
Deviant Saga

A story of a man and woman, childhood sweethearts and happily married for more than 10 years. But does the man know how his life is going to change once his wife enters a bigger world than the one he lives in? A world where his wife has to traverse unknown dangers for the greater good. Will the unconditional love between them be tested? How are their decisions going to affect each other's lives? Go ahead and read Deviant Saga...a dark, heart burning story. WARNING : This novel contains Heavy NTR and Corruption Content meant only for those seeking NTR stories. Join my discord -> https://discord.gg/nVDKdcNDW7 Support me and for Extra chapters -> https://patreon.com/thesinfulqueen

SinfulQueen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

We Aren't Done

The door suddenly swung open as Alice rushed in with a file in her hands and her expression exasperated.

"Alice...is something the matter?" Alex queried curiously, his gaze settling on her. Alice seemed more frazzled than usual, her hands gripping the file tightly..

"Ah, Doctor," Alice replied, her words coming out in a rush, "It's just, the next patient might be a bit...overwhelming," She wrung her hands together, her eyes darting around the room as if she was annoyed.

"Overwhelming?" Alex repeated, sitting up straight in his chair. He had dealt with his fair share of difficult patients, but Alice's demeanor hinted at something more, "Who is it?" he asked, his eyes narrowing behind his spectacles.

Alice sucked in a deep breath, exhaling slowly as she met his gaze, "Speed King. He was transferred here by the GDA for a routine checkup," she admitted, the words tumbling out like an avalanche.

The room suddenly felt too small, too close. Alex shot up from his chair, a shocked expression blooming on his face. "Speed King? The Speed King?" His mind was reeling.

Speed King was practically an international sensation, his image gracing billboards and magazine covers across the globe. To think he was coming here, to this clinic...Only this morning he saw a large ad with Speed King on it.

Alice watched his reaction with a slightly irritated look, not that Alex was paying any attention, "Yes, Speed King. But remember, Dr. Alex," she added quickly, "he's just another patient," Her tone suggested she wasn't entirely convinced of her own words.

"But it's Speed King!" Alex exclaimed, a certain gleam in his eyes. Alice's warning fell on deaf ears as he started fixing his white coat, adjusting his glasses, and trying to ensure everything was in perfect order. His admiration for the hero was well known, and he couldn't help but be excited at the prospect of meeting him.

He always had a great respect for those who made a living doing heroic deeds every day.

Alice sighed, crossing her arms over her chest and watching as Alex practically transformed before her eyes.

She didn't voice out her thoughts, instead she wore an expression that silently screamed him to just be normal.

No sooner had Alice's words left her lips when a flurry of activity erupted outside the office. People had started to gather around the hallway, trying to get a glimpse of the internationally acclaimed Deviant hero. The noise outside grew louder and Alex's heart pounded in sync with it. He could hardly believe it; Speed King was actually here.

The office door swung open and there he was. Speed King, a 190 cms tall man, clad in his signature black suit that accentuated his muscular form, his bald head gleaming under the fluorescent lights.

A charming smile played on his lips as he acknowledged his fans, his hand waving nonchalantly. He walked in with an aura of unmistakable confidence and celebrity flair that made the room seem smaller.

Alex felt a rush of adrenaline as he immediately stepped out from behind his desk, his hand extended for a handshake. Alice, however, seemed less impressed, her brows furrowed in annoyance at the crowd that tried to follow Speed King into the room.

"Alright, that's it!" Alice snapped, her previously calm demeanor replaced by irritation. She stomped her foot authoritatively, shooting a glare at the crowd, "Everyone, wait outside. You can't just barge into the doctor's office!"

The people outside clicked their tongues in frustration as Alice closed the door on their faces.

Alex blinked, his hand still hanging in the air. Speed King barely acknowledged his presence, his gaze instead lingering on Alice's retreating back.

Alex could only watch awkwardly as Speed King let out a low whistle, his eyes flashing with a spark of interest before he nonchalantly settled down on the patient's chair.

"Alright Doc, let's get this over with quick," Speed King drawled, his gaze finally settling on Alex.

His bored expression was in stark contrast to the frenzy he had caused only moments ago.

Alex swallowed hard, his excitement momentarily replaced by surprise at Speed King's aloofness. The renowned hero had indeed stepped into his office, but it seemed that Speed King wasn't exactly interested or happy about being in his office.

Alex, still buzzing with adrenaline, started going through the formalities of the check-up. But Speed King interrupted him with a wave of his hand, "Let's just skip all this bullshit," he drawled while ogling at Alice's cleavage, making her cover up her red dress with her coat.

Alex nodded with a hint of hesitation and said, "Okay. Can you give me your hand so that you can share any memories that might be troubling you?"

Speed King frowned and shook his head, "What? Memories? What kind of nonsense is this? I ain't letting some stranger peek into my head."

Alice, who had been watching in silence, suddenly snapped, "According to the guidelines, you're required to complete all these procedures without any fuss," she pointed at Speed King, her cheeks reddening with anger, "So just behave and let him do his job."

Speed King, however, was unimpressed and got triggered by her words. His eyes narrowed and he leaned forward in his chair, his voice lowering dangerously, "Do you even know who you're talking to, sweetheart?"

Alice crossed her arms, unphased, "I'm well aware I'm talking to an egotistical idiot who thinks he can walk all over people," she shot back, meeting his gaze head-on. "And don't bother trying to intimidate me. You can't do shit if you knew my family name."

Speed King suddenly got up as he pushed away the chair, making it crash onto the wall with a bang, "What did you just call me, you bitch?" He asked with a low growl.

"You heard me loud and clear, asshole unless you are deaf. Are you?" Alice asked with a scornful smile.

"You fucking!"

The tension in the room escalated, like a balloon about to burst. Alex felt it press against his skin, making his palms sweat. He stepped forward, trying to defuse the situation, "Let's calm down. This is a professional setting and—"

But Alice and Speed King were locked in a verbal battle, their words bouncing off the walls. In the midst of this escalating argument, Alex made a quick decision. He grabbed Alice by the arm and practically dragged her out of his office.

"Let go of me, Dr. Alex! He started it!" Alice protested, struggling against his grip. But Alex didn't loosen his grip, not until they were well away from his office and the intensity of the argument. He let out a sigh, his heart pounding in his chest. Today was turning out to be more than he had bargained for.

Just as Alex was beginning to calm Alice down, the office door swung open, causing them to pause. Speed King stepped out, the cold light of the hallway illuminating his hardened features. He turned his cold gaze on Alice, a cruel smile tugging at his lips. "Better watch out, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice low enough for just the three of them to hear. "We aren't done."

In a protective gesture, Alex quickly pulled Alice behind him, shielding her from Speed King's menacing aura. He squared his shoulders, trying to keep his voice steady as he addressed the haughty Deviant. "Speed King, I'd appreciate if you didn't threaten my coworker," he replied with a restrained politeness while his heart continued to pound in his chest.

Alice's cheeks became red and her heart fluttered upon seeing him tell off Speed King despite how nervous and tense he was.

Speed King's steely gaze shot over to him, but before he could say anything, Alice popped out from behind Alex, sticking her tongue out in a mocking manner and flipping Speed King off with her middle finger.

A huff of surprise left Alex, but he said nothing as Speed King scoffed coldly, rolling his eyes before turning away. His heavy footsteps echoed down the hallway until they faded away completely, leaving a stunned Alex and an unfazed Alice behind.

Rubbing his forehead, Alex released a deep sigh, the events of the day overwhelming him. He'd expected a challenging day, but not to this extent. However, he couldn't deny the spark of admiration he felt for Alice standing up to Speed King like that.

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