
Devourer's Defiance: A Renegade's Ambition To Devour The Gods

In a realm where obedience is demanded and individuality is suppressed, one cultivator dares to shatter the chains of conformity. Miao Ying, a freethinker with a rebellious spirit, refuses to bow to the oppressive authority poisoning every corner of his sect. Unwilling to just be cog in the machine, Miao Ying orchestrated his own expulsion from his sect. Guided by an insatiable hunger for freedom, he willingly accepts banishment, ready to forge his own destiny in a world that seeks to suppress his very existence. But fate has other plans for this audacious renegade. A chance encounter grants Miao Ying an ancient and cracked amulet, the legendary Devourer Art. With its power, he gains the ability to consume the very essence of his enemies, fueling his own cultivation and granting him unparalleled strength. Armed with this terrifying and exhilarating might, Miao Ying sets forth on a journey, he vows to consume the might and affluence of the self-proclaimed "heaven-chosen" elites, stripping them of their undeserved status. He vows to strip them of their wealth, their influence, and even their most cherished possessions - the beautiful empresses and princesses who symbolize their power. With the Devourer Art as his weapon and an unyielding determination as his shield, this renegade cultivator will stop at nothing to achieve true freedom.

CosmicPrime · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

An Unstoppable Sword

With a roar that shook the heavens, Miao Ying called upon the full, terrible might of his Qi Seed, infusing his spirit sword with the totality of his blazing cultivation. 

Lightning crackled and snarled along the edge of the blade; writhing tendrils of barely leashed power that yearned to be set free. Sword Qi swirled and danced, an invisible maelstrom of razor wind that could shred flesh and bone to ribbons.

He brought the sword down like the hammer of an angry god, cleaving through Xue Qingcheng's onrushing wave of Sword Qi as though it was nothing more than a mirage. 

The impact was cataclysmic, a booming thunderclap that reverberated off throughout the barren wasteland and set the teeth of the watching 9th stage disciples to rattling in their skulls.

In the aftermath of that blow, Xue Qingcheng's conjured Phantom Sword simply disintegrated, dissolving into motes of fading light that winked out of existence like dying embers. 

The backlash of the collision sent Xue Qingcheng herself stumbling, nearly pitching her off her feet... and in that moment of weakness, Miao Ying struck.

His spirit sword slashed down with the finality of an executioner's blade, hungry for the kill, for the spray of arterial blood, and the sweet embrace of victory. 

Xue Qingcheng could only watch in numb horror as it descended, her mind racing, searching desperately for an answer, for some final trick that might save her life.

"Sword Torching Sky!"

The words tore from her throat, raw and primal, tinged with an edge of hysteria. Her dantian pulsed, her Qi Seed trembling on the edge of total burnout as she forced even more power into her meridians. 

Searing flames blasted from the tip of her sword, coalescing into a raging inferno that engulfed her form from head to toe. 

It was a final, desperate defense, a skill meant to weather any storm...

But before the unstoppable fury of Miao Ying's attack, it may as well have been a paper screen before a hurricane.

With a thunderous bellow that put the roar of the flames to shame, Miao Ying once more drew upon the full, unimaginable depths of his cultivation. 

Lightning and Sword Qi merged into a single, scintillating helix, a corkscrew of destructive energy that ripped through the air with a keening wail. 

It struck Xue Qingcheng's protective blaze head-on... and tore through it like a knife through gossamer silk!

The flames simply ceased to be, snuffed out of existence as though they had never been. 

And still, Miao Ying's sword came on, an unstoppable force, an immovable object given a murderous purpose. 

It filled Xue Qingcheng's vision, eclipsed her world, the only thing that existed in that timeless moment...

Until, at the very last instant, it stopped, the razor edge coming to rest a mere hairsbreadth from the pallid skin of her temple.

In the sudden, deafening silence that followed, the entire world seemed to hold its breath. 

The three disciples who had borne witness to the cataclysmic duel stared in mute incomprehension, their eyes wide and glassy, their jaws slack with disbelief. 

To see Xue Qingcheng, the 15th-ranked sword genius herself, so utterly outclassed, so thoroughly beaten...and by a cultivator who had only reached the 2nd Stage of Qi Establishment! 

It defied belief, spat in the face of everything they thought they knew about the world.

For the two 9th Stage disciples, the realization of just how close they had come to annihilation at Miao Ying's hands sent icy tendrils of terror crawling up their spines. 

