

After millennia of slumber, the formidable Demon King, sealed away after the epic Great Battle, finds himself unexpectedly awakened by a mysterious girl wielding a unique blood ability. Now, bound by an enigmatic contract, there journey has began in this timeline..

Mask_Kk · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs



Suddenly we heard a voice coming from above as we all looked in the air and saw the guy hovering in the air with the girl in his hand...

"Well that was a very weak spell, don't tell me you were showing me Peti because you thought I was alone...."

That guy said as he looked towards us, with a cold demeanor.....


The guy slowly came down and put the girl down beside him and looked toward us...

"You all call yourself mages... Tsk Tsk, I can't believe the mages of this Era had fallen so much down in comparison to magic...."

The guy said and our faces twice hearing him.

"Well don't worry, let me show you how real magic works...."

As he said this his Eyes turned blue, and suddenly a big blue magic circle formed under his feet...

The magic which he was using was the same water dragon spell but somehow his magic circle looked much bigger than our mages.

The circle was 20m wide and was shining with a dark blue light on it...

"Let me introduce you to the real water dragon...."

As he said this a three-headed water dragon emerged from that magic circle, the dragon not only had three heads but was also 3 times bigger than our spell, and that was also when four mages combined used their mana to create that spell...

"Th..that's impossible, how can his magic spell be that much bigger...."

One of the mages spoke and the others couldn't help but nod their head....

Water dragon spell as the name suggests is a spell that uses mana to shape the water into a giant dragon, Although it is not as simple as it sounds one mistake in mana output can cause the magic to go berserk and hurt its owner, which why we used four mages to use this spell so if one was not able to provide the spell with constant mana then the other could take his place and do that...

This magic spell was first generated by the monarch of water dragons, the ruler, and the head of water and ice royal Dragons... It is a 5-star spell but even so, no matter how much the person using this spell is strong, that can't explain this...

"Now why don't you feel beforehand, how much Damage this spell deals...."

"Everyone Dodge!!...."

I screamed in horror as the guy looked at us with those eyes, heck he was able to create that spell without even chanting, how will you explain that...


The next thing we heard him saying was a boom and suddenly the three-headed Dragon with h speed 10 times faster than our previous spell came at us...


Suddenly a loud explosion was heard and everything turned dark, it was very hard to see due to the spoke in front of us, though it was a water spell with the pressure it had generated after colliding with the floor was so strong, that everyone was thrown back, heck thing if that dragon was a fire spell than how much destruction that would have caused, it's not like this spell didn't do its work properly...


My body was heavy and It was very painful to move, my ribs were broken from the force that had been exceeded by that spell, and even do that spell didn't directly collide with us, the force from it was strong enough to beat the shit out of us...

"H....hey are yo...you all ok...m"

I tried to speak while trying to crawl and find the other guys, it wouldn't be of much surprise if Many of them would have died because of that spell... Even I who is much stronger in my group had to use all my mana to shield my body to protect myself from the impact...And even then my body had sustained several serious injuries....

And it seemed my thing was right as the smoke started to fade away I saw five people lying on the ground motionless, I could easily tell that they were not alive anymore... Even if it is hard for me to just stay awake, my body is giving up....

"Ohh.. Don't tell me you are done for... I mean I didn't even use 5 percent of my initial power in this form... You all are so weak..."

I heard that guy's sarcastic voice but I didn't give much thought to it as right now I was thinking where did we have done wrong...

It should be a simple job of retrieving a girl and selling her as a slave but then how did the situation turn out to be like that...

I thought to myself as Everything till now played inside my mind as I struggled to open my eyes...

"What don't tell me you are going to die like that... Come on it's no fun if you do that..."

I know that I am going to die there is no going back now, recalling my past mistakes would not change anything... I thought to myself as I struggled to stand up...

"Ohh.. you still had some fight left inside of you..."

The guy said as I looked towards him with eyes filled with hatred... I know that I can't leave this place, so I will use the last bit of energy I have and will try to kill him...

"Ohh are you thinking to use every bit of strength you have to attack me, well that's not going to work let me tell you..."

He said and I knew he was right but even so, my pride won't let me go down so easily...

As I controlled the last bit of mana inside my body to strengthen my body to attack the guy...

"I tell you don't think that won't work..."

He said with a cold look but I didn't stop as I got ready to attack him...

"Huu fool..."

As I took a step to rush at him... I suddenly felt something weird but I didn't give much thought to it as I commanded my body to move but to my surprise matter how hard I tried I couldn't make my body move...

"I told you it won't work...."

He said but suddenly I started to feel lightheaded as Everything started to turn dark in front of my eyes, I tried to open my eyes but no matter how much I tried they were getting close...


Suddenly everything turned around as if the whole world started to spin inside my mind, I couldn't understand what was happening with my body.... My body... I can't feel my body...

There is an uncomfortable feeling on my neck as I fall on the ground... No, it was not that I felt it was my neck which fell on the ground while my body was still standing there...

I didn't know when and how... But somehow my neck got cut off or I say my whole head got decapitated even after strengthening my body with mana, I couldn't tell how this happened...


Then another sound was heard as my body also fell on the ground and suddenly everything started to turn dark and after long struggling to stay awake, I closed my eyes and died...