
Detective Orphan

World-renowned Detective; August Dexter, was walking home when he found a small, weak boy with a strange tattoo on his back. The doctors diagnosed him with Schizophrenia and Amnestic syndrome. But despite all that, the detective takes him in and finds the boy has a gift for intuition. With the boy's help, they solve mysteries with the IDA and discover the boy's past. Whether they want to or not. This story includes murderers, rapes (not in detail), blood and violence. Read it u want

CandyFish · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Mission Impossible

"Finally found the culprit of the hit-and-run murders?"

The barista asked as he handed August his coffee. August took a huge sip and burned the roof of his mouth, while still trying to take another sip.

"Yup, we didn't pinpoint his location yet because it was the end of the day but I am sure Harper can get it in a heartbeat."

"Well, then you better get going."

He was right, the coffee shop would be opening in 2 hours. August only gets in at 5 am because the barista is his secret agent...and friend. In two hours he could bake over 200 cookies and 100 croissants.

August pick up his coffee, and open the door, leaving the 1980 theme coffee shop. The sun was slightly glimmering through the gaps in buildings, but not enough to light anything. Little to no people walked the streets, and the street lights were still on.

August always walked to work, he didn't see the appeal of using his car to walk about 5 blocks. The coffee shop was about 3/4 of the way to his office so that also gave him an advantage. As got to his office (which would open in 30 minutes), he sat on a cold rusty old bench nearby. And started to finish his now lukewarm coffee.

To be honest, this was the only time of day August could get time to himself. Nights are full of stakeouts, while mornings are full of information gathering. Ever since the Imperial Detective Agency got caught up with the news, it's been a never-ending shit show. People come to them instead of the police. Like for parking tickets, lost jewelry, and other stupid things. The IDA is exclusively for murders, missing people, and rapes. That is what they do. And the worst part is August is the leading detective, having 31 cases solved by him, he is no stranger to having people try getting close to him.

"People do suck." He mumbled to himself, finishing his last bit of coffee and checking his phone.

"5:50...close enough." He said, gathering his coat and getting out his key.

He turned and open the door to the Agency building, it is a 3-story building, the first floor is for reception, the second for doing the work and the third...That is for the hobbit.

As August got to the second floor, he could see the little bitch Easton sitting at a table eating his leftovers from yesterday.

"Goddamit EASTON! I told you not to pick the lock OR EAT MY FOOD!" August was visibly annoyed.

"Sure, but that proves we need to get a better lock system. Also, I did have dinner last night, I am a hungry growing boy." Easton said as he slurped up the noodles.

"Ok like first of all, there isn't a single door or lock you can't open and I don't care a shit if you starve. So you can go die in a hole. Anyhow, now get to work we gotta catch the mayor's son today." August said, settling into the very uncomfortable desk chair.

"Oh, so then, can I call the murderer the 'Rich Boy Killer'?"

"Sure why not, also when is the hobbit coming?" August asked

"By hobbit you mean Harper? She was up late last night watching anime. Why do you...OH LOOK WE ARE ON THE NEWS AGAIN!"

The sudden rise in Easton's voice gave August a scare, he hadn't noticed the TV was even on. But the moment he look at it, he knew today would be a long ass day. On the news was the Worldwide Detective Firm, handing out awards to Detectives and Detective companies around the world.

"Easton turn the volume up."



A loud voice came from the stairs.

"Good morning to you as well sleeping beauty Harper, the TV is so loud because Mr. Dexter here won the worldwide awards for the best detective, and WE won an award for best team," Easton said, turning down the volume.

"Ughhhh, oh hey, boss by the way I found the boy. He bought a train ticket, an airplane, and a bus all leading to different places but, that little idiot forgot to hide from the cameras because he did leave at all. He's at home watching... CP." Harper said, as she got down the stairs and headed towards the fridge.

August knew that allowing the police to catch the boy would be worthless because they are super corrupt. But he also knew that getting out of the building without a million reports chasing after him would be impossible to avoid. Not to mention the new-found popularity of the award too. The night would be the only time to leave the office... or he could just get Cam to do it. But Cam was only gifted in gossip and information so it would be pointless. August lent back in his chair when it hit him. Professional disguises, he had some leftovers. That would help with avoiding reporters outside of the Agency but what about the ones storming the place. August had an idea, but it was only something he and he alone could do.

"Harper, locate where he is to the dot, and the security measures placed. Easton, go and grab the 'box' and pick out an outfit, I'll go downstairs and 'lock the door'."

"Are you sure?" Easton asked, full of concern.

"Ya, you might not make it out alive!" Harper stated, already lanching her computer.

"Thanks, Guys..." August said, mentally bracing himself for whats to come.

CUE the 'Misson Impossible music if you please... 🎵Dun Dun da du dun dun da duuuuu...🎵

August gets to the edge of the stairs, covering his face with his jacket. Not only was the newfound popularity a problem but August was generally... good-looking. With his green emerald eyes, and hair looking like a hot anime detective, August would have a fan club waiting outside of his door to catch a glimpse of him.

He looked down the stairs to see millions of heads bobbing around, if you had to pay a ticket to get in, August would be richer than Elon Busk. August ran down the stairs head firsts and reached his hand to the emergency switch (That only he knew of). Which was to get a button that makes cold fire to scare people. His hand almost made it when someone grabbed onto his leg and pulled him back.

