
Devil in Disguise (The plan)

Mma, a self made billionaire, who had being searching for love across the years but couldn't because of the high standard she had set for herself, which regular men could not meet, until she met david a young, handsome graduate who was jobless at the moment, Nora takes advantage and uses her financial muscles into getting him to marry her but little did she know what she had gotten herself into, David changes the moment he settles in the house and secures his spot away from poverty and he started cooking up a plan to totally inherit all her wealth for himself

Chinecherem2000 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


As she opened the door, her mouth fell open because she was sure that she had just come face to face with the most attractive man she had ever encountered in her entire life. A man who stood five feet eight inches tall, had blonde hair, brown eyes, and his chin was covered with his silky looking beards stood outside the door. He was dressed in a suit that gave off the impression of being really expensive. One of the young women said into the ear of the other young woman, "He's a wealthy man."

When talking to the newcomer, the person who was meant to be in charge sounded as though she had lost her voice.

The odd man asked, "Where are the residents of this apartment?" as he purposefully sidestepped the issue that was posed by the young woman.

She stutteringly responded, "They aren't home," already captivated by his stunning good looks.

The weird man spoke up and asked, "May I come in?" with a friendly smile on his face.

The girls didn't waste any time in responding with a "YES," knowing full well that the lads had either moved out or were away from the house on a trip; at least, that's what they assumed the situation was.

The man responded to the girl's invitation to enter by saying "Thank you for letting me in." "Come in," the girl said.

The strange man entered the house and moved around with such self-assurance that it appeared as though he was familiar with the layout of the property. While he was making his way towards the bar so that he could get himself a drink, he questioned the girls, "Do you know them?" The girls said that "not really" was the correct answer because "they never let us in." One of the girls was able to ask the stranger, "Who are you to them?" However, the stranger did not answer her question. Instead, he took a sip from his drink, stood up from the bar, and walked back to the living room. He asked the first female, "What's your name?" and she responded, "I'm Cassie." Almost immediately after that, he questioned her, "Oh well, Cassie, when did the occupants abandon the house?" Cassie responded with, "We arrived here this morning and weren't able to locate them here anymore."

The man made his way back to the bar and poured himself another drink before asking the woman, "Do you know whether they'll be returning?" "No, I don't, their luggage are gone," she said in response to the man's question.

Turning to face the women in front of him, he poured himself another glass, placed it on the coaster, and then walked over to the door and locked it without them noticing because they were already drooling over him. The little bit of drink that was left in his glass, he chugged down before pouring himself another glass and placing it on the coaster. He then asked them a question as he locked the door behind him. "How many of you are ready to die?" he asked, and the girls, who had already realized that letting him in was a bad idea, replied in a scared voice that "none of us" was ready to die. The man had a smirk on his face that did not give off a good vibe to the girls. He said to them, "it's been a long time since I tasted the blood of humans; I want to feel the terror in your veins while I suck you dry," and they started to tremble.

The man laughed as he made his way towards them, killing each and every one of them and squeezing every last drop of blood out of them before moving on to the next victim. After he had finished killing them all, he walked slowly back to the bar, picked up his glass of whisky, and downed it in one gulp. After that, he smashed the glass against the wall and left the room, walking over the bodies of the girls who had been innocently just lustful.

It was fortunate for Alan, Bruce, and Tony that the strange man, who turned out to be their uncle, did not get to meet them at their house because if he had, it would have been difficult for them to escape. Alan, Bruce, and Tony had already boarded their flight to New York.

After a delay of 45 minutes, their flight finally landed at the airport in New York City, and Alan waved down a taxi to take them to the hotel where they would be staying for an undetermined amount of time until they found a permanent place to live in.

Tony yelled, "Finally, here we are in New York City!" as Alan placed his hand on Tony's shoulder and guided him up the steps of the hotel to their room because Tony's ranting was beginning to attract attention to them. While Bruce and Tony started unpacking their belongings, Alan went to get a cup of water from the fridge, which was located in the left corner of the room next to the king-sized bed. At the same time, they checked into their room, which involved inserting the key card into the door and opening it. "Hey, folks, put it away; how about we ditch it and go have something to drink instead?" Alan made the suggestion, and his brothers were on board with it, as he was looking for a way to divert his attention from the ideas that were going through his head. But first, there are rules that need to be followed, such as not getting drunk and not feeding on any humans or anyone else for that matter, Alan said. "But first, there are rules to be followed." As they were leaving the hotel to go to the elevator and then on to a highly popular bar in the city of New York, his brothers mocked him, saying, "You're such a bore."

They made their way to their table through the crowd, and as soon as they arrived at their table, they took their seats. As soon as they walked into the bar, all eyes were immediately drawn to the three of them because they were dressed extremely well in their beast clothes for clubbing. Alan did not want to leave his brothers alone because he did not trust them to be responsible enough and to follow the rules. On the other hand, Tony and Bruce were trying every trick they knew to get rid of Alan so that they could enjoy their night, such as saying, "Alan, could you get us drinks from the bar? After hearing Bruce say, "You're closer," Alan stood up, walked to the bar, and returned with a bottle of champagne and glasses. However, when he arrived back at their table, he didn't find his brothers there anymore, and he exclaimed, "Fuck! "They played a joke on me," he stated as he arranged everything on the table and sat down by himself. After some time had passed, during which his brothers had still not returned, a woman approached him. She was dressed in black jeans and a blue polo, and she had long brown hair and eyes that he could get lost in.

She motioned to the empty seat next to him and asked, "I notice you're alone, might I sit with you?"

Oh sure, I don't see why not! Instantaneously, Alan retorted, "Sit, sit."