
Shy Gamer Girl

Day: Monday

Location: Matsugaya College

Time: Daytime

I yawned and could barely focus in class. Akira looked at me while she was sitting at her desk. She stood up and walked to my desk and tapped my desk then walked to talk to me outside the class. I stood up and we walked outside the classroom.

"You're never this tired...did you get any sleep last night?" Akira asked.

"I did but my body just feels so drained. Last night me and Kry-" I paused then looked at Akira.

"Ahh I see what happened. You banged Krystal didn't you...you naughty boy." Akira giggled. "You should tell me how it went sometime. Listen I won't wake you from falling asleep in class, just don't snore too loudly."

"Thank you, Akira.." I smiled.

We walked back into the classroom. I sat in my seat and laid my head down. Gloria looked at me then watched Akira's lesson.


Three hours later the bell rang letting us know the day is finished. Akira walked to my desk and gently shook me. I opened my eyes slowly then looked up at Akira. I rubbed my eyes then stretched. Akira smiled at me.

"Classes are over, Shiro." Akira informed.

"Oh...okay." I stood up and grabbed my bag then she stopped me.

She pecked my lips and I blushed. She pat my cheek. "Enjoy your day.."

"You too.." I smiled.

I walked out the classroom and off campus then encountered Mark while walking away. He looked at me then bumped my shoulder. I stopped walking and looked back at Mark. Lustie looked at me then I walked to Mark and pushed him.

"I had enough man! What do you want man?" I said, not in a good mood.

"You want to get buck with me? Boys let's teach them what happens when you push me." Mark cracked his knuckles then smirked. His goons chuckled as well and they walked to me.

Lustie floated over to Mark and poked his neck with her tail and he froze. He looked around then I punched his cheek. He looked surprised and stumbled back. His lackeys ran towards me and threw a punch.

"Dodge left." Lustie said.

I dodged left, avoiding a punch from his friend then punched his stomach. He groaned then I punched his cheek. He fell to the ground then I took a punch on my cheek from one of his goons. I grunted and held my cheek and Mark punched my stomach and I groaned.

"Shit...Shiro! What do I do? I can't exactly fight them myself.." Lustie floated to me and placed her hand on my back. "I'll lend you some of my strength and defense."

I stood up and wiped my mouth then put my fists up. I had enough of being pushed around by Mark and his friends. It's time I finally stood up and made a name for myself! Lust-E began to beep and I looked at my phone.

"Not now...I need to handle business.." I said coldly and my hair shadowed my right eye.

Mark ran to me and went for a punch, but I dodged him and punched his face. He groaned and slid back, holding his nose.

"Mother fucker!" Mark groaned and held his bloody nose.

I looked at his friend and they saw my left eye flash the color gold. They looked shocked then glared and ran to me. I dodged one of them and punched their stomach and he groaned loudly, coughing up blood. He fell to his knees then I tackled the other guy and we fell the ground. I gripped his neck and panted.

[Your Bloodlust rose to 29%]

'Bloodlust..? What did she mean by Bloodlust..?' I thought to myself and looked at the lackey who's neck I was gripping. He looked at me terrified and I released him and stood up.

"Shit I didn't mean to give him a bit of my demonic attributes...Shiro you gained two new stats! Anger Point and Bloodlust! Both are bad, very bad!" Lustie warned.

[Notice: Anger Point is a stat that increases the more you are angry! The angrier you are the stronger you get, but the more feral your mind gets! The higher your Anger Point the higher your Bloodlust gets! Bloodlust is a stat the determines how much you want to kill. Be wary on how high your Anger Point is!]

I calmed down then watched Mark's actions. He was the only one who could make me angered. I walked away and he looked at me. Lustie followed me and wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm sorry Shiro, I didn't mean to give you those stats..." Lustie looked worried, thinking I was upset at her.

"It's fine Lustie, I'm not mad at you." I smiled at her. "I'm sure those stats won't matter. Mark and his friends learned their lesson. Now let's find out who this new girl is.

"Right." Lustie smiled happily.

Day: Monday

Location: North Park Mall

Time: Afternoon

"Aubrie, I just...I don't know about this outfit. It's a bit revealing.." A girl said.

"Come on you timid bitch! You got the body every boy wants! Flaunt it bitch!" Aubrie yelled.

