
Devil x Evil D.exE

This is a novel about a romance that involves an innocent devil girl and a sadistic human boy. We have our own devils in our heads that we keep fighting every day. but in this world, it comes out literally. Devils that follow humans and whisper words that make people consumed by their own deepest desires are known as "soul guides." A low-ranking devil who's been isolated from the outside world tries to change her life by trying to become a soul guide. So what will happen if she meets someone that much more evil than a her? ****** Hello, everyone! This is my first novel, so I'm still learning, and I'm hoping for some advice and guidance along the way. Since I can't put the illustration here in my novel, I created a Twitter account and will post the illustration there. Here is the link: https://twitter.com/AnkArt101 thank you again and have a good day you all :)

Ank_Art · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Soul Guide Part 2

In this conversation, Levia answered a lot of my questions in exchange for me helping her later with her request. I learned a lot of things, such as:

*Devils will be able to rank up by guiding souls. By guiding, I mean whether your soul goes up or down.

*Devils can't choose or change their target, and they can only go back to hell once they complete their assigned mission or their target dies.

*Devils don't need to eat or sleep here in the human world.

*Devils can interact with things such as the floor whenever they want, but they can't move it whatsoever. Basically, they can't apply force, but they won't be able to receive one either.

I guess that answers my question about why she can sleep on my bed without going through it or how she can walk like a normal person without falling into the center of the earth. I even asked her how she could do such a thing, and she asked me, "Why can you walk?" A clever answer. It means that interacting and going through something is just a common thing for devils that they naturally learned as they grew.

I also learned that devils don't interrupt other devils when they are near their target. For me, this information is a good thing in so many ways. Because, as far as I know, devils don't leave their target unless they are done with their job,

I also asked her why every other devil I came across knows how to float while she can't and why other devils can communicate with humans to some degree by whispering something over and over, as well as why they can move things slightly without touching them directly, and she just answered,

"Ah, that's a skill that she will get if she completes her mission, like a level-up kind of thing." She looks like someone who imagines herself in a bright future, but in reality, she really is fucked.

I'm pretty sure that I came across some devils in the past shouting that it was their first mission, but even so, they were able to float and do other skills.

This moron. I'm sure that she's one of those types who tries to self-study and learns something that doesn't even appear on the test.

At that moment just like a thunder crushing down on someone with a bang, I realized something really funny.

She didn't learn the necessary skills needed for her job, and since humans can't hear or see devils, what if, just what if her target was not me, but just a regular human being? Does that mean she will be forever stuck here in the human world?


Fppft—Yuan held himself from laughing as he looked at the devil girl walking happily beside him like a tourist on vacation.

I could tell her all of this and watch her reaction, that she just barely dodged a bullet right there, but I think it would be a lot funnier to let her discover it by herself. I just wish that I'm present when the time comes.


"So, for my last question, do you happen to know a devil named Lilith?"

"Lilith?" "No, it doesn't ring a bell." "Is she one of your associates?" Yuan smiles, then waves his hands in front of his face as a gesture.

"Ah no." "It was just a name that popped out in the book that I was reading about devils, so I got curious. Lilith, it's got a nice ring on the ear."

6:45 am

"Oh, so this is school!" "This is just like the Adra factory in hell, where minions are created," she says as she looks at the big iron gate in front of them. Inside of it are a bunch of big white buildings that come in many sizes.

Eh, what the hell is that? All I can think of are those yellow freaks when I think of minions.

"Hey, Yuan, show me around!" She looked at him with a sparkle in her eyes as her devil tail waggled back and forth.

Yuan looks at his watch and sees that he still has time before school starts, so he decides to show her around the school. They go to the cafeteria, the library, and the gym, and as they about to walk towards the music room, Levia stops walking and asks,

"How about this place?" "What is this?" Levia looked at the small building with two doors that had signs on them, one with a silhouette of a woman and the other with a silhouette of a man. Yuan smiles

"It's the place where we humans momentarily rest our mind and body; it has the ability to make you feel better after you use it."

Levia went "woah" as she tried to go through the door, but before she could, Yuan stopped her and pointed the door to her left.

"Levia, if you want to go inside make sure you enter at the left door (where the silhouette of a man as a sign is) because the right door is the exit."

Levia nods as she says "um," then goes through the door without a second thought. At that very moment, Yuan gives a devilish smile as he hears the word.


echoing from inside the restroom.


"I can't believe you made me see that you are a pervert," Levia angrily shouts at Yuan with a blushing face as they walk toward the second floor of the building while Yuan keeps on giggling.

"But I didn't tell you to enter though. You did it on your own." Yuan smiled happily as he opened the door of the first room located on the second floor of the building.

There are already a lot of students inside where one of them runs towards Yuan, a young man wearing the same uniform as him with wavy brown hair greets him with a smile.

"Good morning, Yuan! ….. You look happy today! wait that's rare. " "Did something good happen?" Rikko asked him while looking curious.

Yuan once again smiled, saying, "Good morning Rikko, and yeah, something good did happen. I saw a really cute girl on my way here, and she did something kind of funny."

Levia, standing besides him, is shocked by the things she heard, especially the "really cute" part. She blushes and looks at Yuan.

Levia started playing with her hands while looking down and muttering, "So you do like me—"

But before she can finish her sentence, she hears an unfamiliar female voice. A young girl her age with slightly long brown hair and two round dark brown eyes wearing a standard school uniform gives a stern look at Yuan, saying

"By cute girl, you mean a very stupid girl, right?...Did you bully someone again Yuan?"

"Good morning to you too Hannah. plus you've got it all wrong....I haven't bullied any single human being today."

which is actually true, since Levia is a devil. Hannah went "heee" as she looked at Yuan with doubt in her eyes. She then looked at Rikko and asked,

"What do you think, Rikko?" "Do you think Yuan is telling the truth?"

Without a second of hesitation, Rikko answered, "Of course he is definitely lyin—," but before he could finish, Yuan took a recorder out of her bag.

"Definitely telling the truth" as he nods over and over.

Yuan nods back as Hannah goes "che~" while Levia is just standing there all confused.

*shheg* Their teacher enters as soon as the door opens. The first bell of the school day rings, and everyone bows to their teacher and settles in.

* * *