
A Date with Faith

Day: Tuesday

Location: My Bedroom

Time: Morning

I got ready for the day and put my hair in a ponytail then looked in the mirror and looked at my golden eye. I let out a bit of a sigh, but smiled. I threw water on my face to wake myself up even more.

I walked out the bathroom and grabbed Lust-E from the charger and walked out my room, going downstairs. I looked at the couch and saw Felola reading a book with one leg crossed over the other. Lustie was doing laundry in the other room. I don't know why but today felt normal.

"'Morning." I said.

"Good morning, mortal." Felola said.

"Mornin', superstar!" Lustie walked out the laundry room with just one of my t-shirts on.

I looked at her and saw her tail swaying then smiled. "You seem to be happy this morning."

"Yeah, today is the day I finally get to show my boss around the island!" Lustie giggled.

"Yippie.." Felola said sarcastically.

I chuckled and walked to the counter and grabbed my keys. "Well I'll be off."

"Good luck out there, champ!" Lustie waved.

"I'll be keeping my eye on you, human." Felola said.

I went into the garage and got in my car. I looked at Lust-E and wanted her to search for the girls who were available.

[Searching for available girls....Search Complete!]

Gloria: Unavailable

Whitney: Available - Fugigami's Market Area

Akira: Unavailable

Aubrie: Available - Ardour's Nightclub

Chelsey: Available - Nagagami's Gym & Sports Center

Faith: Available - Her House

I started my car and pressed a button to open the garage door and drove off, pressing a button to close the door.

Day: Tuesday

Location: Faith's House

Time: Afternoon

I stopped my car and put it in park then honked the horn. Faith looked out the window then smiled, walking out her house with her purse. She walked to my car and got in.

"Hey there! I'm glad we're going to the Destinycon today! I almost didn't go because none of my friends wanted to go." Faith smiled at me.

"This is actually the first con that I'm going to actually. I haven't really been getting out my house till now." I smiled back.

"Let's have fun today! Enjoy this day as if it was our last!" Faith said excitedly.

[Faith's data updated]

Name: Faith Winters

Age: 19

Birthday: July 5

Nationality: British

Species: Human

Education: College

Occupation: Online Streamer

Likes: Sensitivity, Passion

Dislikes: Lust, Luck

Favorite Food: Dessert, Fruits

Favorite Drink: Flavored Alcohol

Favorite Gift Type: Games, Anime

Favorite Part of Body: Neck

Favorite Type of Porn: Solo

Most Desired Trait: Being Lovable

Favorite Color: Pink

Height: 5'1"

Cup Size: DD

Libido: Conservative

Favorite Hangout Spot: Her House

Hobbies: Gaming, Streaming, Watching Anime, Sleeping

I chuckled and nodded then put the car in drive and drove off. I handed Faith the aux cord and she happily took it from my hand and plugged it in to her phone. She began to play songs that was on her playlist.

"So do you know who's gonna be at the Destinycon?" I asked.

"Uhm..last time I went, there was the Destiny Cheetahs, some famous musicians, cosplayers, just about anything you can think of." Faith answered and smiled.

"So it's like a festival?" I asked.

"Mmm, you can put that way." Faith replied and looked at me.

I nodded and kept driving. I have a more clear mindset than I did yesterday. I just have to have a clear conscious and focus on these last few dates.

[Your Boyhood Completion: 45%]

[5 out of 11 Girls Completed!]

[Only 6 Girls Remain!]

Day: Tuesday

Location: Destinycon

Time: Afternoon

"We are here!" Faith said and looked out the window. "Eh? This doesn't look right. Where's the anime, the games, the music, the cosplayers, the food?!"

"Mmm? Did we get the right location?" I looked at Lust-E.

[Look to your left.]

We looked to the left and Faith sighed in relief. I parked the car and we got out then I locked the door. We walked towards the con and Faith held my hand. I looked around and saw multiple stands and people hanging out with friends and family. Looked a lot more like a festival to me than a con.

"There are more things to do this year than last year." Faith said and walked to a stand that sold merchandise of her favorite anime. "These are limited edition! We gotta get these!"

I looked at Faith and chuckled then got two of them and paid for them.

[Faith's Affection rose to 45%]

We walked off and visited many stands, and I bought her the things that she wanted. We went over to the location where the Destiny Cheetahs were. They were handing out autographs and I wanted one then I noticed Caroline and smiled.

"Yo Caroline!" I said.

Caroline noticed me and Chelsey looked at me as well, gasping. They walked over to me and we gave each other fist bumps.

"Damn dude, I didn't expect to see you here!" Chelsey laughed.

"Yeah, I thought you would've been like in class or something along those lines." Caroline chuckled and placed a hand in her pocket.

"Nah, I'm here with a friend. Chelsey, Caroline, this is Faith. Faith, this is Chelsey and Caroline." I introduced them to each other.

"Yo!" Chelsey smiled.

"Sup." Caroline smiled at Faith.

"Hey." Faith returned their smile.

"So you came for an autograph?" Caroline asked.

I nodded and took something out my bag. I held out my basketball card of Caroline and she smiled. She took it out my hand then wrote her signature on the card.

"There you go! You should meet us at the court one day. I wanna play against you myself." Caroline said.

"Bet, I can probably play a little tomorrow." I said.

"Cool, cool. I gotta get going. You two enjoy yourselves." Caroline waved and walked back to her team. Chelsey followed her.

