
Devil in Disguise (The plan)

Mma, a self made billionaire, who had being searching for love across the years but couldn't because of the high standard she had set for herself, which regular men could not meet, until she met david a young, handsome graduate who was jobless at the moment, Nora takes advantage and uses her financial muscles into getting him to marry her but little did she know what she had gotten herself into, David changes the moment he settles in the house and secures his spot away from poverty and he started cooking up a plan to totally inherit all her wealth for himself

Chinecherem2000 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


When the door to the bathroom suddenly flew open, Tony, who had been watching the two of them, quickly turned his attention to the door. He noticed that the young boy had a towel covering his face while he was drying his hair, and he moved quickly to intervene between Alan and Bruce, who were ready to attack each other out of anger. Tony successfully stopped the two of them from fighting.

The young man walked further into the room after removing the towel from his face. He was almost the same stature as Alan, sharing the same height with him, but Alan was noticeably more muscular than the boy. Before entering the shower, he went to the spot in the room where he had stashed his old clothes and then walked over to it. His brothers continued to stare at him as he moved about the room. When he tried to put on the old clothing, which were filthy and dirty due to the amount of days he must have worn them, he was stopped by Alan, who said that he should put on the clean clothes instead.

Alan directed our attention to the closet and instructed us to "Go to the wardrobe, at the left cabinet pick out a cloth, and put it on."

Alan beckoned the youngster over to meet the rest of his siblings as soon as the lad had finished getting dressed.

"Hey! Please acquaint yourself with us "Alan asserted it in a loud and clear voice.

The child spotted the look on Bruce's face and soon figured out that he wasn't really welcomed by him, but the smile on the faces of Tony and Alan gave him some type of courage that he couldn't quite describe.

"My name is James," he introduced himself to the group while maintaining an air of self-assurance in his delivery.

"If you guys don't want me here, I can go please you've done enough for me, even just rescuing me from the goons who wanted me dead, I'm grateful" "If you guys don't want me here, I can go please you've done enough for me" As he turned to leave the room, he said those words, but Tony stopped him. Tony had already developed a favorable impression of him due to his modest demeanor and the self-assurance he demonstrated.

Tony greeted him with a grin and told him, "Stay for a while, who knows, maybe we may become friends."

And Alan was in favor of James staying, despite Bruce's continued hostile behavior toward him. On the other hand, Bruce supported James staying. When Alan looked at the clock, he saw that it was ten minutes after eleven o'clock.

Alan said to his brothers, "Get some rest, tomorrow is another day," as he was leaving the room with James trailing behind him on their way to the reception desk to book another room for themselves. "Get some rest, tomorrow is another day," Alan said as he left the room. James questioned Alan as they proceeded down the hallway toward the reception desk, "why do you stay at a hotel?" However, Alan paid no attention to James and instead focused on the receptionist who was in front of him.

Alan made a request, saying, "Can I get another room?"

Instantaneously, she lowered her head and buried it into her computer while rapidly tapping the keys on her keyboard. After a few moments of silence, she eventually raised her head, gave Alan the key card, and then the two of them walked away to the room.

When they reached the front of the door, they inserted the key card, and the door immediately opened for them.

The room was lovely, with tasteful decoration and fittings throughout. It was convenient for the two of them that it had a twin bed since then they could each have a bed to themselves. Alan made his way over to the bed in the corner of the room to the right, while James made his way to the bed in the corner of the room to the left. Alan took his phone out of his pocket, sat down on the bed, and started texting while James kept turning around on the bed in an effort to get Alan's attention. James was frustrated that he wasn't able to get Alan's attention.

When Alan had had enough of being ignored, he finally asked him, "Is there something bothering you?"

James inquired for the second time, "Why do you stay in a hotel?" in this phrase.

Alan told James, "Get some sleep boy, in the morning all of your questions will be answered." As he turned away from James and turned off his phone, he then zipped off into the Dreamland. "Get some sleep boy," Alan said.

When morning arrived, Alan was still sleeping when he turned on his bed. The alarm clock that the hotel had placed in each room read "7:59am," and when the clock struck eight o'clock, the alarm began to sound throughout the entire room, waking both Alan and James up.

In the other room, which was occupied by Bruce and Tony, the alarm was set to go off thirty minutes after seven in the evening. As a result, it went off earlier than the alarm that was in Alan's room. Bruce was seated on his bed, while Tony was sleeping through the sound of the alarm and ignoring it until it was 8 o'clock in the morning, at which point he finally got out of bed. Bruce was seated on his bed. Tony was sleeping through the sound of the alarm.

"What gave you the idea to get up so early?" Tony inquired.

Instead of providing a solution to the question, Bruce simply strolled over to the refrigerator, retrieved a bottle of water, and exited the room in order to start jogging.

Both Alan and James had reached their full state of consciousness at this point. Alan got into the shower, and within the next ten minutes, he was out of there, and James stepped in after him. When James walked out, he discovered that Alan had already clothed himself and was going to exit the room.

"Where do you plan on going? You're going to leave me here alone myself with your other siblings "James said,

As Alan was leaving the room, he called out to Tony, saying, "Tony will take care of you, and I'll be back shortly."

Alan proceeded to walk to the other room that was being used by his brothers. When he opened the door, Tony was there to greet him.

Where can I find Bruce? Instantaneously, he questioned

Tony's response was, "I assume he went jogging in order to clear his brain."

Alan remarked as he went out of the room, "James will be coming here after he's done in the shower. Expect him and keep him company. I'll be back soon need to get us a place to stay." As was to be expected, after James finished showering, he went straight to Tony's room. On the way there, he wished he wouldn't run into Bruce because he was terrified of him, particularly now that Alan wasn't around to protect him. James made his way to the front of the room, where he met Tony, who was standing outside the door shutting it.

Tony said James, "Was waiting for you, c'mon we're heading out," and then the two of them walked out of the hotel together.

Alan was looking for a new place to call home, but he had no idea where to begin his search. He took his phone out of his pocket and called Ruth to explain his predicament. Ruth told him over the phone, "Wait for me, I'll be there in service minutes, text me your location." After hanging up the phone, Alan went into a nearby coffee shop, texted Ruth the name of the coffee shop, and waited patiently for her to arrive. Ruth eventually arrived.