
Destiny of the Chosen One: Journey of the Apprentice Witch

Monsters known as werewolves are scattered on this continent. They hang out in villages during the day and wait for opportunities to devour humans at night. Dill was an Oriental orphan bought from the port by the big witches with a dozen dill spices. As a trainee witch, she soon came to the first village and swore to find the werewolf and win the favor of humans' belief. But one night, the handsome guy who had been rejected during the day knocked on the door of his room with a cute and naughty smile. He blinked his golden vertical pupils, his canine teeth slightly exposed under his lips and asked, "Now, are you still saying no?" The handsome little wolf with chocolate fur is dedicated to taking away the little witch with the seasoning potion.

Daoist41JuTq · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

Chapter 37 The Wise Witch

◎The legendary "wise man" loves children who eat tender skin and tender meat most. ◎

As the name suggests, Shadow Hill is a dark and gloomy place.

Dill rode forward slowly on the black horse, and the waves of bright green grass were like receding tides, replaced by the influx of wet and cold water.

The mist is like a gray gauze covering the tops of the trees. The deeper it goes, the less light it becomes. There seems to be no difference between night and day here. From time to time, there are flying shadows flapping and flashing around, and there are bursts of strange hissing sounds in the air. He screamed as if to warn intruders, and even the air he breathed became thicker and more solemn.

It is indeed a very suitable place for pretending to be a ghost.

It is not that Dill has no desire to retreat, but she has experienced too much and has been away from Miller Valley for too long. The word witch is as sweet and nostalgic as honey just by chewing it between her teeth. She misses her fellow witches very much. Of course, Austria Except for old witches like Ya.

A dark witch who can control shadows. Dill was both frightened and intrigued. Although she can't guarantee that the other party is a good person, but eating children? Haha, Mida was also taught by the church that she was a slut/demon who specialized in sucking the essence of men; the fierce Bertha was even more powerful. She was wanted in a small kingdom in the Junli River as a slut/demon and a murderer.

As for what she had done, Amber was fierce on the surface and forbade her to ask, but in private she laughed and said: The impulsive Bertha directly carried the silver ax and chased three naked werewolves on the street who turned into human beings. .

The most important thing is that if that person is really a powerful witch, then Dill may be able to pray to the other party for some guidance and warnings about the future. It is the most respectful and polite way for a weak witch to pray to a big witch for guidance. behavior; not to mention the [divine] buff so that she does not need to be afraid of any witch's magic. Dill silently thanked the Moon Goddess in her heart

Although the fog was thick, she could still identify the objects in front of her. Dill could vaguely see the outline of a spire, and there was even smoke breaking out of the net woven by the thick fog and penetrating the towering tree crowns. Everything was enough to prove that it was Signs of human activity.

Dill hurriedly urged Dark Horse, somewhat impatient to see the mysterious and powerful senior.

The horse's hooves quickly pushed away the fog. When Dill took a look, she was surprised but also disappointed.

It was not a mysterious tower, but several gorgeous tents decorated with golden spikes and feathers, and several guard knights in bronze-scale armor holding gold anchors. They stood at attention one by one like sculptures, guarding loyally. outside the tent.

This is the mysterious place where the black witch lives? It's more like a back garden used by nobles for camping.

Dill suppressed her disappointment, turned her horse's head and was about to leave, but she happened to hit the head of another horse coming towards her.

"No offense allowed!"

Just as the sharp golden anchor was about to point at the girl's throat, a woman's high-pitched command sounded. Dill heard waves of armor shaking and heavy footsteps behind her, and she couldn't help but secretly curse her bad luck.

Dill carried the big white goose and quickly pulled the black horse back.

It was an exquisite chariot, equipped with four handsome red horses, and knights in gold and bronze armor were riding on it. The person who came to escort it was the owner of the camp.

Other guards hurried over and formed a circle to prevent outsiders from approaching. Dill watched a hand with a large emerald ring lift the curtain, first waved the guards to leave, and then opened the curtain. A veil of mystery.

A middle-aged lady in gorgeous clothes was looking at him without blinking. The woman had a thin chin and a solemn face, but her youthful beauty could be seen from her gentle blue apricot eyes.

Her chest was decorated with elegant light yellow lace and several pearls. When the woman tried to get off, a soft green velvet cloak was heavy and hanging, and was carefully held in the palms of the hands of the two maids.

Dill is not so nervous anymore. She is most familiar with witches, and then women, especially aristocratic women. Miller Valley has been dealing with the aristocratic ladies of Junli River for many years, and her silver cup is one of their offerings.

"I'm sorry for disturbing Madam." The girl got off her horse and gave a fairly decent salute.

The lady shook her head: "No, no, it's my guard who doesn't understand the rules who should apologize."

As if to show her sincerity, she ordered all the guards to evacuate, and she personally stepped forward to help Dill up. Her unusual respect and kindness shocked the girl.

"Are you someone who lives here?" She seemed not surprised by Dill's foreign face, and her blue eyes even radiated expectation.

Dill thought about it quickly: the woman was dressed up, but not in hunting riding attire, and she also brought a bunch of fully armed guards. She was obviously not a fool who mistakenly broke into a forbidden area and camped in the wild. It could only be...

"I am just a medicine scholar who came to Junli River from the east bank to study, and I happened to pass through this place."

A trace of disappointment flashed in the woman's eyes, but she still held Dill's hand and said kindly: "You are an honest child, I am the Duchess of Leicester, and the Green Emerald City will always welcome knowledgeable and lovely guests like you.

