
Onto the Next Level

Day: Friday

Location: Faith's House

Time: Morning

Faith woke up and sat up on the bed. She rubbed her eyes and smelled the delicious aroma of the breakfast I was making in the kitchen. She got out of bed and yawned then walked out of the room to go downstairs.

I just got finished cooking and heard Faith's soft footsteps on the floor. "You're up early."

"I smelled food and...you weren't in bed. You were making breakfast..?" She asked and looked at me.

"Yeah. I wanted to do something a little special for you..~" I said then turned the stove off.

[Faith's Bond Percentage rose to 63%]

Faith blushed and narrowed her eyes down. "No one has ever done that for me before..."

I chuckled and walked to her then held her shoulders gently. "Come sit down, I'll make your plate."

She nodded then walked to the dining room table then sat down in a chair. She looked at me and just watched. "Where did you learn to cook?"

"Y'know, mostly self taught. I used to cook to just merely survive, but now I cook with love and passion in it because food always tastes better when you actually put work into it." I answered and chuckled.

"I wouldn't know anything about that since you know, I haven't cooked anything before...heh.." Faith said then rubbed the back of her head.

"You don't have to worry about that..~ I'll cook for you whenever you want..~" I said then brought her plate over to her with some orange juice.

She looked at the food and blushed a bit. She looked back up at me then smiled. "Thank you~"

"Mhm. Eat up, you wanna be well energized for today right?" I smiled then walked back over to the counter.

"Actually...would you mine joining this stream? Like play games with me and stuff like that?~" Faith asked.

"Sure, I don't mind." I smiled.

[Faith's Bond Percentage rose to 70%]

Faith smiled and began eating her breakfast. I joined her at the table and we began to talk with one another about her plans for the stream. I pitched in a few ideas, but mainly let her do her own thing. We came to an agreement and were excited for this stream.

Lust-E flew to Felola's location and noticed Felola looking at the different flowers in the area. She began to scan Felola and gathered more information about her. She landed on the ground and brought up a digital keyboard in front of her.

"You know, System. You probably don't know this about me, but once I gather a feel of your energy, you can't hide from me anymore. Your tricks will no longer work on me. You're lucky that I am being as patient as I am. If I wanted I could go to Shiro's location right now and capture him myself." Felola said then stood up straight and summoned her scythe.

"I don't truly trust you. Your people might be my creator, but Shiro is my owner. I've developed a relationship with him and I must do what I can to help him...please you." Lust-E said.

Felola looked at Lust-E and smirked. "Really huh..? I see...well. Gather as much information about me as you want. I can just act like I hate those things and ruin your plan. I am a Goddess, I can't be pleased by a MORTAL! You think these Deities were pleased by Mortals?"

"Yeah. That's the reason Demigods even exist." Lust-E said.

Felola scoffed and flipped her hair then looked at Lust-E then placed a hand on her hip. "A union between mortal and Deity is beyond disgraceful. Whatever, do whatever you wish, but when the time comes...it will be then end of Shiro's story."

Lust-E glared and stood her ground and continued to scan Felola and Felola sat there and allowed her to do so.

Day: Friday

Location: Faith's House

Time: Noon

"Alright, we can win this. Let's hit them with the combo we practiced!" Faith said.

"Right." I nodded.

Faith's character dashed forward and slashed upwards, but the opponent perfect blocked it. My character ran ahead and teleported behind the opponent then grabbed them. My character threw them upwards and Faith's character jumped up then kicked them down.

"Alright Shiro! Hit him with the ultimate!" Faith said.

I pressed the button combinations to do an ultimate. My character dashed ahead and kicked him upwards. A cut in happened and he bellowed then summoned a massive meteor to crash down at the opponent.

"You should've stayed down.." My character said then an explosion happened, defeating the opponent.

"Yes!" Faith celebrated. "Finally another stream sniper beaten!"

"You two are pretty good at the game and Shiro just learned how to play this Harem Summoner game." Sam said. "What is the game even like? I know it's a Harem game, but is it like beat em up or like your standard JRPG?"