"We all wanna see that hot bitch Easton so wait for your fucking turn!"

"What? You mean you're not here to see Harper?!"

"WHAT THE HELL, why aren't you here to see August.!?"

The crowd slowly started breaking out into the fight over who was the hottest...

ANYWAYS, the hand holding on August's leg let go, allowing him to reach the button. As the 'fire' broke out people left in a panic, allowing August to lock the door and clean the things dropped on the ground. Watches, jewelry, phone, phone cases, it would all sell well at a pawn shop.

As August was heading up the stairs, he could see both Harper and Easton were ready.

"Easton grabs the car and Harper, disable everything there and create a scared with the mayor so they---"

"You think I already didn't do that? Stupid, go you only have 20 more minutes still the scare dies down."

As Easton handed August the disguise, he notices something amazing.

"You got the Genmah involved didn't you!" August said because it was a complete copy of the uniforms used when protecting the mayor's son.

"Well we were awarded best team so..." Easton said, grabbing the keys to the car.

August and Easton sat in the cars and started driving to the location Harper gave them. They didn't need much communication because there was huge mutual trust between them... But, only if something went wrong. So they hand earpieces, just in case.

As they approached the building, the cameras were visible turned off, and there wasn't a person in sight. The time was now 2:27 pm... Yes, the whole office cleanup took 4 hours.

August walked out of the car and entered the building, and Easton followed. They both had a gun and knife on hand just in the event they would need them.

"GUYS, BE kInd yoU kNOW?! He just a kid" A loud voice came from the earpieces.

"Fuck Harper! I also lost my hearing." Easton answered

"Shut up, anyways the bitch is on the floor with you. Hell, right now he's right behind you." Harper said without a hint of worry.

Before Easton even turned around, August had already handed a knife to the guy's stomach and was calling the police.

"Let go of me? Don't you work for me? I'll tell my father." The boy screamed, trying to stop the bleeding by stabbing the knife deeper.

"You should have thought before murdering countless girls you fucking psycho. Anyways August how did you know before me?" Easton asked, after breaking one of the boy's fingers.

"I just had figured out from what Harpers' first statement was. Be-Kind is something she would never say and emphasizing the BE and IND sounded like behind and YOU and the 'Now' in know also being emphasized. Made it kinda obvious, especially after she said 'He's just a kid'. Easton, you're stupid for not figuring it out sooner. So now you owe me lunch." August said, finishing his call with the police and pulling out his evidence file.

"Ya sure, Harper is that what you really meant?" Easton asked, wondering how expensive the lunch would be.

"Sure is idiot," Harper said over the mic.

"FUCK YA, WE ARE EATING LUXURIOUS TOMORROW," August said, already starting to drool.

After a few minutes, the police arrived on the scene. August handed them the evidence and they headed back to the Office, after grabbing some ramen cups.

Once they got back, only a husband and wife sat in the waiting room. August told Easton to go up, as he was going to talk to them. August took off the disguise and started walking towards them.

As they caught sight of August, the pair stood up to which August told them to sit down. They were the parents of one of the girls the Rick Boy Killer, killed. They were the ones that put out a case, but originally it was a missing persons report.

"Thank you for avenging our daughter." The husband said, consoling his wife who started breaking down into tears.

"W--we don't h-have much but here, it's all we can give you." The wife said, pulling an envelope full of money.

"My pleasure, and please we don't need the cash. This was a public service and your daughter saved many others from the same faith. So live knowing your daughter will rest in peace, avoiding the troubles of this world." August never takes money from people like this, people who truly cared for their loved ones.

The mother gathered herself together and the husband put the money in his wallet. They held hands and walked side by side out the door. After thanking August for everything he has done. Right after August saw Harper at the top of the staircase, slurping on her ramen cup.

"Awww, Mr. Thoughtful out again. While you are at it can I get a new manga? Vegan Slayer final volume is out and I wanna get it in person." Harper said, clearly mocking August.

"Nope sorry, you have to use your paycheck," August said as he started to walk up the stairs.

"BUT I GET LIKE A 4TH OF WHAT YOU GUYS GET!" Harper said-still mocking August.

"Ya but, the 3/4 that you don't get are used for your rent, which includes utilities, 2 bedrooms, and a dual sink bathroom. Plus the 1/4 you do get is what an average paid worker gets in a year," August said, taking off his jacket and started getting his reman cup ready.

After that, no one really talked to each other. Harper watched Rungo Pray Frog, Easton was getting hitmen jobs so he wasn't even there and August hid in his office because his fan girl club was about to arrive in a matter of minutes. And they would do everything in their power to get a glimpse of a lock of August's face. He was never a fan of people, but still, knows how to talk a show. August calls himself an introvert but everyone who knows him thinks he's a full Ambervourt.

A few hours passed and it was 6 pm. August decided to close early so he could get home in some peace. He said goodbye to Harper after finding her newest tracker on his jacket and Easton was still on the job. But then August notice that Harper was about to start the newest season of Rungo Pray Frogs and August hadn't watched that season himself. Yes, August watches anime, now go cry about it.

He decided to watch it with her and hours went by.

It was now 9:34 pm.

I hope you enjoy it, I will publish it every week. If you like this story, give some power stones and I'll be sure to keep the story fun for you.

CandyFishcreators' thoughts