We waved back and walked off. We walked around more and met more famous people who were well known in Destiny Island. We stopped at the food area and grabbed something to eat then sat on a bench.

"I'm so glad you came out here with me...It's not often I go out and socialize with people honestly." Faith said as she looked at me.

"Mmm. I don't mind taking you out anytime you want me to. Honestly I have a bit more free time than I know what to do with." I chuckled and took another bite from my hotdog.

[Faith's Affection rose to 58%]

She just looked at me blushing a bit. I looked at her, noticing her staring. I smiled and poked her cheek.

[Faith's Affection rose to 70%]

She became embarrassed and hid her face, blushing madly. She squealed, stomping her feet. "God, I don't know how you do it...I haven't felt this warm inside since the first time I felt it.."

"If I'm being honest, I don't do much. I kinda be myself if that makes sense." I smiled and she looked at me.


We stood up after eating and threw away our trash. She began to wrap her arm around mine, sticking close to me. We began to walk off and approached an area where you can look at the ocean and open sky. The sun was setting and we stood at the rail.

"The sunset will never not be beautiful." I said.

"You like the sunset?" Faith placed her hands on the rail, looking at me.

"It's the most beautiful time of day to me. Sunsets are the perfect time for romantic dinners...maybe a good joyride in the car...pictures. Sunsets are perfect.." I answered.

Faith looked back into the open and stared at the sunset. She blushed slightly as she watched the sun slowly descend and the moon rise. I looked at her and chuckled then she looked at me.

"Ready to go home?" I asked.

"No...let's stay out here a bit longer." She shook her head.

"Just tell me when you're ready." I smiled and looked back out in the open.


An hour passed and Faith finally got done soaking up the view. She held my hand and looked at me. "I'm ready to go home now."

I nodded and she held my arm as we walked back to my car. We got in the car and I started the engine. I drove out of the parking lot and drove Faith home.

Day: Tuesday

Location: Faith's House

Time: Evening

"Thank you for the wonderful day.." Faith smiled at me.

I nodded and looked at her. "No problem. If you wanna hang out again, just let me know and I'll swing by."

[Faith's Affection rose to 100%]

She nodded then kissed my cheek. She got out the car and walked to her house. Once she got in her house, I drove off.

Day: Tuesday

Location: My House

Time: Nighttime

"I'm home!" I announced and set my keys on the counter.

"Welcome home, lover boy." Lustie floated to me and smiled. "Score any hits?"

"Nah, not tonight." I shook my head.

"You're back. I have this new recipe I want you to taste. I actually learned how to cook it from a chef." Felola walked to me and her tail swayed.

"How did she learn the recipe?" I asked.

"She threatened to eradicate all of humanity if the chef didn't teach it to her." Lustie said.

"Figures. Alright let's see what 'masterpiece' you cooked up today. Hopefully this time you won't try to kill me, and actually will." I said.

"Follow me!" Felola smiled and led us to the kitchen. "Okay so this is the Lobster Mac n Cheese! I made like four different versions!"

I looked at the pan she picked up. I looked at Lustie.

"We went to Destiny Paradise." She answered.

I looked back at Felola and expected the absolute worst outcome. She took a spoon full and blew on it to cool it down for me.

"Say 'Ahhh'~" Felola said.

I sighed and opened my mouth. "Ahhh..."

She placed the spoon in my mouth and fed me the Mac n Cheese. I chewed and tasted it. I swallowed and smiled a bit. "Huh. Not half bad."

"So you like it?" Felola's tail wagged happily. She blushed and cleared her throat. "I mean, of course it's good, mortal. I am a Goddess after all! A Goddess of Love at that, I should be able to satisfy my man's needs in and out the kitchen."

"Yeah yeah. You're no MasterChef but I enjoyed it." I crossed my arms.

"Ha! Wait until next time! I'll cook you something so good, you'll be on your need begging!" Felola scoffed.

"Begging for death." I responded.

"You fuckhead human. You dare to keep speaking to me as if we are acquaintances?" Felola glared.

"First off, Goddess, you're in my fucking house. I don't even make you pay rent. Second, we ARE acquaintances. It says so in Lust-E." I showed her the screen.

[Felola and Shiro's Status: Friends]

She swiped right and looked at me and Lustie's status.

[Lustie and Shiro's Status: Friends with Benefits]

"Friends...with benefits..?" Felola looked at us confused. "What in the God Realm's name is that?"

"It's a human terminology meaning we are friends but we have benefits of an actual relationship." Lustie explained.

"Why not just get in a relationship?" Felola asked.

"It'll defeat the whole purpose of this story." Lustie said.

"Yeah, but you two are basically fucking on a basis now. I mean that's what I would've done. Not that I will. I don't date inferior boys." Felola said.

"I get it...anyway, you're her boss. You sent her here to help me fuck every girl I see basically." I said.

"Nope! Only girls who have looks of 8+. We don't accept easy hoes." Lustie said.

"Whatever, the point is I am trapped like this because of you basically. Sometimes I believe being a virgin worked out better for me." I sighed.

Felola looked at me and gave a little laugh and we looked at her. It was the first we heard her genuinely laugh. "You're one funny mortal, Shiro."

I shrugged and walked up stairs. "I'll be in my room if you need me."

"Best be naked by the time I get up there!" Lustie said.

"Got it." I said sarcastically.

Felola went back to finding more recipes online and Lustie floated upstairs into my room.

"He really reminds me of my old human..." Felola smiled a bit.

[Felola's Affection rose to 28%]