
Devil of my Word

Lucifer Morningstar, you may know him as the devil But for me he is my dad. I would say let's get into the story but I would rather give you my backstory first.

Lizzie_Taylor · TV
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3 Chs

A Devilishly Introduction

Hello there, welcome to Devil of my Word. You can call me Damian. My full name is Damian Kylo Morningstar. My mother named me because my father did know about me till later on in my life. which I was okay with when I was little but once I got older I asking my mum more and more about him. Then she finally got sick of me pestering her she bought a plane ticket for me and sent me off to my father. But enough about that let's start off with the story if you want to read my backstory continue on this page. If not go to the next chapter, I won't mind. I don't like the past as well.

.....6 YEARS AGO.....

I was at home with my mother she was passed out on the couch as usual, and my mum's boyfriend was going through things trying to find the most expensive thing he could find and go pone it off. My life was hectic enough I didn't need to get involved with him on that I've already been sent to juvie last month for getting into a fight at school with this bastard named Josh McCall. Man, I can't stand him.

Well anyways I was trying to get information on my father but as usual, there was nothing because my mother wouldn't tell me a thing. I don't know why she keeps him a secret or is she keeping me a secret? Who knows. I get up and walk outside of my room and look around then I go back to my room close the door and lock it. After that I walk to the window and jump out, I land on the ground and then I catch up with a few of my friends. They had a car, so they were going to drop me off in Las Angeles.

I spent 9, 9 hours in a hot car with an annoying guy right next to me. my friends had to get another guy to somewhere else too. I didn't know who he was and I didn't care, I just wanted to get to Las Angeles as soon as possible. And As soon as possible came slower than I had hoped. After a few hours of beginning in that car again, it was getting on my nerves.

finally, I have shown up in Las Angeles, It was already night time and people were out partying, and drinking. like it was the 20s again. Technically it is if you think about it, it's 2020. so it counts right? oh well moving on, I was walking down the street and came across this girl. she was sitting on the ground down a dirty and run down hotel. she was crying, I wondered what was wrong so I walked over to her. "Are you okay?" I stood there looking down at her, the girl looked up to me and looked like she was about to speak but she stopped herself. She looked at me with tears in her eyes, she was afraid. But what was she so afraid of? I didn't want to push her so I just turned around and walked the other way, I came across this dance club called "Lux" it seemed like a cool place. I went inside to Sit down for a bit. I walked over to the bar and this girl came up to me, she had medium length brown hair, her skin was a beautiful coloring. "What can I Get Ya?" she looked at me with a grin on her face. "oh uh I'm good for now." I slightly smiled at her, "Your loss kid". she walked away from me and went over to this very tall man. They were both watching this guy who was singing and playing the piano. He was singing a song about the devil. That's cool, I guess. I walked my way over to the back room to sit down. The guy at the piano finished his song and walked over to the girl I meet at the bar. she was talking to him and pointed over into my direction, That was my cue to leave. I got up from my seat and started to walk to the door to leave. But before I could make it there a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into the back room.

I have to be honest I was scared for the first time. I had no clue what to do, should I run or no? what would he do if I hit him and ran? Who knows I may be dead in the next few minutes because it looks like no one messes with him. I turned around and the guy from the piano had my arm still. "What are you doing in my club?"

Oh no, this is it. It's the end of me. "I just came in to waste some time. "To waste some time, that is the lamest thing I've ever heard from a child." A new female walked into the room, she had dirty blonde hair and was a bit taller than me. Not by much be she was still taller.

She walked over and went to the guy "Lucifer, who's a kid is this?" she whispered to him. The guy looked at her "I'm not sure, I'm trying to figure that out, detective". I was terrified because now a detective was here. I need to get out of here no matter what, but how.

"Well well, you must be a long way from home?" The guy had a creepy smile. The girl behind him looked confused, "I'm no one, I'll just go" I moved a lot quicker to the door and ran. I ran as fast as I could possibly go. I could hear them behind me, they were questioning me.

I finally got far enough away from that place, I stopped to rest at an old diner, it was one of those 24-7 diners. I went inside and sat in the back of the diner and rested my head, "God what would have happened if I didn't run?" I sat back and looked out the window near me. A girl with some unique tattoos walked by and came into the diner. she had her hood up and was wearing black long sleeves and jeans. I watched her walk to the lady cleaning up and they looked at each other. The lady who walked in grabbed the server and threw her on to a table, I quickly got under the table and hid.

