
Deva Path of Pain (Naruto) in DxD

Naruto fan transmigrates into DxD universe, ROB felt bad that he ended up as Issei of all people (and right as he got impaled by Raynere to top it off!) and decided to grant him a little perk. Now armed with these overpowered eyes, will he even need to use the boosted gear? (A/N: little disclaimer: I have never seen DxD, all my knowlage of the universe comes from fanfictions)

Ferferfer22 · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs


John opened his eyes.

The first thing he did was curse his heart out.

He got Issei's memories, so he knew how screwed he was.

He transmigrated as Issei of all people! The hated protagonist from a world with absurd power scaling! And to top it off, he transmigrated at like, the WORST POSSIBLE MOMENT!

Canon has started, shit would hit the fan soon and he had no time to get stronger, he also had no power to his name beeing the weakest devil of all times, and to top it off, he could not escape as he was both the main character and enslaved to Rias.

The original Issei from the anime got by by fueling his sacred gear with his emotions, but that was pure bullshit!

John was not Issei, he just did not have the drive to keep going after beeing torn to pieces that Issei did, so yes, John was fucked.

"Wow, you realy hate beeing Issei." Said a female voice.

John turned in bed and noticed he was not alone in it.

Red hair, Blue eyes. It was Rias.

"Hello, I am Rias Gremory, your new master. You are John, right? ROB told me the basics. He also told me to tell you that you got the deva path of pain as a cheat alongside the chakra for it, but no other paths." Rias chatted happily. "Does that have something to do with your eyes? They changed you know?"

Not minding Rias sleaping on his bed with him, John rushed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

His eyes were now pure purple, without distinction between the sclera, iris and pupil. there were also blsck rings forming a ripple like patern on the entire eye.

"I have rinnegan?" John was bewildered, he clearly remember drawing a big fat "NOTHING" on the cheats wheel that ROB had him spin.

"I am not sure about this rinegan thing, but ROB clearly said you got the deva path, ROB said he pitied your luck or something." Rias chimed in. "What is so bad about beeing Issei by the way? I know he does not have a good reputation but-" John tuned out Rias's rambling and focused on one thing.

He had the Rinnegan! Sure, it was nerfed to just the deva path, but that was still OP as heck.

"-Hey! Are you lisening to me?!" Rias pouted when she noticed she was beeing ignored.

She looked cute so John poked her inflated cheek.

"Hey!" Rias complained.

"So ROB talked to you? What did he said?" John questioned wile redirecting the chakra from his eyes to deactivate them and make they look normal.

"Other then what I already told you? He just said that your luck sucks explained me that you are a transmigrator. So, how is your world like? Am I an anime?" Rias had stars in her eyes.

John chose not to answer her.

'Fuck! I have to go to school all over again, don't I?' Reality hit John.