
Devourer's Defiance: A Renegade's Ambition To Devour The Gods

In a realm where obedience is demanded and individuality is suppressed, one cultivator dares to shatter the chains of conformity. Miao Ying, a freethinker with a rebellious spirit, refuses to bow to the oppressive authority poisoning every corner of his sect. Unwilling to just be cog in the machine, Miao Ying orchestrated his own expulsion from his sect. Guided by an insatiable hunger for freedom, he willingly accepts banishment, ready to forge his own destiny in a world that seeks to suppress his very existence. But fate has other plans for this audacious renegade. A chance encounter grants Miao Ying an ancient and cracked amulet, the legendary Devourer Art. With its power, he gains the ability to consume the very essence of his enemies, fueling his own cultivation and granting him unparalleled strength. Armed with this terrifying and exhilarating might, Miao Ying sets forth on a journey, he vows to consume the might and affluence of the self-proclaimed "heaven-chosen" elites, stripping them of their undeserved status. He vows to strip them of their wealth, their influence, and even their most cherished possessions - the beautiful empresses and princesses who symbolize their power. With the Devourer Art as his weapon and an unyielding determination as his shield, this renegade cultivator will stop at nothing to achieve true freedom.

CosmicPrime · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

To Meet Again

"Very well," Miao Ying said at length, his voice level and composed, betraying none of the turbulent thoughts that raced through his mind. "You've caught my interest, Mei Xianxue. But words are cheap in this world of ours. What proof can you offer of this Haven Cavern's existence?"

Mei Xianxue's smile turned triumphant, a cat that had finally cornered its prey. With a flourish of her lily-white hand, she produced a sheaf of ancient documents, the parchment cracked and yellow with age. Her other hand held forth an exquisite jade ring, the polished surface glinting in the dappled sunlight. 

She pressed both into Miao Ying's calloused palms, her skin cool and smooth against his own.

"These records come from the illustrious Azure Source Network," she said, her voice rich with quiet confidence. "I trust you're familiar with their sterling reputation. They are the eyes and ears of the cultivation world, the silent watchers who trade in secrets and whispers. If they claim the Haven Cavern exists, I assure you, it is no mere legend."

Miao Ying accepted the proffered items with a solemn nod, his lightning-sharp eyes already skimming over the faded characters. 

He was indeed familiar with the Azure Source Network, a shadowy cabal of information brokers that operated in the seedy underbelly of any domain region. Their reputation for accuracy was well-earned; they trafficked only in cold, hard facts, leaving the embellishments to the storytellers and bards.

If these records bore their seal of authenticity, then there was likely fire beneath the enticing smoke.

"And this ring?" Miao Ying asked, holding the gleaming band up to the light. 

It was a work of art, the jade so translucent that it seemed almost ethereal, shot through with delicate veins of gold. An intricate design was etched into its surface, a complex array of swirling lines and arcane symbols that he could not decipher.

"That is my personal sigil," Mei Xianxue said, her voice low and intimate. "A token of trust, if you will. Should you wish to see the Haven Cavern for yourself...or if you simply fancy a stimulating chat...just give it a pulse of your Qi. I'll know, and I'll come."

It was a bold move, granting him such intimate access to her. In a world of treachery and deceit, giving someone a direct link to your person was akin to baring your throat to their blade. Trusting that they would not slit it at the earliest opportunity.

But then, Mei Xianxue seemed to thrive on bold moves.

Miao Ying slipped the ring onto his finger, feeling the electrifying tingle of her potent Qi against his skin. It was a heady sensation, a tantalizing reminder of the power that flowed through her veins. The jade band fit him perfectly, as if it had been crafted solely for his hand.

"I'll keep that in mind," he said, his tone inscrutable. 

Then, without further ado, he turned to depart, his racing thoughts already churning with the potential implications of this new knowledge. The Haven Cavern beckoned like a siren's song, promising untold power and unimaginable heights of cultivation.

