
Birthday Special (2) *

Day: Saturday

Location: My Bedroom

Time: Morning

I yawned as I woke up and turned off my alarm clock. I looked at Lust-E and noticed a text from Akira saying she's gonna be a little late getting ready and the door was unlocked when I get to her house. I smiled and texted back. I got out of bed to go take a shower and prepare for the date I had with Akira.

Day: Saturday

Location: Akira's House

Time: Morning

I parked my car in Akira's driveway then got out and walked to Akira's front door. I opened the door and walked in then closed the door behind me. Kura barked and ran to the front. I crouched and chuckled as I watched her run towards me. I rubbed her fur and she wagged her tail happily. I stood up and walked to the living room and Kura followed me. I sat on the couch and Kura hopped on the couch and curled up on my lap.

I waited a few minutes for Akira and I heard her walking down the stairs. Akira walked into the living room and I looked at her. She wore a white coat with white pants and brown winter boots.

[Akira's Unique Traits Registered]

Depression: Due to this trait, it is significantly harder to raise her Affection Meter even if she likes you a lot. Affection Meter Advantages are negated. Affection Meter will drop after a certain amount of time automatically even if she's having fun.

Gambling Addict: Akira loves to gamble and will take any chance she can to gamble. Taking her to the casino will cause her Affection Meter to skyrocket.

Needy Happiness: She loves to joke around and loves to laugh. When this trait is active and 100%, the Depression Trait is nullified and all boosts apply to her.

"Hey hot stuff~ It's gonna be a cold day..~ December always has the coldest weather around here." Akira giggled.

I smiled at her then gently got Kura off me. Kura looked at us then put her head back down. I stood up and walked toward Akira. "Ready?"

"Yeah, let me just get my charger and...my keys." Akira said as she walked into the kitchen to grab her charger and keys. "Alright..~ Let's get this show on the road~"

I smiled and nodded then we walked out of the house together then she closed the door behind herself and locked the door then hurried back to me. I opened the car door for her and she giggled softly then got in.

[Akira's Affection rose to 7%]

[Akira's Bond Percentage rose to 81%]

I got in on the driver's side then backed out of her driveway then drove off. Akira and I began talking with each other and shared a couple of laughs and memories.

"So word on the streets is that you used to make porn videos and be a stripper." I smiled as I drove along the highway.

"Oh God, who told you my hidden secrets?" Akira laughed softly and face palmed.

"Two of your good friends, Krys and Blanche." I chuckled.

"Of course. Well yes, I used to be a stripper and used to record porn videos with Krystal back when I was around 18. I was 20 when I was in the stripper business. I had to pay off student debt somehow." Akira laughed softly.

"Have any other secrets you'd like to share?~ You've piqued my interest~" I said.

"Well I have been looking for a good man to take care of me..~ Aaaaand you happen to treat me a lot better than any other man could..~" Akira smirked.

"So you're asking me to be your boyfriend huh?~" I asked.

"Maybe?~ At this point I don't even care if you're my student, but just don't expect any freebies in class unless you're under my desk~" Akira laughed softly.

I chuckled and held Akira's hand in mine. "Sure. I'll be your boyfriend..~ No strings attached though..~"

"Heh, I know about your little dating spree so of course I know there's none attached..buuut, I want to be with you so..~" Akira smiled and held my hand as well.

I smiled and nodded. "I get it..~"

[Akira's Happiness rose to 89%]

[Akira's Affection rose to 18%]

[Akira's Bond Percentage rose to 90%]

[Girlfriend Status Reached!]

I kept driving to our first destination and we talked along the way with each other about what I had planned for us.

Day: Saturday

Location: Twilight Cafe

Time: Morning

I parked my car and we got out then walked to the building together then I opened the door for her. She smiled and walked in then I walked in after her. We got our table and the waiter gave us our orders. We started with ordering our drinks and he nodded then walked off.

Akira and I spent the time talking and she frequently brought up the special event.

"So what's this event with the slot machines? What's going on with them?" I asked.