'I know that loud voice anywhere...' I smiled and chuckled.

"Ugh! Whatever bitch! Fucking boring bitch." Aubrie walked away.

"W-Wait...Aubrie..." The girl covered her chest.

"We have a case of Shy and Beautiful. Quick say something before she runs off! Do something, do anything! Just catch her before she leaves!" Lustie said then vanished.

"Hey." I walked up to her.

"H-Huh? D-Don't look! I-I don't want anyone seeing my b-boobs!" The girl said then looked back, seeing me hand her my jacket. "W-What..?"

"Take it." I smiled.

She slowly took my jacket and out it on, covering her cleavage. She gave a sigh of relief and looked at me with a smile.

"Thank you...I didn't want to get looks of lewdness and attract perverted eyes." The girl said.

"Ah don't mention it. I just saw Aubrie just being typical Aubrie and thought I would just check up on you." I answered.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"My name is Shiro Moji." I responded.

"I'm Faith. Faith Winters." Faith smiled at me.

[Faith's data registered into Lust-E]

Name: Faith Winters

Age: 19

Birthday: July 5

Nationality: British

Species: Human

Education: College

Occupation: Online Streamer

Likes: Sensitivity, Passion

Dislikes: Lust, Luck

Favorite Food: Dessert, Fruits

Favorite Drink: Flavored Alcohol

Favorite Color: Pink

Height: 5'1"

Libido: Conservative

Favorite Hangout Spot: Her House

Hobbies: Gaming, Streaming, Watching Anime, Sleeping

I looked at Lust-E then looked back up. Faith tilted her head and looked at me curiously, wondering what was on my mind. She was extremely cute and had a curved build. She blushed as she noticed me checking her out.

"I-If you want to know...my cup size is double d.." She said timidly.

"A-Ahh okay." I nodded then I placed my hands in my pockets. "Do you wanna go hang out at the Arcade?"

[Faith's Affection rose to 16%]

"Yeah! Let's go." She smiled, nodding.

We walked together to the Arcade and walked inside. She pointed at a 2-Player game that she wanted to play with me. I nodded and we walked to the machine.

"I love playing Fighting Games like these. I do stream so over time I got better at them. Do you play games often?" Faith looked at me.

"Yeah I do actually." I chuckled.

[Faith's Affection rose to 27%]

"Awesome! Maybe one day we can play games together?" She smiled at me.

"Definitely." I looked at her then smiled back.

[Faith's Affection rose to 34%]

She nodded and we began to play the game. It was an even game since we both were good at fighting games. Faith won and she celebrated.

"Yes!" She said happily. She looked at me and smiled.

"Good game." I smiled back then poked her forehead.

She giggled and held her forehead. I smiled and we walked around the arcade then I heard her stomach growl.

"Hehe...Can we get something to eat real quick?" Faith asked.

"Yeah, there should be a food court around here somewhere." I smiled.

We walked around, looking for a food court and found a place where there was many fast food places. She pointed at a place called Rose's Burgers and Chicken.

"I really like that place! Let's go there!" Faith said and giggled.

"Alright." I nodded.

We went there to order a burger and fries. We sat at the table and ate, talking about video games and anime we loved to watch.

"Have you seen the new anime called The Misfits of a Villainess?" Faith asked then ate a french fry.

"No I haven't, is it good?" I asked and took a sip of my soda.

"Is it good? It's amazing! We gotta watch it together!" Faith smiled happily.

"It's a date then for one day." I smiled back.

"Date...You'll go on a date with me?" Faith asked.

"Of course. I'll happily go on a date with you. Just make the day, time, and location and I'll be there." I responded with a smile.

"How about we hang out maybe tonight? Maybe we can play games and watch anime?" She smiled then finished her food.

"It's a date." I nodded and finished up my food as well.

She nodded happily then we stood up and threw away our trash. We walked around the mall together and exchanged numbers. We stopped at the entrance and decided to meet at her house tonight. She wanted to hand me my jacket back but I told her she could keep it. We waved at each other then parted ways.

Day: Monday

Location: Faith's House

Time: Evening

I knocked on her door then she answered quickly. She was happy to see me and let me inside. I looked around then noticed anime posters on the walls. She led me to her room and we sat on the chairs she had in her room. She turned on the TV and her console.

