
Diana Newbie

People usually have rotten luck. Some more than others. Unfortunately Diana falls into that category, she has gone through a lot in the past until she meets a young pastor, Josh. Josh believes that she is the one for him and is ready to venture into her world to bring him to hers. But her past is holding them back and it is looking like thier story might not be a fairy tale. Or would it?

Gaelly · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

you deserve the pain

Abby stormed out of the hospital office ignoring the idiot's cry of pain, he didn't deserve any mercy she thought annoyed as she walked down the hallway.

James watched her go, a small smile flitted around the edges of his lips as he watched her go and he struggled to get on his feet

For some reason riling her up was becoming his favourite thing to do, she looked like someone who didn't get angry easily except if it was him. Oddly and also quite moronic like, he felt quite a bit of pride when he was able to incite such anger from her.

He stretched his aching arm opening the door to see the nurse that had called him still standing there with a weird expression. He knew he had seen her around but couldn't quite press it down to what exactly her name was,

" Um.. nurse?" he stopped glancing at her for guidance and she turned to him giving him a distracted smile.

" Nurse Erica sir. Dr Sanders asked for you, it's an accident victim with a punctured lung. The victim has asthma"

James nodded with his face getting serious and half running towards the surgical room, the nurse watched him go with her mouth pursed forward. When he was out of her sight, her face became stormy. She glanced back at the direction that Abby passed through..

' If she wasn't wrong, wasn't this the girl that had been looked for in the black market?' she wondered. Then she walked forward quietly towards where the girl was headed and caught up with her. She made sure to blend in with the other crowd, even stopping to cross check a patient's wheelchair.

The girl entered ward 209, she didn't follow her and instead strolled towards the reception to Investigate who was admitted to the hospital. If she was correct, then it would mean that she was about to get stinking rich from the bounty placed on their heads.


Abby entered the ward finding Josh to be nowhere in sight, just a seemingly blank looking Diana staring off into space.

" What did you guys decide?" she asked folding her hands together drawing Diana back to the present.

" He is in the missionary" she stated chewing her lips," you know into God and stuff. Those people that help people like me out of their religion"

Abby blinked confused, she sat down on the settee crossing her legs which made her shorts to ride higher.

" And this is a problem because? It's not like he is saying he wants to marry you, he just wants to help and.. it won't suck to take his help for now. We can just crash in his place for a few days"

" That's the thing. He is a proverbial good guy, while I am the bad egg. Don't you see Abby, I don't want to put them in trouble because of me."

Diana paused sizing up her friend's miniature frame from across her, one that carried far too much power in her upper arms.

" Don't you see," she muttered," it's too quiet. The hunter's never this quiet"

She gazed around the room half expecting him to jump out from some dark spot to continue his mind games with her.

Abby stood up and began to pace,

" We need to get you to safety, it's the only way that-" she stopped abruptly, halting in the middle. Diana glanced at her suspiciously,

" Finish what you were saying. What do you mean Abby? Why are you trying to make me stay with Josh?