
Overflowing Bloodlust

"Flirtoria..?" I looked at the Love Demon.

"Oh? You know this woman who stands at my side?" Vulmon smirked and rose an eyebrow.

I glared and vanished, dodging a beam from Flirtoria then reappeared a further distance away from them.

"Hey! You bastard! Leave him alone!" Ulana grunted as she tried to stand.

Vulmon summoned dark chains to wrap around Ulana and restricted her movements. "Flirtoria. You deal with this kid. I must teach some women some manners." Vulmon walked into the room and closed the door behind him and locked it.

I grit my teeth and ran to the door. "Open this damn door! You better not touch them!"

"H-Hey, what are you- Nngh!" Ibise grunted.

All I could hear was the sound of struggling and crashing. I began to grip the door handle firmly and tried my best to open the door, but the door was made out of material that couldn't be forced open even with my strength.

"Leave...Leave her alone!" Obissa yelled then groaned.