
Destiny The Hunters Tale

I've lived before. I remember the feelings. What I dont remember is the memories. They have been taken or wiped. I dont know why I am here or what I am to do. All I have been told is to follow the light. Let's hope that light can shine through darkness after all but maybe this system is a form of darkness... or is it the true light..?

UpTJay_OG · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


As I thought about what the fuck I was going to do I notice that Emmanuel, the titan I knocked out earlier, was waking up. When he fully opened his eyes and looked around he looked at me.

"If you wanna live... Run" Emmanuel had a straight face and was looking at me being dead serious.

'No, I'm going to fight to save my friends' is what I wanted to say but I blacked out

When I woke up I was standing in the middle of a battlefield. Every last enemy was ripped apart, according to Emmanuel, who was awake the whole time, I looked like a demon. I was ripping everything apart with my bare hands. Nothing could touch me. I would teleport from enemy to enemy and punch them once. Each enemy would die from one hit. Their insides became their outsides from the initial impact of my fist... soon I realized that it wasnt me who was fighting... I was on an auto pilot type of thing... when I fully gained consciousness after hearing about what happened from Emmanuel I got up to go and check on Shaxx, Sloane, and Osiris. Each of them were okay but out cold.

"So is that normal..?" I asked Emmanuel, while I was checking the bodies he was staring at me in deep concentration. Frowning almost...

"No, it is... Just not at your level... you should still be new and cannon fodder but what you just did I'm not sure I could have done by myself and I'm considered a god killer..." Emmanuel said with a half grin. While talking he started noticing her, MY, assets... and he was staring at them.

"Take a picture. Those last longer." I said as a tease. As I started looking at him I thought he was kinda cute. Not the best looking but better than others, and he was young unlike most of the other guardians she has seen.

"If you insist" Emmanuel replied with a sly smile and pulled out a phone.

Suddenly Ghost appeared and said the last words I remember "Uh guardians... we have bigger issues than your flirti-" and promptly Emmanuel got shot straight through the head. "As i was saying we have a bigger iss-" next Ghost shattered.


If you want more of the story let me know and I'll start up working on it again.