"Well today is an event where we triple our earnings and I really wanna do this so it's like I'm earning more than what I put in. I really wanna get a plane ticket back to Japan but them fuckers are expensive now. I kinda wanna see what's changed y'know. Hopefully you'll come there?" Akira asked and smiled.

"Of course. I wanna explore what Earth truly has to offer. See different sights and learn new traditions and cultures." I smiled.

"You'd love Japan aside from all the Weeb shit that people are into." Akira laughed softly. "There's a place in Japan that has a whole village dedicated to foxes and it's so amazing there, very calming..~"

"Will Ui be going with you?" I asked.

"She said she will once she finishes her work around here. She estimated it'll be a few years before she's done since she's also shooting a movie with Mark's half sister and Monika." Akira answered.

"Ahh okay. Well I don't know when I plan to go to Japan, but I'll definitely notify you so we can hang out there and such." I smiled.

[Akira's Affection rose to 25%]

"That'll be nice." Akira smiled.

The waiter came back with our drinks and set them down then took our orders. He wrote it down then walked off. Akira and I continued chatting but it didn't feel like just friends, we were chatting as boyfriend and girlfriend now and it was nice.

The waiter soon came back with our food and set it down in front of us then we began to enjoy our breakfast. After eating breakfast, I paid the check and left a tip then we got up and left the building then went back to my car. I drove off and went to the next destination.

Day: Saturday

Location: Eden's Garden

Time: Afternoon

I parked my car outside the public garden area and we got out.

[Akira's Affection rose drastically to 37%]

"Wow...I love this place. I often find myself here after classes are done. It's a very peaceful place and I love to look at the flowers. I find myself gardening quite often in my backyard." Akira smiled and looked at me.

I held Akira's hand and she held mine back. "Well, we can look around together and you might even obtain a few ideas."

"Mhm~ Let's go in~" Akira smiled.

We walked towards the garden together and began to stroll around together. Akira pointed at the different flowers and told me about each one. She was very knowledgeable on the topic of plants and seemed to be happy talking about them.

"You know...I wanted to graduate as a Botanist from my university, but something dumb in me told me to get the Physics Degree. I should've gotten the Botanist Degree and I'm not going through another two years of college just to get a degree in something I don't need a degree in." Akira sighed and looked around. "I don't want to add more to my plate than what I already have."

"I can see you would be a great botanist." I smiled and looked at her.

[Akira's Affection rose to 43%]

"You think so?" She asked.

"I know so..~" I smiled.

Akira smiled and held my arm. "Well..if you say you see me being a great botanist then I'll give it a try..~"

I nodded and smiled. We continued to stroll around the garden for a bit longer. Akira and I just talked about random topics as we walked around together. We found a bench and sat down for a bit.

Akira took out her phone and began to go on Google and searched up a few places in Japan she wanted us to visit together whenever we meet up in Japan. "So of course we will visit the Fox Village that's located in Shiroishi, that's a given. I also wanna go to Cat Island with you located in Tashirojima. After that, we can visit Woof Woof Land or Wanwan Land located in Tsukuba!~ Oh there's so much I wanna do with you~ There's so much more to do in Japan than it is here. Don't get me wrong Destiny Island is a wonderful place, located by Hawaii and everything, but this place is running out of eventful things to do.."

"Yeah I can agree. All of my dates have been in the same locations more or less. I wanna go beyond Twilight Central and maybe go to Yellow River or Sanctuary Lake but you know the issues with that." I sighed then placed my arm against the back of the bench.

Akira looked at her phone and smiled softly. "Yeah I know about what happened there. The whole gang fight was horrible, but it's always been bad like that around those areas."

"Tell me about it." I said then looked at her phone. "We can most definitely visit those areas though once we are in Japan together..~"

[Akira's Happiness rose to 100%]

[Akira's Affection rose to 67%]

"I can't wait~ We are gonna have loads of fun!~" Akira giggled.

I nodded and chuckled. After a few minutes of talking more, we stood up and left the garden then went back to my car. We got in then I drove off to the next location.

