

{You have failed in saving the world Acacia from the demon king nth time} {The authority [Regressor clockwork watch (EX)] rewinds the world time} for Lapse, it was a message he had seen many times it was tiresome it would be great had he dies with heroes and her teammates but he couldn't, for his skill that brought him back in time whenever he or the girl 'Ravien Rein' also known as hero dies. and he is weak due to the illness he has from the childhood, but even with Ravien's strength, he couldn't protect the broad Acacia planet against the Demon king. {The world's time will soon begin.} As the clock resumed ticking in the direction, it should, his nth iteration came to start Fortunately, he finally gets the power to change his Destiny. **************** Hello, itz_zer0 again. this is the second novel I am writing and as you know English is not my first language, I will still try my best and please don't expect me to update this novel on a daily basis, I will update this novel probably on Saturday or Sunday. I am writing this novel because I am a fan of a time loop, so if you are also a fan of time loop like me, follow me on the journey of Devoid! *The cover on the novel is obviously not mine and if you are the owner of this cover and want me to remove it, contact me on my email please. * Thankyou Have a nice day.

itz_zer0 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

very funny

Silence is created between us, and no one speaks and there is no movement of anything even the wind stops.

the silence continues until the midnight passes.

*rustle* *rustle*

the silence is broken by rustling of bushes and hearing the voice of bushes, Will mumbled.

" They are here"

I simply nodded my head.

from the bushes comes multiple people with the black lining over their faces, they are the same guards.

they are disguising their identity as a bandit, but I can tell who they are, so I speak without even looking at them

"Took you long enough Gregor, Allen and Risa from Black skull guild"

Every person movement stops, and their eyes startled except 3 person.

As Black skull guild is a famous criminal guild who has done many crimes including Ra*e, Slavery, Assassination, cannibalism and many other crimes which makes any normal human full of anger.


Then a sudden laugh emerges from the group which makes everyone startled, then another two person starts laughing.

Knights have no choice but to work with them as this is an order from above, and even they have to lower the morals of a knight by working with a criminal guild they will follow their liege orders.

Gregor start grinning and noticing the carefree attitude of Lapse he guess that something is wrong, so he gave a signal behind his hand to stay alert and he speaks

" You have changed and different from the reports I have received, well that's to be expected you are the son of that sly man and"

he glanced sideways and look towards another person who has hateful expression on his face.

"Look like dog is betraying his own master and he is asking for a punishment"

before Will could do anything rash, I stopped him by putting the hands in front of him.

Gregor grinned, making him look uglier than the woman without makeup.

Gregor start speaking and starts moving.

"You know I am not that a bad person I help an innocent girl too."

Risa speaks from the sides.

"How, boss?"

" I help a girl untying his hand when she is executing for a witch in some village even though she is not and after that we do s*x together and do every position we know"

When he was speaking, I was like 'Ah!, again with that shitty useless dark joke like him'

Allen speaks from other side too.

"Boss, did she gave you a head?"

Gregor had a regretful expression on his face

"No, I tried to find it But I couldn't"

When the Gregor voice stops, Gregor, Allen and Risa all charged toward Me and Will.

But their movement stopped 10m far from Me and Will, Knight start losing their balance as well and fall on the ground, can't move one inch of muscles.

Gregor start gritting his teeth and speaks.

"You are using poison against poison master; you will regret it-"

but before he could speak further, he coughs blood through his mouth.

after seeing his blood on his hand, his hands shakes and the feeling of fear of death he forgot start ramming over his mind.


Risa, Allen and other knights already lose their consciousness, but Gregor doesn't because he is the higher-level aura user.

but after the blood start coming through his mouth, he felt blurred through his eyes, but through his blurred eyes he sees the smirking face of Will, and he speaks.

"Y-you are t-the one who planned this."

Will shakes his head and speaks.

"No, no, no my dear father, it's all happen

according to my masters plan."

Gregor clicks his tongue and speaks.

"Tsk, you don't even know how to repay the kindness I have given you"?


after listening to the Gregor answer, Will enraged and wants to dash out.


but he was stopped by my monotone and glacial voice.

A sigh escaped from Gregor mouth, and he speaks.

"haa ...Look like my plan failed, Can I ask a question please as my last request."

After hearing his painful and last request straight from the heart, I wholeheartedly replied


The question he wanted to ask, 'This is a sleeping poison made from cannabis plant that makes everyone unconscious the very second they inhale this gas, but it only acts poison to him because of his certain past mistake, but why is lapse not losing his consciousness?'

the 'past mistake' that he speaks when he was doing some experiment on him to make the drug that counteract cannabis plant effect, but he does some mistake which cause him to make this gas only poisonous to him.

and the reason that I am not losing consciousness is the drug that I have taken which will be discovered by the Will in the future.

