
The Shackles of servitude

Alexander was finishing drawing the summoning circle he was determined to get back at Todd for ruining his life. Tod and alex were best friends since 3rd grade they were inseparable they did everything together they worked at the same company. They were both up for a new promotion to become partners it was alex's dream but todd gust fed off of alex's success to have an easy life. Todd had decided that he wanted to finally get rid of alex so he could have the life he wanted without putting any effort.

When they were in high school Todd started to resent alex because when it came to academics or any field alex was purless if he said he was second none would say they were first. When comparing alex's smarts with others was comparing heaven and earth now when it comes to Todd his looks were idole worthy so when him and alex set off to start there carriers Todd was the face and alex's was the brains but everyone new that Todd was gust a pretty face so that fuiled his resentment even more.

So Todd started his plan of making alex loose everything first he had to get all of alex's plane so he pulled the only card he has his looks. Todd decided he was going to seduce alex's girlfriend (No Named Side Character) on alexis birthday get the plans sleep with her have alex witness show the planes he stole to the company then with his new found power in the company fire alex.

Well here we are Todds plan some some miraculous way through fate actually went off without a hook. Todd was in his new corner office getting a blow job from a intern wile he looks out on the streat to see Alex's tossed out on the street with tears on his face.

Pov change ( First Person Shooter )

Alex: Well I guess there is one thing left to do go to Guns and Buns to get a pistol to take out the trash Todd and then myself. [Beep you have been added to a group chat...Beep you received a text] ( The strongest Queen of Hell Chat)

( P: Do you want revenge at all costs even if even if it sends you down a path with no return mortal )

( P: Even if you have to serve as a slave for the rest of time )

( P: Even if it goes against all your morals a values and every thing you stand for )

( Alex: Yes, I will do anything for my revenge even if I have to get my hands really dirty like dirty dirty I will give my all for a chance of revenge. )

( P: Good the you need to draw a summoning circle and say I, __________ wish to make a deal for the power to get my revenge and in return I will give my all I will give myself. )

( Alex: Ok ) ) END OF TEXT

I, Alexander Leo Coons, wish to make a deal for the power to get my revenge and in return I will give my all I will give myself. Once he finished speaking a awkward silence fell until a flash of blinding light consumed the hole room when Alex's eyes adjusted he fell into a momentary daze. Standing before him was a tall girl that had sparkling silver eyes, long glossy black hair, and beautiful tan skin with define muscle with all of this it gave her a boyish aura but it could not get rid of her womanly charm.

???: Mortal I am Pride and I am hear to make a deal with you I will give you power to take revenge but you have to be my servant.

Alex: I will accept your proposal Master

When he finished talking he felt a tightening within his soul that told him that he was now bound to Pride for the rest of his existence forever long that is.

P: Good Take pride in the fact that you are now my servant, I must go now I have to return to hell before I get notist.

There was a flash of bright light and Alex was alone with a ancient box where Pride was once standing Alex went over to the box and ran his hand over the top when his hand got to the middle of a diagram he felt a prick on his hand when he moved his hand to check it the box opened. Alex was so startled that he fell on his ass what dome founded him even more was when he looked in the box there only was a black ring that had a dark purple dragon eye on it, When he put it on a prompt flashed into his head.

{ ???: Do you want unimaginable power power that nobody will be able to surpass the power to have all your dreams to be fulfilled YES/NO }

{ Alex: Yes, I want the power }

{ ???: Now installing the primordial chaos god system, Host will now be knocked out….. Host would you like to wake up YES/NO }

{ Alex: How long was I out for}

{ PCG: You were unconscious for 5 hours }

{ Alex: System what can you do, Are you like all those system that I read about in those fanfictions and webnovels }

{ PCG: I can show you your status and the statues of the people you want to see and I give quests so that give host the chance earn points that will be used so I can improve hosts body, mind, talents, and improve your proficiency in things. I also have a roulette that will give you random skills your Items }

{ Alex: System show me my stats and do I get a gift pack or something like a free roulette and can you tell me more about the roulette. }

{ PCG: Host has received one beginner pack. }

{ PCG: Displaying hosts stats ….

Name: Alexander Leo Coons

Gender: Male

Age: 21


Title's: Genius

Level: 1

EXP: 0/10

Strength: 10/?

Intelligents: 250/?

Charisma: 5/300

Appearance: 10/300

Soul: 5/?



System Points: 0

System evaluation of host: ehhh}

{ PCG: The roulette has random chance of an item or skill, skills from the roulette will be at a mastery when you turn in 10 roullets or buy 10 you get one free. }

{ Alex: System can you open the beginner pack for me. }