"Uhm, it's kinda like Dissidia 012 if you've ever played it. You can to the Turn Based Mode or RPG Mode, or the Arena Battler Mode. I want all the action so I chose the second option." Faith answered.

"New Challenge Request!" The game said.

"Holy shit, this guy has been challenging me for so long and each time his play style is more and more cheap. Like look at his unit set up! All Tank and Support Mix Type and him being the only Breaker Type and his weapon. It's called the Shadow Blade and he's the Ninja Class so he's gonna be abusing Shadow Step which boosts your Agility and Attack at the same time grants you the Evasion passive so he can't be hit." Faith said.

"Here let me fight him. Based off his set up you can tell he's going for a Max Defense, Magic Defense, Attack, and Agility set. His units aren't meant for battle as they are only boosting him up. His lead unit is only bulky because of her max HP set up. Since he is the leader he is also gaining another 200% in Attack and Agility. So your set up needs to be like this." I started and messed around with the party set up.

"Wait wait, why are you making Cuara the Leader? She's a Support Type." Faith said.

"Support and Magic, but she's not gonna be on the offensive. We only need her leader skill. Look at her leader skill. If she is the leader all allied units gain Second Chance and a 120% Boost to all Parameters as well as a Goddess Charm state, it also allows all units to have their Burst Gauge at 100% at the start of the match. Goddess Charm literally grants you invulnerability for 20 seconds in Arena Battler Mode and for 3 turns in RPG Mode. During those 20 seconds you can use Eternal Witch Mella to lock all of his units skills with her Ultimate." I started.

"Oh! And you have Ruby Warrior Shelly in the party as well because of her charge skill right? Her Inferno Charger skill right?" Faith said.

"Yeah, she can burn the opponent and lower his attacking stats. Next you can use Sacred Mage Yuna to boost your stats even higher with her Blessing Skill. Finally your character can go in for the Hellish Circuit which is a 25 hit combo on all targets and deals massive damage and boosts damage by 25% for each Fire and Dark element in the squad Shelly and Mella boosts your damage output meaning he is one shot." I said. "Now watch this."

I accepted the battle and the match started. As I predicted he was going to hide behind his units while he set up. I immediately used Mella's ultimate and blocked all of his units' skills. I used Shelly to charge forward with her Inferno Charger skill and she rammed through the units as if they were nothing and struck the opponent. She slammed him on the ground and left him with a burn status and lowered his attacking stats. Next I used Yuna to increase Faith's character's parameters. Now I finally got done setting up and used her character to run forward and activate her ultimate skill. Before the attack landed, the opponent rage quit because he knew he was gonna get one shot by Faith's character.

Faith gave a shocked chuckle then actually laughed. "What the hell? A DC?! Holy shit, that was awesome.." Faith looked at me and smiled.

"You're very welcome." I chuckled and poked her cheek.

"Oh brother just kiss already." Jacob said and chuckled.

"Shut up!" Faith said then blushed. "I'm getting kinda hungry so I might get something to eat. Be right back. Entertain the stream for me, Shiro?~"

"Yeah I gotchu." I smiled. I began to talk to the chat as well as Sam and Jacob as Faith got up to get something to eat from the kitchen.

As I was talking to chat for a little, I heard some thumping and falling then a hiss and whine. I told the stream I'll be back then got up to go check on what happened. I walked downstairs and noticed Faith on the ground holding her ankle. She grunted and hissed in pain. I hurried to her and noticed then spilled chips on the ground then helped her up.

"My ankle hurts so much..." Faith whined.

"How did you fall..?" I asked.

"I slipped when I was hurrying upstairs and..." Faith started and I picked her up bridal style then carried her up the stairs. She held onto me and laid her head against me. "Thanks for helping me...How did you hear me though..?"

"I've got very good hearing.." I said then carried her to her room then sat her down in the chair.

"Awe~ How cute~" Sam teased.

"Whatever.." Faith smiled and blushed.

I went back downstairs to clean up and get something for Faith to munch on while I cooked lunch for us.

"So...We all know you absolutely like him. Ask him to be your boyfriend already! Come on it's not that hard to do so." Sam said.