Mrs. Lester even wanted to ask an escort to escort Dill out of Shadow Hill. Dill hesitated and couldn't help but remind: "Madam, do you know where this place is?"

A trace of discomfort flashed across Mrs. Leicester's face, and Dill continued: "I heard from the shepherd that there is a black witch living nearby..."

"Child!" Mrs. Leicester yelled, more to suppress her voice than anger.

The woman lowered her voice, frightened and even begged: "You can't call the wise man who lives in the shadow like this."

Dill immediately changed her mind: "Madam, are you planning to visit...that wise man?"

The Duchess of Leicester did not deny it, but changed the topic: "You are still a child and you came here too early. I will ask my escort to take you out."

Just as Dill was about to refuse, another woman's voice came from the tent not far away: "Sister, why are you in such a hurry? Wouldn't it be nice to have an extra companion?"

The maid bent down and helped out another lady from the tent. Her face was somewhat similar to Mrs. Leicester's, with blue almond eyes, a thin chin, and a long dark rose gold cloak that made her look elegant. , difficult to get close to.

She covered half of her face with a feather fan made of blue peacock, and looked at Dill up and down with her cold blue eyes.

"People from the East Coast? You are so skinny, so eager to have your baby ready to bloom, and want to ask the witch for a love potion?"

Dill was told something weird by her, and just when she felt baffled, before she could say anything, Mrs. Leicester next to her snapped and scolded her, this time with real anger:

"Shut up! This girl is a knowledgeable medicine man at a young age. She traveled thousands of miles across the sea to seek the truth of wisdom. Is this how Mrs. Fogli treats guests from far away?"

Mrs. Fogli looked ugly for a moment, and then said with a forced smile: "I am thinking about my sister. If this girl also wants to find the witch, why not let her go in with our token, so as not to bother the witch and alert the witch. of rest."

She didn't wait for Mrs. Leicester's response, took away the fan, and forced a friendly smile at Dill:

"I know that there are many rare and rare herbs on the east coast. The spices as small as a fingernail can be sold for gold, but these are not as good as a witch's finger. A spell can make the wind and rain, and the magic potion prepared by the witch can Save the dead."

Mrs. Fogli's tone became gentler and sweeter, reminding Dill of Oya:

"The witch who lives here can easily capture a man's shadow and make him so crazy about you that he is willing to sell his soul. Once a man betrays her, she will stab his shadow to death to make him loyal to you."

When Mrs. Fogli saw that Dill was young and beautiful, she obviously regarded her as an ignorant and reckless girl. After all, the mysterious Shadow Hill never lacks bold visitors. Men pray to witches for power, and women often pray to witches for love.

"Nonsense!" Mrs. Lester was so angry that she didn't want to reply to her sister's nonsense. She turned to comfort Dill: "My child, wise men are not very good-tempered people. You'd better leave here quickly. I'll ask the guards to take you out."

This is a kind woman. After discovering that Dill is not the witch she is looking for, she turns to worry about the girl's safety. After all, the legendary "wise man" loves children who eat fine skin and tender meat most.

Mrs. Fogli obviously refused to give up. She glanced at the road covered by thick fog. Unable to hide her fear, she turned around and added: "My child, as long as you are willing to bring questions to the witch for us, you will be the leader of the Green Emerald City." As the most distinguished guest of the Twilight Hall, I have countless handsome and promising knights waiting for you to choose."

The young Moon Witch lowered her head and touched the white goose in her arms, almost holding back her laughter.

She had no interest in Mrs. Fogli, but when she saw Mrs. Leicester's angry and worried expression, she couldn't help but asked curiously: "Madam, what do you want to ask a wise man about?"

Mrs. Leicester thought she meant a promise, and couldn't help but shake her head and said: "My child, you don't need to pay a high price for other people's things. You are still young and cute, and you don't need the magic of a witch at all. There are countless people who are willing to do it." Show a smile for you, but we are just two old women who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and we are not worthy of you."

Then, as if she had made up her mind, she turned to her ill-intentioned sister and said, "Since we have something to ask the wise man for, we should show our sincerity to the wise man in person. Opportunism will only make our situation more dangerous."

Mrs. Leicester turned to Dill and warned sternly: "This is still outside Shadow Hill. The thick fog inside the forest is the real blindness. Ordinary people can easily lose their way and find their way out. My child, hurry up. Click away and don't go any further."

With the help of the maid, Mrs. Leicester got on a maroon horse. She waved away the guards and maids, obviously planning to enter Shadow Hill by herself.

Mrs. Fogli was a little impatient. She obviously wanted something, but she couldn't make up her mind like her sister.

Dill looked at Mrs. Leicester's disappearing figure, sighed softly, turned over and jumped on the black horse, and under the surprised gaze of Mrs. Fogli, she rode the horse into the thick fog of Shadow Hill. middle.

Mrs. Leicester heard the sound of horse hooves behind her and saw Dill chasing after her. She was surprised and sad: "I must show my sincerity to the wise man alone. My child, this is not your test. Hurry up before it gets dark." leave!"

The girl changed her previous ignorance and ignorance, and her bottomless eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts: "Are you doing it for your daughter who is about to get married? Do you want to confirm whether the man who happened to save your daughter from the horse's hoof is a good match? ? Or is it a conspiracy from Count Rein? Do you want to ask the witch to grant you a spell to protect your marriage? "

Dill and the red horse under the woman looked at each other, and the secrets were poured out in the horse's panting.

In Mrs. Leicester's disbelieving eyes, Moon Witch thought in her heart, it doesn't matter, you have passed my test.