But first, he had to return to Moon Sky City and the mighty Blazing Sun Sect that called it home. There were arts to master, techniques to refine, and fools to crush beneath his iron heel. 

The path to freedom was a long and treacherous one, and he could not afford to be distracted by flights of fancy.

No matter how tempting they might be.

"What, leaving so soon?" Mei Xianxue's melodic voice carried a note of surprise, and perhaps a touch of disappointment. "Let me guess - you're the type to lose yourself in the relentless pursuit of cultivation, forsaking all else in your quest for power."

Miao Ying paused, glancing back over his broad shoulder. 

"I make no secret of it," he said with a nonchalant shrug. "In this world of blood and strife, cultivation is the only true path to ultimate strength. And without strength, we are but leaves in the wind, simple ants among any power-tripping arrogant fool."

Mei Xianxue's bell-like laughter echoed through the clearing, a sound of pure, unrestrained mirth. 

"You're an odd one, Miao Ying," she said, her eyes sparkling with genuine amusement. "Fiercely powerful, yet strangely principled. Cold as the winter frost, yet with a fire burning in your heart. I rather think I like that about you."

With a nimble surge of Qi, she bounded into the verdant trees, her lithe form swiftly melting into the deepening shadows. 

"Until next time, my intriguing friend!" Her lilting voice lingered on the fragrant wind, equal parts promise and challenge.

Miao Ying watched her go, a ghost of a smile playing on his chiseled lips. Then, with a resolute shake of his head, he set his unwavering course for Moon Sky City and the martial glory that awaited him.

The future had never seemed quite so ripe with promise.


The towering gates of the Blazing Sun Sect loomed before Miao Ying like the jaws of some great beast, a foreboding portal to a world of martial might. 

He strode through them with the easy confidence of a lion entering its domain, his presence alone enough to draw the eyes of every disciple in the courtyard.

Whispers raced through the gathered crowd like wildfire, excited murmurs and hushed speculation blending into a clamorous din. 

Miao Ying's recent exploits had spread far and wide, his every triumph adding to his already formidable reputation. His natural aura had changed, had grown sharp and electrifying, causing the breaths of even the most stalwart disciples to catch in their throats.

To stand in Miao Ying's presence was to be in the eye of a storm, a maelstrom of barely leashed power that set the very air to humming.

Miao Ying ignored the commotion, his gaze fixed upon the towering pagoda that housed the sect's mission center. He moved through the milling crowds with purposeful strides, his footsteps ringing out on the stone path like war drums heralding his approach.

As he neared the entrance, a cluster of disciples emerged from within, their faces flushed with the exertion of their training. 

Among them was a familiar figure, a young man whose widening eyes spoke of recognition and fear.

Miao Ying curled his lip in a mocking smile, a predator's grin that held no warmth. 

"Oh, it's you," he said, his voice dripping with false cordiality. "You look like you've seen a ghost. Or perhaps a gremlin from your worst nightmares?"

He recognized the youth as one of the fools who had sought to challenge him that day in the item exchange center, a strutting ant who had thought to gain from his senior brother by picking a fight with the resident prodigy. 

Miao Ying had sent him scurrying away with his tail between his legs, the overwhelming aura of the Devourer Rune more than enough to cow his feeble spirit.

To see him again so soon was an unexpected pleasure, a chance to grind an uppity insect beneath his heel.

"You...you..." the disciple stammered, his eyes bulging from their sockets. "How can this be? Qi Establishment already? But you were just..."

"Just a fresh 9th stage Body Refinement cultivator that should've kept his head down, right?" Miao Ying finished, his smile turning vicious. "Amazing what a little talent and determination can do. A pity you seem to be lacking in both."

He leaned in close, his aura flaring out like an invisible blade to press against the disciple's throat. "I'd advise you to watch your step from now on. The next time you try to block my path, I might not be so lenient."

With that cutting remark, Miao Ying brushed past the trembling youth and into the mission center, leaving a scene of stunned silence in his wake. 

Shattered pride and unfettered envy warred on the disciple's face, his fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white.