
Dexters Cafe

meet dexter and his friends. Kitty, May, and max. Dexter is the head of the cafe they work in. and of course. their all robots.

MysticJamie · Videojogos
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11 Chs

its not the end. not yet

Kitty: *she is sitting on the stage*

Jeffery: *opens the front door with the key* what have I done…. *he has to push the door to open it the rest of the way*

Kitty: Jeff?

Jeffery: *turns* oh, your still on? I thought they cut the power a few days ago. *shrugs and walks over* how you doing kitty?

Kitty: somehow tired?.. And very lonely.

Jeffery: *pats her head* welp, help me plug these weirdos in or what not and then you can rest for a while. I got to get this place cleaned up by next fall.

Kitty: alright. *she stands and drags may to the charging area* can i keep dexter off for a while?

Jeffery: *looks at the bot and points at dexter* Is it this one?

Kitty: yes, he is the one who helped sand my claws down.

Jeffery: sure. *drags max to the charging area and looks around* so much work….

Kitty: i'm sure may and me would help you

Jeffery: really? That would be amazing. *they hear a loud bang* there goes the door.

Kitty: what do you mean?

Jeffery: the door fell off the hinges.

Kitty: oh, *she plugs herself in* that felt strange.

Jeffery: you chill and charge im going to go start cleaning.

Kitty: alright.

Jeffery: *he walks away and cleans*

May: *after awhile she powers on* what the?

Jeffery: *is plugging dexter in and he has headphones on and goes back and starts cleaning the stage area*

May: *she unplugs her self and begins to help*

Jeffery: *barely sees her and he jumps pulling his headphones off* well, welcome back.

May: oh, yeah, um hi.

Jeffery: *continues cleaning*

May: *does the same*

Jeffery: *his leg breaks through a board* AH! ow…

May: *she runs over to help him*

Jeffery: *he tries to climb out* welp, now i know i need to repair the stage.

May: *she begins to pull him out*

Jeffery: *stands and brushes himself off* thank you.

May: no problem.

Jeffery: *he sits on the edge of the stage* i cant tell if i had a bad idea or a good mistake taking this place from will.

May: i'm more surprised he let you take over, it was his late friends.

Jeffery: *shrugs* he sounded like he didn't want to deal with it anymore anyway.

May: i mean its been about 7 years, 10 months, and 32 days, i think.

Jeffery: *looks at her* wow.

May: yeah. Its been awhile.

Jeffery: *he gets up* well, if you want to finish up here ill clean somewhere else.

May: alright.

Jeffery: *he walks down the hall* THERE'S A SECOND FLOOR!?!?!

May: Yeah?

Jeffery: im going to go get coffee so ill be back later!

May: alright. Ill let the others know whats going on when they wake up.

Jeffery: okay! See ya! *he leaves*

May: *She walks back to the charging area where kitty and max are talking*

Dexter: *still off*

Kitty: hmm… wonder what now.

Dexter: *powers on* what the? *looks around* i thought it was all over?

Max: It was!

Dexter: then why are we on? *he unplugs himself*

Kitty: jeff.

Dexter: who?

May: he's the new manager! Dexter, we are opening again!

Dexter: you better not be joking.

May: nope! Look at the front stage, he said he was going to replace the floor boards!

Dexter: i dont know if i should be happy or mad.

Kitty: i dont want to bother him but i think he should clean our parts out.

Dexter: *he sits down still thinking* why would he even.

Max: *shrugs*

Jeffery: *they can hear something fall by the entrance* *beep*!

Max: *him and may peek to see what it was*

Jeffery: *sitting on a box drinking his coffee*

May: *she walks out* hey, everyone is up.

Jeffery: good to know. *he throws the cup it to a trach can*

Kitty: *she and the other two walk out.*

Jeffery: if you all want to help me carry these boxes to the stage that would be great. *he stands up*

Kitty: *She grabs a box*

Jeffery: *goes back outside to get the other boxes*

Max: *He and may grab some boxes*