
Destiny of us

it's a story about 6 mental disorder guys where unexpectedly starts the journey, have to complete the journey together, will they make their journey complete?

Chandu_88 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

The start


I went to the hospital, where the doctor has examined me, my parents are waiting for the test results. "Meanwhile I am Gagan, I am BA LLb final year student, I am physically fit and fine, my problem is Alexithymia, generally human body responds to feelings, emotions. they feel about love, care, sad, happy, anger...etc, but I don't have that type of emotions, I never experienced what are emotions. it is from my birth, I have made research about this disorder and what I know is it cannot be cured. let's see what doctor is going to tell.

Gagan's father:

"Vishnu, don't worry about him, I am sure he will be fine one day same as like us." (Gagan's father)

"I hope it comes true." (Gagan's mom)

Nurse come and gives papers of the results. doctor sees the paper. sighs with disappointment face. by seeing all Gagan's father ask with eagerness to doctor.

"He can be fine doctor." (G F)

"Gagan will you please wait outside, with in 10 minutes your parents will be back." (Doctor)

Gagan goes out from the room.

"In the medical history there is no cure for this disease as it is from the birth." (Doctor)

"Please don't tell like that, there must be a way, we have took him to many doctors and for us you are the last hope help us doctor." (G M)

"Then rather than approaching through medical, lets try in another way, our nature has wonders and can cure anything, I suggest you to send him for the trip, you both no need to be with him, let him travel alone I have a strong feeling that he might return from at least 10 to 20 percent of betterment." (Doctor)

"How can he cure his disease he just go alone and return alone nothing is going to change in him." (G F)

"I said you not go, but I am planning to send him with 5 more people." (Doctor)

"Being with him, it's irritating, normal people can't handle him, even we are tired some times." (G M)

"Hmm, I am going to send all mental disorder people to the trip, I hope when altogether journey starts, they will surely comes with something." (Doctor)

"Are you sure that everything will be fine between all of them" (G M)

"Actually I should start treatment to you not to your son, why are you worrying too much about him, he is grown up and he needs to handle everything." (Doctor)

"Ok, doctor, let's do as you said. after reaching home, we both talk to him and inform about when he is ready for the trip." (G F)


Mom and Dad came out of room, I see their face, with little bit of happiness, I think doctor said to them in positive way. 

Altogether we reached home, I was going to my room, Dad called me and explained everything what doctor has said, but I feel what every they do they can't change me. Even though I don't know what is happiness, I wanted to make them happy and agreed to go for trip.

after 2 days I went to the hospital with a luggage for the trip, Doctor and another 5 members are waiting for me at the entrance, Doctor introduced them one by one.

1. Pruthvi (Attachment disorder being diagnosed since 10 years of old)

2. sagar ( Avoidant Personality Disorder simple ways extreme introvert diagnosing since childhood)

3. samudhr (Extraversion who is extrovert in high)

4. Ujwal (OCD Obsessive-compulsive disorder)

5. Varun (Bi-polar disorder)

Doctor took me aside and said that "Gagan you are the elder one and please take care of them, I think you can handle them, at any cost complete the vacation and meet me altogether at same point"

We all started journey in car, we are planned to go vacation for Pondicherry. we all together started journey from Bangalore.