"Right? It's all in your face that you like him. You two spend countless hours with each other now and you're constantly cheesing around him." Jacob laughed

"I dunno...I mean look at me..." Faith said.

"Come on, look at those double d cups. You got a beautiful figure on top of that plus you're incredibly cute on top of that? Who gives a shit if you let loose once in a while. You don't have to pretend and if he doesn't like you, then shit what else is there to do? You two still have an amazing friendship." Sam said.

Faith read her chat and they were saying to ask me to be her boyfriend. She smiled and stood up then mustered up the courage to ask me out then sat down because her ankle was hurting. "I'll just wait for him to come back. I kinda hurt my ankle falling down the stairs.."

"Classic Faith." Jacob said.

I walked back in the room and handed her a plate of food and set her drink down away from her equipment. "There you go..~"

"Okay, you have a lot of skill, balancing your plate of food on your head like that and not having it fall." Faith said and laughed softly.

"Well I didn't wanna make two trips so I did this~ It worked out." I chuckled and took the plate off my head then sat down.

"Oh can we talk?" Faith asked.

"Sure. What's up?" I asked.

"So I was thinking, we've spent a lot of time talking to each other on the phone when we were apart and we spent some time together...well hours together and even...slept together...so I was kinda-"

"Wait you two slept together?" Sam asked.

"Hush!" Jacob said.

"Eheh..~ Like I was saying...we spent a lot of time together so I was wondering if you wanted to be my boyfriend..~" Faith asked nervously.

I smiled at her and sat back in my chair. "I can tell you're anticipating a no.."

"W-Well.." Faith looked away a bit.

"Why would I reject you?~ I don't mind dating someone like you. I like you, Faith..~ I mean, you're hot and funny, and very intelligent. Plus you're unique..~ I don't mind if you're sheepish or a hard core rager. I like you for you.." I smiled.

[Faith's Bond Percentage rose to 80%]

[Girlfriend Status Reached!]

Faith blushed a lot and smiled softly. She put her headphones on and looked at the chat. "So uhm...send in your media share chat, I'm gonna be rating you memes."

I chuckled and ate my lunch. I was one step closer to completing Faith's route. I could tell she was extremely happy and couldn't contain her happiness. I was pretty happy as well.

Felola snapped her fingers and a woman appeared beside her. Felola crossed her arms and looked at the moon. "Passion. I need you to do something for me."

"What's that?" Passion asked.

"Find these men. Lane, Romeo, Kismet, Micah, Vance, Caden, and Yasahiro. Three of them are dead so take Charismari with you to revive them and assign each of them a Love Demon. I feel Shiro's abilities rising and it's almost time." Felola said.

"Why Vance though? Aren't they cool with Shiro?" Passion asked.

"Well, not exactly. He doesn't like the fact his sister goes out with Shiro. That's enough of a reason to give him his own Love Demon to oppose Shiro." Felola said.

"And the reason you need Yasahiro? Shiro and Yasahiro have no connection. No hatred and never interacted." Passion said as she put on her cloak.

"Pathie has been getting pretty lazy. Assign her to him. Everyone else will be to your accord. You are my most loyal daughter so I trust you to do this correctly." Felola said. "Also don't allow them to attack Shiro just yet. Just get them accustomed to their new lives ahead of them. I'll tell you when you strike, until then do whatever you please."

Passion shrugged and smiled then noticed Charismari being summoned as well then the two of them flew off.

Felola closed her eyes and smirked. She sensed Lustie walking up then opened her eyes. "Why do you approach me, Lustiella?"

"Because...I have something I need to tell you." Lustie said.

"Speak." Felola said.

"You won't win against Shiro." Lustie said.

Felola looked at Lustie and scoffed. "What makes you so sure? Why are you so sure that I, a Goddess of fucking Love and Lust, won't best a Mortal like him?"

"Because...he has abilities that allow him to see right through you. I saw my sisters as well. Whenever you are planning, won't work. Not as long as I'm around and as long as I love Shiro enough to give him power." Lustie said.

