
Devil's Eye Reborn - Shadow Angel Awakens

At the dawn of time, God created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. During this period, the archangel Lucifer led a rebellion of one-third of heaven's angels against God, but they were ultimately defeated. As a result, these angels were subdued by God's immense power, had their wings broken, were stripped of their right to "eternal life," and were cast down to the mortal realm, becoming demons that feed on human desires and negative emotions. 'Devil's Eye' means the eyes of demons, and every demon must have at least one or more 'Devil's Eyes' on their body. Normally, the 'Devil's Eye' looks just like an ordinary eyeball, but when a demon activates its supernatural powers, the pupil of the 'Devil's Eye' is stimulated by demonic energy, turning crimson. The brighter the red of the pupil, the purer the demonic energy within the demon. The protagonist, Bi Yongnuo, was naturally reclusive from a young age. One day, at the age of sixteen, a stranger forcibly implanted a 'Devil's Eye' in him, turning him into a demon. Over time, he gradually comes to realize that his destiny is inherently connected with all the demons in the world and the secret of the apocalypse...

Johnson_Sam_1992 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
112 Chs

Chapter 10:First met beauty Daji

The woman before me was indeed the long-sought Daji. This shocking revelation sharpened my focus.

I quickly lowered my head to steady myself and said in a deep voice, "I apologize for my rudeness, senior. Please forgive me."

Daji chuckled melodiously, her voice clear as a silver bell, and teased, "Why won't you look at me, sir? Do you think I'm ugly?"

With that, she lowered her head and smiled at me.

Caught off guard, I met her eyes and leaped back three meters. As soon as I stopped, I felt my blood boiling and my heart pounding.

She hasn't even activated her Devil Eye, yet her charm is already extraordinary. If she were to use the " Soul-Devouring Eye," my heart would surely explode.

Thinking of this, I quickly closed my eyes, relying on my ears to detect her movements, to avoid being captivated by her beauty.

"Sir, please don't stand there with your eyes closed. I've already stopped my seduction," Daji said with a laugh, her voice indeed losing much of its seductive power.

I opened my eyes cautiously but still didn't dare to look at her directly. I turned my head and said, "Please don't be offended, senior. Your beauty is so overwhelming that I lack the self-control to look at you without losing control."

"You flatter me, sir. I can't bear to have you standing there talking to me. It would tire you out, and I would feel guilty," Daji said with a smile. "Why don't I return to my room, and you can sit outside the door? With a wall between us, you won't see my face, and we can talk comfortably."

As soon as she finished speaking, I heard a soft whooshing sound behind me, indicating she had returned to her room.

Only then did I dare to lift my head and saw the little girl lifting a wooden chair to place it by the door of the room on the left.

Seeing this, I walked over to help, but the little girl looked at me with a half-smile.

I apologized, "I'm sorry for mistaking you for your mother earlier and for my rudeness."

The girl shook her head, showing no sign of blame. Instead, she seemed excited and said, "Big brother, you're amazing! I've never seen anyone resist my mother's seductive arts. Many men lose their minds just hearing her voice, but you managed to stay clear-headed and talk to her!"

I smiled slightly, and her praise eased much of my earlier embarrassment.

"Yan'er, don't bother our guest. Come to mother," Daji called from the room.

The little girl, Yan'er, smiled at me and said, "Big brother, we can talk later." She then quickly ran into the room.

"May I have the honor of knowing your name, sir?"

As soon as I sat down, Daji's voice came from the room. Though not as enchanting as before, it was still clear and pleasant.

"My name is Bi Yongnuo," I replied respectfully.

Daji softly repeated my name and then asked, "How did you find this place, sir?"

"Do you remember the case about two weeks ago in Mong Kok, where a prostitute was dismembered in a hotel?" I asked.

"I remember. The bloody photos in the newspapers were quite memorable," Daji replied after a moment of silence. "Was that the work of a demon?"

"No, the killer was merely a human."

"Hmm... Humans can be vicious. Sometimes they're more demonic than us," Daji said faintly.


"Apologies for the interruption, please continue," Daji said with a coquettish laugh.

"It's alright," I said. "Actually, I already know the murder motive. The prostitute was killed because the killer was interrogating her about your whereabouts and vented his frustration on her when she couldn't provide the information."