They had thought themselves strong, had believed their cultivation to be the product of heaven-defying talent and unyielding effort... but in the face of Miao Ying's might, they were less than insects, their lives subject to the whims of a being so far beyond them that he may as well have been a god.

The air crackled with tension as Miao Ying stood amidst the shattered remnants of the battle, his sword held loosely at his side. 

The barren wasteland stretched out before him, a desolate expanse of blackened earth and smoldering ruins that bore silent witness to the ferocity of the conflict that had just unfolded. 

Miao Ying's eyes, sharp and unyielding, surveyed the scene with an impassive gaze, taking in the stunned faces of the gathered disciples and the devastation wrought by his hand.

Before him, Xue Qingcheng stood frozen, her regal bearing shaken to its core. She had entered this battle confident in her profound arts and secret techniques, in the countless resources that had been lavished upon her since rising up through the Earth Abode. 

As a powerful genius of the Earth Abode, she can't even recall the last time she felt anything similar to the stings of defeat.

And yet, in the face of Miao Ying's peerless might, all of her advantages had been rendered meaningless.

In just a few exchanges of moves, Miao Ying had shattered her illusions like fragile glass, his sword sundering her every defense with a casual ease that defied belief. 

The profound arts she had spent years mastering, the secret technique she spent countless hours of practice on- all had proven useless before the overwhelming power of Miao Ying's cultivation.

And yet, even as the ashes of her pride smoldered in her chest, Xue Qingcheng felt a strange new sensation blossoming within her. It was respect, pure and simple, tinged with an edge of breathless admiration. 

In all her years, in all her travels and trials, she had never encountered a talent like Miao Ying's. His sword seemed to sing with a life of its own, each strikes a perfect fusion of speed, strength, and precision. It was as if the Heavenly Dao itself guided his hand, imbuing his every motion with a sublime grace that transcended mortal understanding.

Not even the exalted geniuses of the Heaven Abode, those blazing stars that lit the firmament of Moon Sky City with their brilliance, could compare. 

They were Young Houtian Lords, true... but they had reached those heights through decades of cultivation, through resources and opportunities that beggared the imagination. 

But Miao Ying? 

Miao Ying had achieved the impossible with nothing more than the strength of his own two hands and the fire of his indomitable will.

As she looked at him, at the faint smile that played across his lips, at the casual ease with which he sheathed his world-sundering blade, Xue Qingcheng felt a strange fluttering in her chest, an unfamiliar warmth that suffused her cheeks and set her pulse to hammering. 

She ruthlessly suppressed the sensation, schooling her features into a mask of regal composure...but even so, she could not entirely banish the spark of heat that smoldered in her eyes.

"Truly wondrous!" Xue Qingcheng said, her melodic voice carrying across the shattered earth. She stepped forward, her porcelain features alight with a newfound fervor. "Might I ask how you achieved such mastery, Junior Brother Miao? How did you come to be so marvelous in the Sword Dao?"

Miao Ying shrugged, a faint smile playing across his lips. 

"Good work ethic coupled with some studying and a touch of fortune, nothing more," he replied, his tone casual and unassuming. "I can see your determination. Just keep forging ahead, and maybe something good will happen."

His words were simple, almost dismissive in their nonchalance. But Xue Qingcheng could sense the depths of wisdom that lay beneath them, the hard-won insights of a cultivator who had walked the path of the sword to its utmost heights. 

She opened her mouth to probe further, to glean what secrets she could from this peerless genius, but before she could speak, Miao Ying turned and began to walk away.

His stride was casual and unhurried as if he hadn't just unleashed a display of power that had shaken the very foundations of the Earth Abode. 

And yet, as Miao Ying strode away, Xue Qingcheng could sense that he cared little for such accolades. His cultivation was a thing of pure artistry, pursued for its own sake rather than for the trappings of power and influence.

"Are you planning on going further?" Xue Qingcheng called out, a hint of uncertainty creeping into her voice. Part of her longed to follow him, to bask in the radiance of his presence and learn at the feet of a true master.

Miao Ying glanced back over his shoulder, his gaze meeting hers. 

At that moment, Xue Qingcheng felt a shiver run down her spine, a sense of something vast and unfathomable lurking behind those dark eyes. 

"Tag along if you want," Miao Ying said, his voice tinged with faint amusement. "It'll be your own ability if you can make it with me."