
Devil in Disguise (The plan)

Mma, a self made billionaire, who had being searching for love across the years but couldn't because of the high standard she had set for herself, which regular men could not meet, until she met david a young, handsome graduate who was jobless at the moment, Nora takes advantage and uses her financial muscles into getting him to marry her but little did she know what she had gotten herself into, David changes the moment he settles in the house and secures his spot away from poverty and he started cooking up a plan to totally inherit all her wealth for himself

Chinecherem2000 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


When all of a sudden there was a knock at the door, Bruce was there in the living room laughing his head off at the females who had fallen for his trick. As he walked to open the door, he groaning as he went because he thought the females were the ones who had figured out that he had performed a joke on them. When he opened the door, he saw his brothers looking at him with questioning expressions just before they came inside. "Bruce, what the heck were those girls doing in our apartment?" Alan asked while maintaining an agitated tone, ""Uhm...," Bruce stutters as he attempts to change the subject. "Would you like a drink?" he asks his brothers in an effort to change the subject. Alan becomes enraged and begins to lecture Bruce, saying things like "you know what we are, you know very well what we are on the run for, the very reason we had to move down to this pathetic slump, you know our origin and our enemies, Bruce." Bruce stutters again as he I am aware that it is impossible for anyone to kill us, but there is something out there that has the potential to do so, and you know who is in possession of this weapon. Please don't draw attention to us, Bruce, and rein in your reckless behavior." Alan continued, trying his best to seem as solemn as possible, Bruce echoed back, "I've heard you brother, I'll be more careful," as he poured three glasses of scotch for himself and his brothers to share. "I've heard you brother,"

"Guys, you guys aren't going to believe what happened to me again today," I said. Tony interjected, and both of them glanced at him knowing full well what had happened and what always happens everytime he goes to the barber shop, but he still didn't hesitate in relaying his story, and he continued on talking about how the girls in the alley acted while they were having drinks. Finally, when he was finished talking, he brought up the subject of moving to a different town, saying things like, "we have spent over a year in this town, I'm getting sick of the tantrums of this town, and would like to move out," Alan, who was feeling disturbed about this, just took a sip at his drink and said nothing, but Tony brought it up again, and this time Alan couldn't avoid it. "I've also been thinking about us moving, but not because of the temper tantrums of some little girls. Instead, I've been thinking about it because I'm afraid that our adversaries might be close, closer than we think they are." They were all sitting there thinking about what the next move should be for the family, and by the time the night was ended, they had finished a whole bottle of scotch.

While Bruce and Tony went to their rooms, Alan took some time to reflect on the next step for the family by going outside and sitting on the balcony. It was a beautiful evening, you could even venture to call it perfect but, the problems he had on his head wouldn't allow him to enjoy the aesthetic of this particular evening because all he could think about was where it all began. He stared at the sky, which was dark, the moon fit right in with clouds hovering around it, and it was a beautiful evening. He stared at the sky, which was dark, the moon fit right in with clouds hovering around it.

"They were just three boys and a girl with a normal life; they thought, never knowing that their mother was a witch. Only their father knew about this, and he loved their mother. They all loved each other like a normal family, and they had a normal childhood up until the teenage years when their sister fell ill and tragically died from that sickness. Their mother tried everything possible medically, spiritually, and in every other way to cure her, but in the end she died. They all loved each other as much And because of this, their mother was so devastated that she came dangerously close to losing her mind in an effort to ensure that none of her children would ever have to go through what they did, and in the process, she cast a spell that cursed them to become immortals and live off the blood of off innocent people and live forever, and then they all became the first ever vampires to walk the earth, and they've been around for a thousand years living in the shadows, feeding at night, mingle during the day as Their lives were altered as a result of the curse, and their mother's brother, who was aware of it, asked to be made immortal as well. Because of the love that existed between him and his sister, she granted his wish; however, he later decided that he wanted to be the only immortal in the family, and he began hunting all of the children of his sisters because he found the one weapon that could be used against them. As a result of their uncle's murder of their parents, they were forced to fend for themselves and were forced to go on the run for a very long time, travelling from city to city and breeding more vampires so that they would have an army to battle their uncle when the time came."

Alan looked up into the sky as tears rolled down his cheeks. He was attempting to be the brave one for his siblings, but the weight of the responsibility was becoming too much for him to bear. He was the most powerful hybrid, being part werewolf and part vampire, and he had power, but the burden was just too much for him to bear at this point. He held a glass in his hands, and he took sips from it every so often. He missed how things used to be. After he had sipped the last of his drink, he retired to his room for the evening.

Tony let out a loud grunt while violently moving his body and struggling with an unknown invisible force. His entire body was trembling and vibrating on the king size bed as he struggled. His body was drenched in hot sweat, which spilled out of him and drained the bed.

"Tony" Bruce jerked him violently and glanced at Alan, who stood there looking perplexed because he did not know how to wake Tony, who was stuck in his nightmare. "Tony" Bruce was in the middle of his nightmare.

They were aware of the struggle that he would have to go through, but they had to wait for Tony to wake up first. Their faces showed signs of concern, but when they least expected it, Tony jerked awake, gasping for air and looking around.

Alan assuaged his younger brother's fears by assuring him, "You are secure, bro," while gently tapping him on the back.

"He's making his way closer!" Tony exclaimed while taking several deep breaths.

Alan and Bruce both nodded at the same time, and while they did so, Alan chewed on his lip while Bruce ran his hand through his hair.

"We Know, we Thought So," was Bruce's response to the question.

Alan said, "I could feel him getting closer," as he grunted violently in despair at this point.

Tony responded to my suggestion that we should depart sooner by saying "there's no time."

Alan called out to his brothers, "Get ready, we will be leaving before morning," and then he went to the shower to wash the look of frustration off his face.