
Devil Absorption

Vent is a wanderer..

Salisbury_Steak · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

1.1 Fighting the Army

"CALL IN BACKUP THIS MONSTER JUST SLICED MY POLICE CAR IN HALF!" A man yelled into a black box onto his strange clothing.

"Police? Are you perhaps a warrior? In that case you can assist me in dealing with these monsters!" The strange foreigner reasoned with himself.

Soon enough a green helicopter flew onto sight. The policeman sighed in relief.

"Thank god.. the army is here!"

Vent's eyes turned serious as he once more unsheathed his katanas and sliced into the air directing it towards the strange flying raptor.

Soon after.. BOOM!

Bits and pieces of the helicopter fell from the sky as people screamed. Blood rained down upon the streets.

The policeman fell back onto his butt in shock. Attempting to speak but being unable to have any words escape his widened mouth he sat there shaking.

Vent looked around with a satisfied expression and nodded towards the officer.

"You're welcome." He then dashed away fast enough to look like he had teleported.

"W..what's going on?" Tears streamed down the policeman's face as blood dripped down onto his face.