
Devil in Disguise (The plan)

Mma, a self made billionaire, who had being searching for love across the years but couldn't because of the high standard she had set for herself, which regular men could not meet, until she met david a young, handsome graduate who was jobless at the moment, Nora takes advantage and uses her financial muscles into getting him to marry her but little did she know what she had gotten herself into, David changes the moment he settles in the house and secures his spot away from poverty and he started cooking up a plan to totally inherit all her wealth for himself

Chinecherem2000 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


Immediately after the chat with his brother, he sank on the bed, and then he heard the door to the bathroom gently close, and he knew it was his youngest brother, Bruce. As he realized he was the only person in the room, he gave a slow roll of the eyes before remembering that he needed to get his hair trimmed at his favorite barber shop. As he was about to enter the restroom, he frantically grabbed his shirt and threw it on before proceeding. "Hey, Bruce, I'm heading to the barbershop right now to have my hair cut. He shouted loud enough for his youngest brother to hear him even over the noise of the running water. "When Alan gets back give me a call and I'll be back," and Bruce replied, "okay, I'll be waiting." As soon as he heard his brother's reaction, he started making his way towards the door and then out onto the street.

They were forced to live among so many people in order to conceal themselves from their enemies, so the street was as noisy as it always was. The street was a noisy one with tall buildings all over, more like an industrialized area where trades are being carried out, well I could easily just call it a market street with different people buying and selling goods as well as others fighting and abusing each other in anger. The street was reminiscent of an industrialized area where trades are being carried out. He did not respond to the market women's attempts to get him to purchase some goods from them by ignoring their cries and beckoning at him instead. He maintained his focus on the road ahead of him and walked on, oblivious to the efforts of any and all merchants who tried to attract his attention. After some time had passed, he found himself in the worst place possible; he detested this location so much, but there was no way out for him; he had to travel through this location in order to reach his barbershop.

He sighed in exasperation, knowing that if he had been at his kingdom things would have been simpler, but he and his companions were forced to live in disguise, which made things more difficult for all of them, which made him even more aggravated. Since they fled their kingdom, they have never been in one location for more than a month at a time, so it was inevitable that they would eventually have to leave this location. He had already grown weary of being here, and he had made up his mind that he would discuss the possibility of leaving with his brothers when he next saw them.

He tried to hide his face while he walked down what he would call the valley of death, but it was to no avail when one of the girls spotted him from afar off, "he is here!" the feminine voice shouted calling the attention of the others, and all the girls ran out of their various shops and offices to see him; this is what he had to face every time he wanted to get his haircut; they were so annoying and the way that they eye raped him, rolling their tongue

He made an effort to evade the clutches of these ladies, who stood ready to gorge themselves on him in case he was vulnerable. He continued to walk, but he was unable to find a way out of the situation because they had cornered him from both the front and the back. He was trapped. He stepped back and felt himself bump into another lady. He hated himself at this point; all he could think about was how to get out of there. "Hey handsome," one of the salon girls said alluringly as she walked towards him. They were startled as all of them moved closer to him and touched him. He persisted in his efforts to break free by fighting and struggling until he was forced to resort to the one and only method available to him, which was coercion. He was forced to convince the girls to leave him, and then he bolted for his own safety, escaping the treacherous alley filled with alluring human women, which he despised. The barber shop was located a few streets down the road after the alley, so all he needed to do was stroll down a little bit and he would have reached his destination.

His preferred barber was a young man in his early thirties who was African American, tall, and sure did know how to give a good haircut. He was actually the youngest barber on the entire block. Finally, he made it to the barber shop where he wanted to get his hair cut. When he walked in, he saw three older black men giving haircuts to customers. "Where is Stanley sir?" he asked one of the other barbers who he wasn't really familiar with about his barber Stanley. "Stanley isn't in, you'll have to wait for him for a bit," the older barber responded immediately to his question. He navigated his way to an empty seat in the far corner of the room, sat down, and removed his phone from its hiding place in his pocket. Once seated, he buried his head and focused all of his attention on the video that was playing on the phone's screen. His barber Stanley eventually came through the door and greeted everyone as he entered. When Stanley saw Tony, he immediately walked up to him and led him to his chair while the two exchanged greetings. Aside from the fact that Stanley was Tony's barber, he and Tony were actually very close friends. Stanley was possibly the only friend Tony had in this city, and he was the only person who knew Tony's true nature.

He sat down in the chair and prepared to have his hair chopped at that moment. During the course of the haircut, Stanley couldn't help but inquire about his travels on the way to the barbershop, knowing full well what response he was going to get: "how was the trip down here?" Stanley asked while giggling and laughing, "Oh, you make fun of me, Stanley?" You must be getting tired of hearing the same old tired story, the irritating pest females cornered me again, and it was horrible. When Tony responded, Stanley couldn't help but break out in laughter. He was laughing so hard that he forgot about the hair he was cutting, while Tony just sat in the chair and stared at him. Tony just sat in the chair and stared at him. "I'm sorry, guy, but this story just always manages to get to me in some way; so tell me, how did you figure it all out?" He responded to Stanley's question by saying that he "had to run and make my way out of there after being compelled." "Don't you think it's about time that I start cutting your hair at your house so that we can avoid all of these hassles?" Tony immediately declined Stanley's offer upon hearing this because he knew how his brother would react, and he didn't want to put his one and only friend in danger. Stanley suggested. After a few period of time, Stanley finished cutting Tony's hair, and he stood there gazing admiringly at himself in the mirror. He reached his hand into his pocket and pulled out a dollar bill, which he then handed to Stanley as payment for the services that Stanley had rendered. After Tony had paid for his items, the two of them greeted each other, and then Tony left the store, all the while considering how he would get away from the dangerous woman in the alleyway.