

once upon a time there was a knight who saved a maiden is danger from the tyrannical wizard, the knight is the maiden they had a son called vithonic how long would be the devilkghth the better known the purple knight or knight in purple armor the protector of realms

senhordogamerplay · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs


Devilkghth or incredible known as Devilkght became famous throughout Faerun for defeating hordes of goblins and ores and countless numbers of lesser demons.

Once upon a time there was a knight who rescued a maiden is danger from the tyrant sorcerer, the knight is the maiden they had a son called vithonic how long would be the devilkghth the better known the purple knight or knight in purple armor the protector of realms

A short distance away stood a lone figure wearing green robes sporting white hair tied neatly beneath a pointed hat decorated with feathers. Her eyes glowed brightly red in contrast to pale skin showing clear evidence of years spent outdoors tending plants and animals. Despite her age she moved swiftly and gracefully avoiding obstacles effortlessly using magic spells whenever necessary. When approached by curious onlookers asking questions regarding the whereabouts of Devilkghth or incredible known as Devilkinghht replied simply "I am Lady Amlaruil." Then added "…and I'm sure you've heard plenty already!" For days after hearing rumours of a mysterious stranger dressed in purple garb riding through various parts of the countryside women went missing mysteriously turning up murdered shortly thereafter. Rumors abounded suggesting foul play involving devils and wizards working hand in glove to bring terror unto innocent victims. Most believed the stories to be mere superstition born of ignorance and foolishness. However some suspected darker motives driving the perpetrators to commit unspeakable acts. Not wishing to see innocents harmed regardless of race or creed the lady mage used her powers to locate the culprits responsible for committing crimes ranging anywhere from murder to theft.

but Devilkghth appeared first fastener Lady Amlarui responsible for all those crimes tying your legs is arms with a rope

Lady Amalruli was arrested and taken prisoner awaiting trial held captive in dungeons below Castle Ravenloft. There she awaited execution by hanging unless someone intervened. Fortunately help arrived unexpectedly in form of a handsome elf ranger accompanied by a dwarf cleric who offered assistance in freeing the woman. Together they managed to free her from captivity and return safely home to safety. Once freed from prison the former princess of Mithral Hall vowed revenge against those who wronged her and promised herself vengeance against those guilty of harming children.