

once upon a time there was a knight who saved a maiden is danger from the tyrannical wizard, the knight is the maiden they had a son called vithonic how long would be the devilkghth the better known the purple knight or knight in purple armor the protector of realms

senhordogamerplay · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs


The Knight and His Son Vorthos sat on their horses as he rode through his lands. He looked at all that surrounded him with pride; it wasn't much but to someone like himself—a simple farmer's boy turned soldier-turned adventurer —it seemed more than enough for any man could ever want out life: fields full of crops ready just waiting until harvest season came around again next year along side pastures filled by happy cows grazing peacefully under blue skies dotted only here and then across them were small villages where people lived peaceful lives going about daily business without fear of anything untoward happening among themselves…or so one might think if not looking too closely into things. The land surrounding these little towns weren't always safe places even though most folk didn't know this fact because no matter what happened within those walls none dared speak ill against another lest some great lord should hear such talk and have men come down hard upon whoever spoke up first. It made sense really since everyone knew well whom each person served when asked "who do you serve?" And yet still many whispered darkly behind closed doors while others kept quiet altogether thinking perhaps saying something wouldn't make matters worse after all why cause trouble over nothing? But sometimes bad news did find its way outside despite best efforts otherwise which meant certain individuals needed to keep an eye open for signs of unrest brewing before anyone else noticed. Such vigilance paid off once during the reign of King Arvinius III (the third king) whose father ruled prior to him being crowned monarch. A young nobleman named Galdurian found himself caught between two powerful forces both wanting control of his family estate near the border town of Tethyr Vale. One force wanted to use the place as a base camp for raiding parties sent forth toward other kingdoms whereas the second wished to turn