"Oh? You see at first I wanted to kill you and take your Crest, but...you've now made this interesting." Felola said then looked back up at the moon. "Out of all my adoptive daughters, you're the only one to step out of line to protect one of her clients. Alright, Lusella, I'll let you stay with Shiro. Here's the deal, if he manages to please me I'll leave you all alone and even take the others with me, if he doesn't you die, I take your Love Marking and take Shiro and do what I please to him and this entire Human Realm."

"Deal. I'm certain about this and you'll see!" Lustie flew off.

Felola closed her eyes and teleported away.

Passion landed in front of Caden's house and assigned the Love Demon of Talent, Talenta, to Caden. Talenta knocked on the door then Caden answered it. He looked at Talenta and let her in after a few exchange of words.

Second was Vance. Passion assigned the Love Demon of Flirtation, Flirtoria, to Vance. The same process that happened with Caden and Talenta happened with Vance and Flirtoria.

Next up was Lane, Kismet, and Romeo. They flew to Sanctuary Lake and Yellow River to revive the three using Charismari's power. Passion assigned herself to Lane, Kismet got Luckie, and Romeo got Romancia.

Next, they flew to Micah's current location. Charismari was assigned to Micah then Passion flew off to Japan to find Yasahiro to assign him Pathie. She was done with her task and flew back to Lane, and waited for Felola's next orders.

Day: Friday

Location: Faith's House

Time: Evening

I finished getting ready for my and Faith's date night. She was pretty excited to go on a date with me and I was happy to take her out. I headed downstairs and soon she came downstairs. She wore a long sleeve keyhole turtleneck sweater tucked into a black skirt with a white belt around her waist. She wore a black leggings and black fur boots.

"You look nice." I complimented.

"Thank you..~ You look quite handsome yourself~" Faith smiled at me.

"Thank you..~ All ready to go?" I asked.

Faith nodded and we left the house then Faith locked the door behind herself before heading to my car. I opened the door for her and she got in, smiling. I got in on the driver's side, started the car, and drove away from her house.

Day: Friday

Location: Destiny Paradise

Time: Evening

I parked my car and we got out then walked towards the restaurant, holding hands then I opened the door, letting Faith in first. She smiled at me and I followed inside behind her. We waited in line and waited for our turn to get a table. I looked at the TV the restaurant had and looked at the news. It was mostly stuff talking about the current political and economic state of the world. Something I was never really interested in.

We finally was able to get our table then the waiter led us to the table and we sat down. He gave us our menus and we started off by ordering our drinks.

Faith looked at the menu and picked it up then read it. "Ugh everything on this menu sounds disgusting...can we just skip to dessert and get out?"

"C'mon..~ Try something on here..~" I smiled.

"Alright, but only because you told me to." Faith said.

The waiter came back and we were ready to order our food. He took down our orders and walked off.

"So, while we are out here...there is a gaming store nearby, you can get whatever you want from there and I'm more than happy paying for it." I smiled.

[Faith's Bond Percentage rose to 88%]

"Really? You don't mind?" Faith asked.

"Not at all." I smiled.

"Well there was this one game I wanted that my chat told me was pretty good. So I was hoping to pick that up and play it on stream." Faith smiled.

"Alright, so let's go there next." I said.

Faith nodded. We continued to chat and waited for our food. The waiter came back with the food and we thanked him then began to enjoy our dinner. Faith began to tell me all about the game she wanted as she was doing research on it and said that it was something we would enjoyed together. I was now curious about the game and wanted to see it for myself.

After finishing up our dinner, I paid the tab and left a tip on the table. We left the restaurant and went back to my car. We got in and I drove to the gaming store. I parked the car and she told me to stay in and I sat back in the car and waited for her to get the game. Once she got the game she came back to the car and got in.

"Here it is!~" She said the showed me the game.

"Erotic Vexins?" I asked. "Is this a Hentai game?"

"Yeah...It's not a game I can play on stream but this is." She said, showing me the second game.

"Reborn Valkyrias. Huh, sounds interesting." I said.

"We can play it tomorrow~ I'll save this Erotic Vexins for later..~" Faith smiled.

I nodded and drove back home to call it a night and a successful date. I wasn't earning any more Credi since I had already maxed out the Credi Limit that I could have at once. I had enough Credi to suffice. I was gonna save it until I actually needed it.