She grabbed something out from the box that had the dishes and silverware and took the knife out, she put the knife to her throat "Where is she?" I stayed out and tried to be as silent as I could, "Where did you take her. I know you took her, I want her back. You hear me I want her back" the server lady was scared out of her mind. I wanted to help but what could a 10-year-old do. I sat there and finally the server lady answers "I don't know who you are talking about!?!?!". The one with the knife banged the servers head on to the table, "Yes you do, Catherine told me you have her". the server lady puts her hands on the table, "I don't know who that is and I have no clue who you are. Please, oh god please let me go". The lady with the knife slashed out the server's throat and then once she was dead she carved out her heart. I have never seen anything like this before int life, well I've never seen anything before. I barely ever got to leave the house.

The lady opened her bag and got out a jar with a label on it, I was too far away to see what it said, but it was a name. I was sure about that part. The lady killer had out the heart of the server in the jar, "No one messes with my girl". That was the last thing she said before she walked out.

I got out from under the table when I knew that the killer lady was gone. I stood up and walked over to the lady that was on the table. I just stood there for a moment, then I called the police, I wasn't sure what was going to happen when they get there but I was quite certain they will think I'm a suspect. I see two cops pull up and walk inside, they look at me. I try to look so innocent and upset to hopefully get out of here. Another car pulls up, but it was not a cop car, it was an older car, Very fancy. I see two people get out of it and it was the guy from the club I ran from and the woman detective that was with him. I started to panic, one of the cops came up to me and saw sho I was looking at. "Did you sneak out of your room or something to be this scared of them?". I looked at him "Wh..what no, they aren't my..." the guy walked in and looked at me, I gulped so loud you could hear it down the street if you listened close enough. "Why hello there, long time no see", I started to step back, and soon enough I made it to the back door, "I.. um... I'll go tell my story to the guys outside..." I opened the door and ran out.

I put my hand on my chest and try to catch my breath, it wasn't going well. I looked around and right beside me was that guy again "Ah!?!?!, wh...whh.what do you want ?!?!". the guy looked at me "Oh not much I just wanted to know ~What is your deepest Desire~" I looked at him and I thought he was crazy "What do you mean, is this it.?!?!". The guy was puzzled "What's wrong with my mojo?" the guy looked at the women. "I mean if you truly must know, it's to find my father, my mother kept me away from him for years. so I decided to take matters into my own hands"

The women looked at the guy, "I can help you with that. What's your father's name?" and that's when it hit me, I only knew his last name. "Uh well, um I only uh know his last name."

the lady looked at me, "oh okay, what's his last name?" I looked at them both "Morningstar?" They both looked at each other. I could tell they were shocked. "Did I say something wrong?"

the guy looked at me, "No not at all, by the way, I'm Lucifer, Lucifer Morningstar and this is Chloe Decker". The moment I hear him say those two words *Lucifer Morningstar* I felt like all of the life was drained out of me. Lucifer looked at me then at Chloe "So detective shall we do a test to see if it's true or not?" he was being serious. Chloe looked at me "Is that fine with you?". I hesitated for a moment "ye..yeah sure?".

.....2 hours later.....

*Las Angeles Police Department*

I was sitting at Chloe's desk waiting for some girl named Ella to come to take some of my blood, I know it sounds weird but I guess it will help find out if he really is my father.

I see a shorter girl With black hair and bright eyes walk over to me. "You ready?" she seemed excited to be doing this. "Yeah, I guess". I looked at her then down at the needle she had, I was not a fan of needles. She pricked me and started to take the blood, a few moments later she was done. "Okay I should have results done in about an hour or two okay Luc?" I got up and walked to the vending machine and took out some money to get food because it been 11 hours since I ate. and I was starting to feel it hit me.

I got my bag of chips and sat down. finally, I won't pass out from starvation.

.....1 hour later.....

Lucifer, Chloe, I got the results back! Chloe and Lucifer looked at Ella. Lucifer looked eager to hear the results "So ms.lopez what are the results?!?".

Ella looked excited as normal for what I can tell, "Okay well when I did the test it was a little weird at first like you DNA is a lot different than Normal people so.." Chloe spoke up " Ella?!?". She finally got to the point, "Right right sorry, The kid is your son Lucifer. Congratulations!"

Lucifer and Chloe both look at me Lucifer looked a bit mad/confused and Chloe looked concerned. "So I guess I completed my mission this was fun. I'll see you in another ten years or so?" I shrugged my shoulders and tried to back away. Next thing I knew Lucifer was behind me and He puts his hand on my shoulder, "Chloe I'm gonna go home and talk with him, would you like. to join me?"

And that was when I knew I was in trouble, he was either gonna send me back home or something else and I don't know what else he could do.

To Be continued....