
Devil Chair

Between revenge and love, how does the king hide himself in the human world and how will that witch find out about him. What does he do after she shoot him straight in the head? Will he die? Or he lives to show her the hell he was hiding inside A hidden witch does not even know herself, and a man who is not human is hostile to her It's a story Between a witch and a demon

ooh_reeta · Urbano
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2 Chs


Damn you, you idiot!!

Alexandra bent down to his level, grabbed him by the jaw and lifted him to hit her car hard.

I messed up my car, can't you get in my way until today?!!!

-I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't mean it, but the smell... It seems I was drawn to the wrong smell.

- Please have mercy on me!!

Don't appear in front of me again.

She hit him hard on the face and threw him on the ground and went to her car and got

up while she grumbled a lot while looking at her clothes that were stained with yellow blood.

Stupid stupid!!

She got crazy and started hitting the steering wheel with her hands hard and in another place far away he watched her quietly and a smile rose on his red lips.

-She's really crazy.

- That idiot was such a wonderful taste that I knew how strong she was for this woman.

He walked as if he was walking on the ground, but he was

descending towards the ground from the top of a tall building without caring to land on the ground.

And as people used to, no one paid him even a little attention, so many passersby looked at him with cold eyes and rolled their eyes as if they had not seen anything.

Things like being with humans had become so normal that they no longer needed to hide themselves as they used to.

"Vampires, werewolves, witches,

demons, and even ogres, but each of these has its own characteristics, but which one do you think is the strongest of all these types!"

All Alexandra could think of was how

to kill everyone.

And how to restore balance to the world, and how to restore governance to humans.

Her gray eyes that shine under

the car lights in the dark night reflect the strength and determination to complete the road she started because of.

She took the road and let her car take the street to herself and drive away everyone who stands in her way

because she is trying to reach the palace quickly, she has speeded up and crossed the legal speed limits.

And that red-haired man, whose yolk

and cat's-eye pupils were staring as if he wanted to devour them.

- It tastes really delicious, its smell fills my nose... -

Oh my God...

Alexandra arrived at the gate of the palace, which was guarded by more than seven guards with many weapons, and when I lowered the window without looking at them, they quickly opened the door without discussing her or asking her.

She slowly and quietly entered the palace in her car and got out of the car while looking around at the palace, which appears to be a fictional place, as it looks like the ancient Greek palaces for the splendor of its designs and the beauty of the furniture.

Does this idiot live in this place?

- What a silly thing.

- Cheh..

Her eyes and looks turned to ridicule after the maid was standing in front of the door waiting for her to come.

And indeed Alexandra went to the door, and stood before the maid sharply, her eyebrows never breaking knots, and she said sharply

- Where is your little lady? We don't have time. We'll be late..

- Uh..?

The maid was giving stupid looks to Alexandra who seemed to be impatient.

- I want your little lady. We must go now. Didn't you hear?

- As... No, I heard but...

- But?

Alexandra approached the maid and stared into the maid's eyes with frightened eyes and said.

- where is she?

The maid responded with fear and hesitation, as if she knew that there would be no problem.

- She left... a quarter of an hour ago... for her boyfriend's party...

Alexandra bit her lower lip sideways, rolled her eyes, then turned away quickly, screaming.

- That bitch!!! I swear I will kill her!!

The apparent anger on Alexandra seemed very frightening to everyone present, even the guards did not dare to say anything.

- Stupid!! whore!! I'm gonna break your feet again so

you know how to get out again.

Anger and driving fast, she would have hit her car several times had it not been for her semi-professional driving.

In the party, where the young lady dances with all her body among the audience in a short black dress that almost shows her butt

with her lover who gropes her body from everywhere

. This view was almost the last sight that that little girl saw when Alexandra stood in front of her and hugged her, so Alexandra pulled her gun from under her skirt at the right thigh to shoot Simply fire without caring for everyone.

- What do you think of yourself?

I don't like people who are so childish, I told you I'd pick you up to protect that lovely ass of yours.

The little girl headed in her high heels towards Alexandra, who was standing with nervousness evident in her eyes.

And that girl was giving the impression of annoyed by the presence of Alexandra in front of her.

- You ruined the party! It's a sweetheart's party, you screwed it up, you rude.

She was about to hit Alexandra in the face, but the opposite happened.

Alexandra gave her some slaps all over her face and then pulled her by her hair in the midst of all the audience, and even that person called her lover didn't even move a single step, intending to defend his girlfriend

who was being abused by a woman he didn't even know.

Rather, I pulled her from in front of them all

, until she almost reached the door, and she was attacked by the sky, and a large rock almost destroyed her and the small one that was pulling her.

- What the hell is that?!

Who is the bastard who dares to get in my way?!

Her reaction was faster than a rock when she pulled away and pulled that little idiot back with her in

shock. Everyone's faces were shocked when a person appeared with blood red eyes looking like an animal without a brain.