"This is the first time I ever really had anyone in my house. I'm quite nervous about this. Oh! I'm still wearing your jacket...it's really warm." Faith smiled.

"I'm glad you like it..." I smiled at her.

"Sooo...what do you want to do?" Faith asked as she twisted left and right on her chair.

"We can play games, watch some anime, vibe. I'll up for anything." I shrugged and watched her put on some music.

"Do you like Paramore?" Faith put on Paramore and slouched a bit on her hair, taking her phone out.

"I listen to them from time to time." I smiled and took out my phone.

[Faith's Affection rose to 49%]

"So do you have any family? Better yet do you live with any of your family members?" Faith asked.

"I'm an only child actually. My mom and dad aren't in the area anymore so I kinda live alone. It's not bad, it's pretty chill." I answered.

"Oh same here! I live alone too, but I kinda moved out on my own. I don't like my dad and my mother is just unbearable. I'm glad I moved out. I finally am able to do the things I enjoy. Gaming, music, streaming. Only downside is it gets a bit lonely at times." Faith responded and scrolled on her phone.

"I mean if you want I could come over sometimes and hang out with you." I looked at her.

Her cheeks became a bit rosy and she eyed me shyly. "R-Really? You'd do that?"

"I don't see why not. I'm sure it will be fun to hang out with you, get to know you better." I smiled at her.

She blushed even more then she hid her face into her phone then made a little squeak of embarrassment. "You don't have to that, Shiro..."

"I know but I want to do it." I chuckled and stood up. "I'm gonna head out though. I gotta do homework."

"Oh okay...Have a good night." She waved.

"You too." I smiled and walked out her room then exited her house.

I began to walk home then Lust-E began beeping. Lustie and I looked at Lust-E then followed the dot. As I got closer to the dot, I heard some hip-hop music and looked to my right. There was a vacant building blasting music. I walked in the building and saw a woman doing cocaine. She sighed and heard me walking in then turned down her music.

"Who's there?" The woman asked.

"Uh hey. I was just walking around and heard music. I didn't know anyone stayed here." I said then saw the woman. She had a thin, curvy body and her hair was rose gold.

"Frick...I wasn't expecting anyone to be here." The woman said and packed her stuff up.

"Hey, hey. I won't tell anyone." I reassured her.

"You won't? You promise?" The woman asked.

"I promise." I walked closer and reassured her. "I'm not the type of person to snitch anyway."

"Okay." She smiled and looked at me happily. "Oh! My name is Chloe Wise! I am...what was I again...uhm...I am a...Oh yeah, I'm a stripper!"

[Chloe's data registered into Lust-E]

Name: Chloe Wise

Age: 24

Birthday: December 23

Nationality: Caucasian American

Species: Human

Education: College (Dropped Out after 1 year)

Occupation: Stripper

Likes: Lust, Flirtation

Dislikes: Romance, Talent

Favorite Food: Dessert, Junk Food

Favorite Drink: Milk

Favorite Color: Rose Gold

Height: 5'3"

Libido: Insanely High

Favorite Hangout Spot(s): Strip Club, Ardour's Nightclub, Oceana's Beach, Wave's Water Park, North Park Mall

Hobbies: Doing cocaine, masturbating, watching porn, walking her dog, reading books, Spinning in circles, playing with children's toys

"For a woman who's last name is Wise, she's not the brightest tool in the shed. This is the kind of girl we call an airhead, ditzy, and not very intelligent. She lacks cognitive ability, but her beauty makes up for it. Typical dumb pretty bitch." Lustie giggled. "She reeks of sexual desire and need for dick. Unfortunately she has a hidden mechanic called Amnesia, the higher her Amnesia the more affection you'll lose or gifts given to her will have zero effect on her. Sadly you can't really control her Amnesia..it could be zero...but it could also be 100%."

"Great...I mean...airheads are cute-"

"That's not all, she also has another mechanic called Hypersensitivity. She can easily be hurt. She might be a difficult one to date, but she's really kind hearted and nice. Just be sure to not be a dickhead." Lustie continued.

"Mmm. Right I'll be on my best behavior." I nodded and smiled.

"Go get 'er tiger!" Lustie encouraged me and smiled.