On the first day of Alex's sophomore year in high school, the elusive company of H20 Software Corporation paid a visit. Why? You ask... Oh, it turns out that my class has been invited to playtest their latest game, Untethered. Playtest? Yes, playtest...and not enter the whole-ass game and become the godforsaken Devil Spawn.
[You have gained 20 EXP.]
The system spoke in its monotonous voice as I reeled back, baffled at my sudden realization.
My eyes flashed with bright brilliance as several neural pathways in my brain connected and suddenly...
[Skill: Oversaturation is active.]
[Skill:] Oversaturation: A skill every human being is born with that allows one to connect to spiritual entities as well as perform miracles. Yours has been honed to perfection due to diligent practices of meditation. This skill allows you to effortlessly absorb the World's Energy.
Suddenly, I felt a rush of energy fill up my body. It went through my nostrils, down my esophagus, through my trachea and then...
Into a foreign organ in my body.
The World Energy moved in a graceful flux, entering into my body and residing in it. The way it moved was effortless and unrestrained, even bringing a calming sensation with it.
Each breathe felt euphoric and tantalizing.
Filling me with a pleasure so alluring, it felt heavenly.
My eyes regained their usual light, my arms and legs regained their usual might and my mind regained the gift of clarity.
My eyelids fluttered slowly and my gaze seemed lost in rapture.
It was an ethereal feeling...to absorb the World Energy.
No wonder Leveling up always feels peaceful...
My expression was calm and serene as I sat up to my hind. I rested in the darkness, just calmly experiencing the sensation of my beating heart and calm breath.
I remained silent with a gentle smile on my face for a few moments before speaking, the instant I opened my mouth a puff of air escaped,
"Ah...so this is what the World Energy feels like..."
To be so ubiquitous and nowhere at the same time...
I smiled as I shook my head.
The sound of Silver Lining striking the ground brought me to my senses. Raising it to my eye level, I glanced at its silvery blade which seemed to give out a pale light despite the absolute darkness.
[Inventory:] Silver Lining: A dying prince stood before a tarnished crown, brandishing a silver sword in hand. This sword brought forth a flame of hope to the prince's heart and with that hope came great solitude. This Epic Item has the effect; Undying Will.
[Effect:] Undying Will: With great solitude, comes great power and great revelations.
A smile came to my face as I remembered.
Right when I was on the verge of collapsing from the powerful lethargy, I suddenly had an epiphany.
And that epiphany was most likely granted to me by the elusive blade of Silver Lining.
Looking at the blade, I smiled, "You really do live up to your name, huh..."
I smiled amicably before turning back to my thoughts.
The epiphany from Silver Lining led me to realize why I couldn't absorb the World Energy.
I had been breathing wrong.
To absorb air, one needed to breathe with their lungs but to absorb the World Energy one needed to breathe with a different organ.
An organ that allows the absorption and containment of the World Energy.
I patted my core; the area where I felt the World Energy accumulating in.
There...that's the special organ...
I thought in acknowledgement, before making a quizzical expression.
"But I know definitely...there's no human organ like that..."
The human body had no special organ like that.
Which raised the question, how did I get this organ?
"Well, that's simple...it's probably when I leveled up. That'll mean that Level 1 does not have this special organ and can't absorb or store the World Energy.", I said in a calm tone.
So, my classmates can't use magic...
A dark glee made its way to my mind before my inner voice tore it away.
God...you really think they'll be able to level up...they don't even have martial arts skills. How'll they get EXP?
Did you forget that you just got EXP now?
Check your stats.
I paused for a moment before uttering a command, "Stats."
[Name:] Alex
[Level:] 5
[EXP:] 93/200
[Skills:] Oversaturation, Mind Palace, Reverb Mapping, Art of Learning, Body Constitution, Battle Arts, Anti-Lip Sync, Invisibility, Manipulation, Vast Knowledge Base, Pickpocket, Panoramic Vision, Resistance, Fear Inducement, Thousand Tongues, Death Darting Eyes
[Aliases:] The Mastermind, The Fool, Skeleton Horror
[Debuffs:] Partial Hearing, Myopic Vision, Anti-Lip Sync, Rizzless
[HP:] 100/100
[Achievements:] Flash of Power, Combat Novice, Beat the Odds
What the...?
I raised an eyebrow when I saw my EXP counter.
[EXP:] 93/200
When did it-
It was when you realized the way to breathe.
When I realized the correct way to breathe, the system awarded me with EXP...?
I felt confused.
Wasn't EXP only gained from killing enemies?
It seems like you've been reading too many isekai novels...
My inner voice seemed to let out a sigh before continuing.
EXP is short for experience.
At his words my eyes flickered but he kept speaking.
Killing gives you combat experience but, in this case, when you learned the correct way to absorb the World Energy you gained experience in...
He trailed off but I completed his sentence.
I let out an exhale as my head bobbed back.
"Damn...this game...", I used a hand to cover my face, trying to hid a mad grin, "Untethered...you've just gotten a billion times more interesting..."
"HAHA!", I let out a light laugh.
"Hmm...now that I think about it...this method will make more sense..."
For people who weren't capable fighters, a mode of garnering EXP through killing wasn't going to be feasible for them but if they could get stronger by acquiring experience in other aspects wouldn't that be more effective?
I grinned.
The possibilities were truly endless!
Truly...Untethered...you are too interesting!
I couldn't help but chuckle, imagining a future where I could use magic.
Breathing out fire can't be so bad...
Don't delude yourself, don't you remember your theory.
My face turned indifferent at my inner voice's statement.
I remained silent for a moment, simply breathing in the World Energy before uttering a command.
"Inventory Open."
At my command, a swirl of sparks formed around a hazy outline of a cylinder, connecting with each other like an ethereal network before manifesting a plain, unassuming Lantern.
[Equipped Item:] Inept Lantern
The instant I grasped it, a familiar irritating feeling permeated from the point of contact as a flickering flame ignited from within it.
The World Energy in my core was being absorbed.
Now that I was more sensitive to the World Energy, I could now truly understand why Galter Droet had named the damn thing inept.
In fact, inept was an understatement!
The damn Lantern was literally devouring my World Energy at a frightening speed.
I couldn't tell how much exactly but I could feel it instinctively.
The torch was truly broken.
Tss...now I feel bad for thinking ill of him...
I clicked my tongue before turning back to the Lantern.
Soon, a grin made its way to my face.
But of course, everything has it's ups as well, in fact this opportunity is a good one...
Weighing the Lantern in my hand, I said, "I could use this damn thing to master how to inhale the World Energy automatically while also getting a feeling on how to probably release it."
Yes, this was indeed a godsend opportunity!
With a smile, I turned away from the Lantern, turning to a certain object in the chasm.
"Ah yes...the magic circle...we hadn't finished our introductions before we were rudely interrupted.", I said as I approached the monster hide laying on the ground.
As I advanced towards it, feeling giddy to be able to inspect it, my stomach let out a loud noise.
At the sound, I clicked my tongue and said in an annoyed tone,
"Great...another rude visitor."