
Devourer's Defiance: A Renegade's Ambition To Devour The Gods

In a realm where obedience is demanded and individuality is suppressed, one cultivator dares to shatter the chains of conformity. Miao Ying, a freethinker with a rebellious spirit, refuses to bow to the oppressive authority poisoning every corner of his sect. Unwilling to just be cog in the machine, Miao Ying orchestrated his own expulsion from his sect. Guided by an insatiable hunger for freedom, he willingly accepts banishment, ready to forge his own destiny in a world that seeks to suppress his very existence. But fate has other plans for this audacious renegade. A chance encounter grants Miao Ying an ancient and cracked amulet, the legendary Devourer Art. With its power, he gains the ability to consume the very essence of his enemies, fueling his own cultivation and granting him unparalleled strength. Armed with this terrifying and exhilarating might, Miao Ying sets forth on a journey, he vows to consume the might and affluence of the self-proclaimed "heaven-chosen" elites, stripping them of their undeserved status. He vows to strip them of their wealth, their influence, and even their most cherished possessions - the beautiful empresses and princesses who symbolize their power. With the Devourer Art as his weapon and an unyielding determination as his shield, this renegade cultivator will stop at nothing to achieve true freedom.

CosmicPrime · Oriental
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44 Chs

Demonic Bat Horde

Any ordinary group of cultivators would pale at the prospect of confronting such a formidable host, for these Demonic Beasts were imbued not only with immense physical might and endurance but esoteric abilities that could overwhelm the unwary. 

Yet Miao Ying and Mei Xianxue showed no outward signs of trepidation as they coolly assessed their foes.

"Just be sure you don't bite off more than you can chew," Miao Ying remarked evenly, though a glimmer of wry amusement danced in his eyes.

Mei Xianxue tossed her raven tresses with a derisive snort. "As if I'm some rookie fumbling around in the dark." 

A vicious grin split her features as a crimson radiance began coalescing around her clenched fists. "Watch and learn how it's done, pretty boy."

As if spurred by Mei Xianxue's words, the Demonic Bat horde unleashed a deafening chorus of screeches that seemed to pierce straight into their souls, their crimson eyes blazing with eldritch fury. 

Ethereal flames crackled to life across their hides as they surged forward in a tidal wave of gnashing fangs and razor-edged wings.

But Mei Xianxue was already in motion, her form blurring as she channeled her Qi. Her spirit sword materialized in a cascade of crimson energy, its blade radiating a sinister scarlet aura that caused the surrounding air to distort and warp.

With a vicious downward arc of her blade, she seemed to part the very air around her. 


Blood exploded outward in a viscous spray, splattering across the cavern walls as a line of Demonic Bat corpses ranging from the 5th to 7th stages of the Qi Establishment realm were rent asunder with surgical precision.

Mei Xianxue pivoted with lithe grace, her sword trailing a lethal crimson contrail as she unleashed a relentless flurry of slashes that tore through both flesh and bone with equal ease. Each strike felled another Demonic Bat, their maimed bodies joining the growing pile even as more surged forth to take their place in a ceaseless tide of fangs and fury.

And throughout it all, Mei Xianxue's lips were curved into a manic smile utterly devoid of mercy, reveling in the carnage as she casually danced amidst the chaos she unleashed.

Yet as lethal as Mei Xianxue's swordplay was, it paled in comparison to the display of sheer overwhelming power radiating from Miao Ying. 

As the first Demonic Bats bore down upon him, he took in a slight breath, channeling his Qi with consummate focus until it coalesced around him in shimmering arcs of sharp golden lightning.


With an earth-shattering explosion, he seemed to detonate that lightning in a blinding eruption of power!

His spirit sword trailed behind that explosive release in a shimmering arc, leaving little more than pale after-images in its wake as its edge cleaved through the air with a speed that beggared mortal comprehension.

Where Mei Xianxue's strikes demanded precision and focus, Miao Ying's full-bodied swing carried the unstoppable weight of a celestial force of nature. 

A deafening boom resounded through the cavern, and everything was abruptly awash in a torrent of viscous crimson as his blade effortlessly sundered a full third of the Demonic Bat horde.

Bodies were sheared in half with surgical precision, while others simply disintegrated into fountains of gore under the sheer overwhelming power of Miao Ying's strike. 

The 5th, 7th, 8th, and even 9th stage Qi Establishment realm Demonic Bats were laid low with equal dispassion, their severed corpses raining down to join the macabre carpet blanketing the cave floor.

