
Diana, the girl blessed by the fairies to save the world

Diana, the little girl from an abandoned village, ran away when she was about to be sold into slavery, but not before saying goodbye to the fairies. In return, the fairies give her their blessing. This is her story from childhood to adulthood, full of joy and sorrow.

muhammad_azmee · Fantasia
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455 Chs

Chapter 120: Diana and Dana Reunion

"And then Nar and Sas said I shouldn't go to those two dukes after they got my letter for the wedding. They're scary at that time" [Diana].

(Oh... It's the letter Miss Vita mentioned... That means...) [Kat]

"Oh my, I can understand their reaction" (I know I'm the one who taught them that violence isn't everything, but should I destroy those two dukes' mansion? Would Amleth agree with that?) [Khamisah]

"Miss Saga, it's obvious what you're thinking. You really are their sister" [Randy].

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree" [Khamisah].

My sister Khamisah really is a fun! She tell me everything about Nar and Sas when she saved them from the evil orphanage. I can't believe how the very same orphanage that Nar, Sas and I often visit and play with was once a slave trader gold pot. It's really disgusting but now, thanks to Elder Sister Khamisah, they're living their best live. It's also fun playing there with other. Even Alaric's little sister sometimes come and visit

"Suprise suprise ♫, I wanted to see the suprise♫. Suprise suprise ♫, give me the best surprise!" [Diana]

"Suprise♫ suprise! The surprise is good, just wait for it♫!" [Khamisah]

"Meow!" [Fie]

(She is really good at handling little children, I thought Miss Saga would be a brute person)

(She's more like a mother, especially when she sings with Diana)

I can't help but sing when I meet them! Of course, meeting her is like meeting my own family. She's Nar and Sas' older sister after she adopted them, so meeting my own family member is a bliss. I can't control this feeling of happiness as I float around, singing and humming. The happiness in my chest feels like it can't contain itself as it bursts out through my song and magic. What is more, she promised a big surprise! I wonder what that would be. While I'm happy, I couldn't help but notice.

"They are restless. I mean, maybe they're used to seeing me floating around? The people of Emas certainly adapt quickly" [Diana].

"No... They're not as restless as I thought. Something feels wrong... You'd think that Saintess Rumia taking a little rest would cause more restlessness, but this, it's like they're going back, like nothing happened..." [Randy]

"Then we should defeat the one in the Devil King's Castle to really solve it" [Kat].

"From what you tell me, that seems to be the case" [Khamisah].

"Ahh! It's Siti and the other one! To think we caught up with them! [Diana]

The soldier from the dungeon has done his job well. Siti is the last person to be sent home. She looks tired as one of the soldiers takes her in his arm. Since we are going in the same direction, Khamisah takes Siti in her arm and we say goodbye to the soldier. It's getting late, and while Khamisah is looking left and right, as if searching for someone, she tells us it's best if we all rest first, and the surprise could be for tomorrow. I mean, I wanted to know the surprise right away, but seeing Siti so sleepy makes me feel bad. Maybe I can try begging a little at the inn. We walk a little further and when we arrive at the inn.

"We're back! Siti is here with us!" [Diana]

"Finally... I'm tired..." [Siti]

"I can't wait for my surprise, come on, show me the surprise Sister Khamisah!" [Diana]

"Well, you just have to look at her. It's right in front of..." [Khamisah]

That person... There's no way I can be mistaken

"DANA!" [Diana]

"DIANA!" [Dana]

I quickly hug my own older sister, Dana! It's Dana! It really is Dana! Oh Goddess.

"I'm not dreaming, am I? Dana! Dana! Dana! Dana! I miss you! I miss you so much!" [Diana]

"Diana! Diana! I thought... I thought you were dead! I can't believe it. You're alive. You're really alive. Thank God... sob... uwaaaahhhh..." [Dana]

"Why are you crying? I thought you would be happy to see me!" [Diana]

"I am! I am really happy! I can't believe it... I miss you. I really miss you! I miss hugging you in my sleep. I miss playing with our teddy bear. I miss talking in our house and laughing with dad, mom and brother! I miss them all, but now... I thought you were dead when I saw them kill the three... I ran away... I ran away when I thought you were all dead... I ran to the fairy spring, and in a moment of despair, the fairy queen Titania and the war fairy Aeris saved me, they gave me Gungnir... I... I..." [Dana]

"You've been through a lot... I'm just glad you're safe. I was all alone... Thinking you all left me behind... I was tortured... Kicked... Slammed to the ground... They wanted to sell me, but the fairy queen Titania blessed me and saved me... I'm glad... I'm glad she saved me. I met Nar, Sas, Aunt Amleth and the others... I met many wonderful friends, and now I meet you, my dear sister Dana..." [Diana]

It's not just us who have a happy reunion. Siti and her five brothers were also in tears. They all hugged a tired Siti. Tired as she is, she still hugs all her five brothers back. They couldn't be happier. Seeing them makes me happy. I'm glad that I could save Siti.

Even Nar, Sas and Khamisah have their reunion, although...

"We thought you were dead, good job not contacting us for so long" [Nar].

"True. We almost ordered your grave" [Sas].

"Looks like you two really need another lesson! Can't you act more like our two sisters!" [Khamisah]

"It's your fault! Don't you know how much work piles up when you're gone! At least send us a letter, damn it! Don't you know how sick and worried we are?" [Nar]

"True. Even the orphanage couldn't help but ask us, and we're left in the dark!" [Sas]

"Fine... It's my fault... I'll tell you all later together with Amleth and Akela" [Khamisah].

This is a happy moment. So happy that my wand grows again. This time it draws all my mana and resonates with Gungnir at the same time. Gungnir grows even larger and becomes divine.

"To think that the moment of the fateful encounter is this close. I couldn't be happier for them. Oh goddess up above the sky, give us all your blessing" [Saintess Rumia]