

once upon a time there was a knight who saved a maiden is danger from the tyrannical wizard, the knight is the maiden they had a son called vithonic how long would be the devilkghth the better known the purple knight or knight in purple armor the protector of realms

senhordogamerplay · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs


You need to leave now."

Devilkghth nodded nervously, not knowing what else to do, and carefully rose to his feet. After looking around for a few moments, he found his way towards the door and slipped outside, leaving the human alone in the hall. It didn't take much time before footsteps could be heard approaching, accompanied by an annoyed growl.

"You shouldn't be playing around," a deep voice stated sharply. He sounded a lot closer than he had previously thought, and he froze in confusion before slowly turning around and peering at his father.

"Um… I'm sorry, sir. I thought that my friend was waiting in the dining room so I couldn't wait any longer…" He replied sheepishly, scratching the back of his head as he avoided the older knight's stare.

"Your friend? Did you bring him along today? Where did you hide him?" The knight questioned, his brow furrowed angrily as he stepped closer.

"I didn't hide him anywhere, sir," the boy responded hastily, stepping backwards nervously when he noticed the way the knight was glaring at him. "He went downstairs to eat… but he won't be gone forever," the knight continued, continuing to narrow his eyes at the boy. "If he leaves, then you can expect that the whole castle will know. If they think that you lied to them about us being together, that means that you'll have to explain yourself to them very badly, and you probably won't even be able to stay in this castle for long without raising suspicion."

"What?! No! Please, please don't make me leave this house! Don't make me leave!!" Devilkghth shouted frantical