To Miao Ying, the battle was akin to an artist's casual brush strokes - precise, yet utterly dispassionate as he laid waste to everything in his path with each sweeping arc of his blade. 

While Mei Xianxue whirled and danced amidst the chaos, she was the eye of the storm itself, calmly annihilating any who dared tread within her lethal sphere of influence.

Within mere moments, the once imposing Demonic Bat horde had been decimated, their broken bodies strewn across the cavern floor like macabre ragdolls. 

Yet one titan among their ranks remained - an alpha beast towering over the rest, its beady crimson eyes blazing with an unholy fury.

A torrent of searing flames erupted from its maw as it launched itself towards Miao Ying in a final, suicidal lunge, its razor-edged wings beating the air in a frenzy.

Yet Miao Ying didn't so much as bat an eye, his expression one of eerie calm amidst the chaos. 

At that moment, lightning arced forth from his spirit sword in a blinding flash, his blade cleaving through the ether itself with a speed that seemed to split the world asunder in its wake. 

The deafening crack of celestial thunder reverberated through the cavern as that thunderous slash found its mark.

In the next heartbeat, the Demonic Bat Alpha simply...ceased to exist. Its skull had been obliterated by that merciless strike, the force behind Miao Ying's blade so catastrophic that it pulverized bone and brain into a fine crimson mist. 

The rest of the beast's body crumpled into a lifeless heap, joining the ever-expanding lake of its brethren's viscera amidst an explosion of gore.

As the echoes of the slaughter faded into silence, Mei Xianxue could only regard her companion with a wry smile, grudgingly impressed by the sheer monstrous power he commanded.

"Show-off," she scoffed, flicking a spray of arterial blood from the tip of her crimson blade.

Yet any further barbs died on her lips as her soul suddenly spiked with a primal sensation of mortal danger, an instinctive alarm blaring through every fiber of her being. 

Miao Ying, too, had sensed the imminent threat despite his outward nonchalance, his fingers tightening fractionally around his sword's hilt.

Mei Xianxue reacted first, her body moving on pure reflex as she poured her Qi into an explosive burst of speed. 

"Watch out!"

In a crimson blur, she flashed across the blood-soaked cavern floor, her lithe form seemingly phasing in and out of existence with each earth-shattering stride. 

Within a heartbeat, she had closed the distance to Miao Ying, her arms outstretched as if to physically shield him from whatever peril loomed.

Yet Miao Ying was far from idle. His calm facade shattered in an instant as he smoothly shifted his stance, his free hand whipping out to seize Mei Xianxue by the waist and pull her soft, yielding form flush against his own toned physique.

At the same time, his spirit sword lashed out in a blur of celestial radiance, its arc slicing through the air with impossible precision. 

The shrill sound of shattering glass pierced the gloom as his blade clove through what appeared to be a fragile glass vial, reducing it to glittering shards in the span of a single blink.

Yet the true threat was only just being unleashed.

A sickly purple miasma billowed forth from the shattered vial, rapidly expanding with each passing second until the entire cavern was consumed in a roiling bank of noxious, poisonous fog. Even the protective layers of their Qi proved futile against such a vicious toxin, forcing Miao Ying and Mei Xianxue to inevitably breathe in the vile cloud.

"Mnn!" Mei Xianxue trembled in Miao Ying's iron grip, her body wracked with spasms as the poison's malignant energies invaded her form.

She could feel the insidious tendrils of virulent Qi worming their way into her body, into her very organs and flesh, unleashing waves of searing agony that threatened to overwhelm her mind. 

It was only her years of tempering, of forging her will into an indomitable bulwark against suffering, that kept the screams from tearing free of her throat.

Miao Ying, too, felt the spike of torment lance through his being as the poisonous particles sought to invade his body. Yet before they could take root, his soul pulsed with a sinister violet light as the Devourer Rune surged into being, instinctively unfurling a powerful suction force that drew the malignant Qi right out of his flesh.

In the blink of an eye, the deadly toxins had been refined into a potent wellspring of pure energy that flooded his meridians with newfound vigor. 

Without the Devourer Rune's intervention, Miao Ying had no doubts that he, too, would be writhing helplessly at the throes of that vicious poison.

Yet their unseen assailants were relentless, determined to seize any advantage in the chaos they had sown. 

Two flashes of silver cut through the miasma; gleaming blades propelled by malicious intent as they streaked toward the entangled cultivators' heads in a deadly thrust.