

The power to devour death and enhance yourself. That is the power that Alex Rune received. An apocalyptic event occurred several generations ago that forced humanity to retreat underground in order to avoid extinction. Now all that remains of the human race lives within a series of five cities, with each city being built deeper than the last. In these cities everyone was equal and your only value to society was dependant on what you provided towards the survival of humanity. Of course, as anyone could have guessed, equality didn't last long. people started to create a social hierarchy based on what they could provide and soon enough capitalism had been reinstated. A few generations went by and the surface had all but been forgotten. Nobody cared for it, nobody longed for it. The surface might as well have been a fairy tale. It was around this time that another shift occurred within society, something that tossed the hierarchy onto it's head. Abilities. People started to develop supernatural abilities that allowed them to defy the laws of nature. Flight, teleportation, super strength and many more. It didn't take long for a new hierarchy to be formed, one that put these ability 'Users' at the top of the food chain. This brings us to the present day, where a young man nearing adulthood discovers that he possesses one of these abilities during a rather stressful moment. The ability he received? The ability grow stronger with each life he takes. This alone was a surprise, as he should have been too old to receive an ability, but the surprise didn't end there. It turns out than when Alex kills someone who possesses an ability, he can take it for himself. Now that he has the means to achieve greatness, he throws away his old self and embraces his need to kill, to grow stronger by any means necessary. Money hungry corporations, power drunk ability Users, this story has it all. Now get reading ;)

MagusRex · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
116 Chs


'Lets see how quickly the changes happen this time.' Alex was about to allocate the stat point he just received but the gang members corpse caught his attention. 'I should go somewhere else before I do this, I don't know how long it might take but I don't want to get interrupted by a stranger if they walk down the alleyway and see me beside a corpse.'

With that thought in mind, Alex walked for about ten minutes, eventually ducking into another alleyway. The alleyways were mostly empty apart from the occasional vagrant that would be lying on the floor. Alleyways were usually places to avoid due to the fact that criminals often hide in them and wait for someone to enter so they can attack them and steal their belongings but that was mostly only true at night.