"My whereabouts?" Daji asked, puzzled. "Hmm... That thug must have been following orders. Do you know who the mastermind is?"

"My companion said the mastermind is a Seven Lord, Rofocal," I asked tentatively. "Senior, do you know him?"

"We've met a few times, but we aren't close. I didn't expect he would seek me," Daji laughed and continued, "I can't understand how they discovered Yan'er and I were hiding in Hong Kong under false identities."

"I don't know the details either, because by the time we found the killer, he was already silenced."

"Was the information gathered through the ' Eye of Reminiscence '?" Daji asked.

"Yes. After my companion and I received the information, we immediately searched for you, but after more than ten days without any results, we thought Rofocal had already found you," I smiled and said. "Fortunately, I was lucky and finally found your place today."

"Judging by your handsome appearance, you indeed have good fortune," Daji laughed and then asked, "So, Rofocal went to such lengths to find me. Is his purpose the same as yours?"

"I don't know why Rofocal is looking for you, but I came because a crisis is approaching, and I hope you can leave hiding to help me," I said earnestly.

"What crisis?" Daji asked.

I took a deep breath and said heavily, "The Third Angel War, the apocalypse!"

Daji gasped and then fell silent.

I didn't press further, but I could hear her heartbeat quicken significantly, and the atmosphere around us grew exceptionally heavy.

Daji had cultivated for thousands of years, so her mind should have been as calm as still water, but hearing this news made her heart race, showing how shocked she was at the moment.

The three of us remained silent, maintaining this silence.

After a long time, Daji slowly asked, "When will it come?"

"I don't know the exact date, but considering the increasing natural and man-made disasters in the world today, it's clear that the apocalypse is not far off," I said.

"Even if the apocalypse comes, what can we do?" Daji sighed softly.

"Gather the demons and fight with all our might to prevent the destruction of Earth!" I said firmly.

Gathering the power of the demons to fight against the angel army was the reason Rahab and I had been roaming, searching for other demons.

Although demons are seen as symbols of evil by humans, they often harm humans out of necessity.

Having lived on Earth for so long, this small planet became their home. If it were destroyed, they would perish too.

After hearing this, Daji was silent for a moment before asking, "Who told you this?"

"My master, Zhou Jingyuan, and Rahab," I said. "But I suppose you haven't heard of my master."

In fact, Zhou Jingyuan was just my master's alias, but he had instructed me to keep his true identity secret, so I kept it a secret.

"I am unaware and have indeed never heard of your master's name," Daji said. "But... Rahab? Is it Rahab, one of the Seven Lords?"

"Yes, it's him."

"If a great war really breaks out, the countless angels alone will overwhelm us." After another long silence, Daji gave a sorrowful smile and said, "Moreover, this time, the Almighty God will lead the angels to Earth. Satan is dead, and the Seven Lords of the demon world are divided. How can we, so fragmented, resist?"

"No, Rahab said he has already found information about one of the relics!" I clenched my fist and said, "As long as we find that relic, it will attract other demons. Then we won't be a scattered force, and we'll have leverage."

"May I ask, sir, do you know where it is?" Daji asked coldly.

"Well... not yet, but we will definitely find it," I said firmly, though I couldn't help but feel a bit deflated.

"Even if you find the relic Rahab mentioned, without the other eleven relics, can we really threaten God?" Daji asked sharply.

I remained silent for a while and then said dejectedly, "No, we can't."

"Sir, it's not that I don't want to help, but our fate is already sealed." After another long pause, Daji sighed from the room and said, "This place has no future. Why should we try to prolong our existence in vain?"

By the end of her speech, Daji's voice had returned to its initial gentleness.

"If we don't try, how will we know the outcome? Perhaps God exhausted his power at the time of creation and hasn't recovered yet. If he doesn't intervene like during the Second Angel War, we still have a chance!" I said excitedly.

Daji fell silent again for a long time.

I blamed myself for my excited tone, but what I said was from the heart. I only hoped she could be persuaded to change her mind.

After a while, Daji finally spoke again.

"I am just a woman who has lived long. The days of pretending to be happy have exhausted me. Now I only wish to live peacefully. I'm sorry I can't help you, but I hope you succeed," Daji said, her voice clear but her tone firm. "It's late. Yan'er, please see our guest out!"

What do I should do?

Johnson_Sam_1992creators' thoughts