Gregor is in disbelief and shouted in an enraged voice.


Before he could continue, I change my direction and looks toward the certain direction and speak in an imperturbable voice.

"The show is over, why don't you show yourself right now?"

the moment the last word escaped from my mouth, a dagger comes in my direction, and I evade the dagger by falling backwards and catch the handle of the dagger, rotate my body 180°, changing the momentum throw it in the same direction it came from.

then a girl avoiding the dagger suddenly dashes out of the branches and stand it in front of me, she is having brown eyes, black hair and a well-built body according to an assassin, and with a craziness and anticipation in her eyes he speaks.

" Wow young master Lapse, you really grown up well."

yes, she is my personal maid who has attended to me and my mother as well, but she is actually an assassin plotted by Alex to notice me and my mother's movement.

Gregor who is on the verge of passing out, shouted like a mad man.

" Yes, yes kill him and save me."

the maid aka assassin gave him a disgusting glare and speaks.

"Just shut up and die, you imbecile old man."

Gregor replied in an enraged voice

"What are you saying?"

I speaks, cutting their conversation before they can make this conversation long enough me to sleep here

"Do you not understand what happened?, Alex Ivansia just used you 'the black skull guild' so that he can kill you after you kill me, means you were never meant to be free."

Alex can kill me with his hand but, he sends the black skull guild person because he can give reason to the duke of north and Rex, so Rex starts hating them and kill them and pursue the path of becoming a 'holy sword' user.

after hearing the answer, the maid knew that front of him is not a person she knew, he is not an immature and kind child who doesn't knows the ways of the world.

And I was thinking like 'why I was calling her a maid?' but then I remember 'she isn't even given a name, because only a handful of assassins assigned a name' and name for an assassin is just a mask which they used it to hide their real identity.

Gregor who was reprimand multiple times today, understand one thing and mumble something in a voice full of despair.

"So, we were used this whole time, you will kill us after we kill him."

when their conversation ends, Maid aka assassin dashes toward me with a dagger in her hand, I take out another dagger from back of me which I was borrowed from Will and as for Will; why he isn't doing something? because I ordered him to 'just watch and enjoy'.


her dagger and my dagger clash with each other multiple time in a single second resulting in a sound and a spark emerges between daggers.

she takes multiple steps backwards and using her super speed she appear backwards, and I just move backward and clash it, and this happen multiple times.

even Will is confused on how this is even possible for a person to predict a person movement, until and unless the certain person have clairvoyance, but they quickly disregarded this thought, because certain ability only exist within temple and they are blessed by god.

when she see that this happen multiple time, she can't help but ask

"Wonderful, young master Where you have learned such dagger ship? your movement is like a professional, yet clumsy like a beginner"

she continued

" You are same like your mother, I still remembers the day when she begged me to not kill you and when I cut her guts and pull her every organ out and Ah! I feel aroused when I drench myself in her blood, and now that I think about it I forgot your existence that day... maybe that's the reason why I couldn't kill you that day."

after seeing my uninterested face she continued

" Do you know how much self -control that it takes me not to kill you when I sees your blood today."

when she was doing this shit talk or talking about her weird fantasy about playing herself with my blood, I was thinking 'how do I kill her last time'

'Ah! I remembers, when she dashed in front of me, I bite my lips and spit a blood on her face, especially on eyes causing her sight to blur for a moment, which gives me a chance and I clashed the dagger and her dagger thrown out of her hand

Back then, I cuts her both hand, grab her from the neck with my left hand using superhuman strength and cutting her both legs which makes her losing blood like a fountain.

"Your free trial of life is over" and ended with the cringest lines I have known'

'which makes Will and Gregor looking at me like a devil straight from hell'

but when I sees around both Gregor and Will having a wary expression, it felt too real.

At that moment I feel...scared of death because I think this is the last memory I was seeing on the verge of dying and I can't fulfill the promise I have made.

What promise? something feels inside of me, and I feel that I am forgetting something...very important.

But I forget that the thing I needs to remember, and it changed after I realized that the scene I was thinking happened for real, yes I killed the maid like I've done in the previous loop.

I take a launcher from the pocket of the now death maid and launched it which act like a signal and like a cracker it makes a dazzling view in the sky.


and covering my half face I start laughing like a craze mad man

hearing my laugh both Will and Gregor got chills over their body and Gregor couldn't help but speak.

" Do you think this situation is funny?"

In the middle of my laugh, I nodded my head and speak in a voice that contain little bit of excitement.

" Yes, it is funny, verrrryyyy funny."

to think that I, who lived even after uncountable deaths is scared of dying because of .....what?

'What was it again?'