her Highness Amleth was a young girl, I was her tutor in various subjects." [Head Maid]

"Wow! That's amazing! I always thought you were amazing, but to be so amazing, that's so cool, Miss Mahsuri" [Diana].

"Please, call me Head Maid when I work" [Mahsuri]

"Yes" [Diana]

While I question the Head Maid about her previous work, Nar and Sas begin to study the contents of the letter. They look at it and seem to understand what to do.

"Why can't you just refuse it?" [Diana].

Both Nar and Sas, from studying the guidelines that the Head Maid is writing on a whim, seem satisfied, and so they begin their explanation

"First, why do you think they asked you to marry them, young lady?" [Head Maid].

The Head Maid intervenes, but she quickly has an aura similar to Master Merlin, Nar, Sas, and Teacher Ledang when they're tutoring me, which makes me reflexively straighten my back.

"I don't know, maybe because of Nar and Sas?" [Diana]

That's the best answer I can think of, since Nar and Sas are heroes, I'm sure that by getting close to me, they'll also get close to them.

"You're not wrong, but it's incomplete" [Sas].

"That's just one of many reasons. The biggest reason is that you're close to the princesses" [Nar].

"Not because I am close to Aunt Amleth?" [Diana]

"That is also true, but in the long run, Queen Amleth will step down from her throne and her heir will take the crown, so you who are close to both the princesses will undoubtedly receive many benefits" [Head Maid]

"Huh! So they're trying to touch Kara and Mara through me! How rude!" [Diana]

"Phrasing..." [Nar]

That does it! I will definitely refuse any marriage proposal that comes my way! I declare to the three of them, with Nar and Sas supporting me wholeheartedly, while the Head Maid just lets out a small laugh. I'm not sure why she's laughing, but I can sense a hint of nostalgia in her eyes.

"Oh, before I forget, is there any other reason why they would kidnap me and force me to marry them?" [Diana]

"Phrasing" [Head Maid].

"One of them is your power. They probably already knew that you're from Aru Village, so they wanted their heir to be able to use all magic, making their houses even more powerful" [Nar].

Hearing this makes me even angrier.

"Head Maid, Nar, Sas, can I get a list of nobles that I should avoid at all costs? I don't want to make friends with them at school! Not only that, I don't want them to get close to Kara, Mara and Neloufa" [Diana].

This time they all let out a small laugh. I don't know why they're laughing this time, but it annoys me.

"I am serious!" [Diana]

I will definitely avoid them at school!