Day: Saturday

Location: Majesty Casino

Time: Afternoon

I parked my car in the parking lot then we got out and made our way to the building. Akira happily held my arm and I looked at her then smiled.

[Akira's Affection drastically rose to 88%]

We walked inside of the building then headed straight to the slot machines like Akira wanted. We sat down beside each other at the slot machines then began to play the slots. Since I had a million I had more than enough money to give Akira a nice dinner date and such like that, but I wanted to see how much I could make off the slots by betting big money. Of course my luck stat helped me win, but I couldn't help but wonder how much money I'd lose if I didn't max out my luck stat.

"You know...it's so nice having someone I love gamble beside me and partake in my bad habits with me." Akira giggled.

I chuckled and looked at her. I looked at her screen and noticed how much money she's made. "Krystal did mention your gamble addiction and you told me yourself you were addicted to the slot machines. I don't mind gambling with you at all."

"But?" Akira smiled and looked at me.

"There's nothing after that. I'm happy gambling like this with you." I chuckled and poked her cheek.

Akira blushed and smiled then chuckled lightly then poked my cheek back. "God, you make me so happy that I can barely stand it sometimes..~ To be honest, I never thought we'd ever become a thing you know...~ With you being my student and I, your teacher. It's like taboo to do things like this since we are mixing romance and business..~"

"It's not mixing if it's outside of business..~" I chuckled and pulled the lever on my slot machine.

"Yeah..~" Akira smiled and looked at my screen and noticed how much I was earning. "You reached the max you can earn..~ I'm surprised..~"

"Something tells me you've seen this before." I chuckled.

"Yeah there used to be a woman who owned the Majesty Casino named...Hina or something like that who also reached the max limit when she gambled. She was killed because she was in some mafia business back in Japan." Akira said.

"Japan has some pretty fucked up shit happening there." I said.

"There used to be this incident called the Shokyo Incident that took place in Japan. That girl was batshit insane and it all started because she really liked some guy. She killed her best friends over the guy, but luckily one girl was able to escape her grasp but no one knows where she is now." Akira said. "But at least Japan is back to normal now from what I know."

"I'm glad too. It seems most places always have these random events happening that are life endangering, but it would seem they are gone now." I smiled.

"Yeah..." Akira nodded and smiled.

There was a bit of silence between us. Akira watched me pull my card out of the slot machine then she did the same. We finished up around the slots and made quite a lot of money. We decided to head out and go back to my car. I drove off and went to our second to last destination.

Day: Saturday

Location: Ardor's Bar, Diner, and Lounge

Time: Evening

We headed towards the lounge area and sat down together then I ordered us some food while we hung out in the lounge area. Akira leaned against me and smiled happily.

"So...~ Tell me about your first time~ I know you've had sex before, I can smell it on you..~" Akira smirked.

"I mean, my first time was more of petty sex than it was an experience that I'd like for my first time. It was with Aubrie, y'know...Mark's ex girlfriend." I answered.

"Shit, no kidding?" Akira asked.

"I wish I was joking." I chuckled.

"And since then, how many notches you got on the ol' belt?~" Akira asked.

"Right now I've got four, nothing crazy." I smiled.

"Mmm..~ Really..?~ So I might be your fifth huh?~" Akira smirked and licked her lips.

"We'll see tonight..~" I chuckled and kissed her cheek.

Akira giggled softly. "So onto the more personal questions I know the boys are into..~ What kind of porn are you into..?~"

"Very romantic..~ I'm sure one look at my search history would blind you and terrify you for life..~" I chuckled.

"A lie..~ Your search history can't be worse than mine~" Akira chuckled.

"Wanna see?" I asked and smiled.

Akira blushed and began to shuffle around to get more comfortable. "You mean..."

I nodded and took Lust-E out of my pocket then clicked on the safari app and went to my search history. Akira looked at it with curiosity and with great interest. As I scrolled through the searches, Akira bit down on her finger a bit and felt her womanhood becoming wet as she was starting to get turned on.

"Fuck...I thought I was the only weird one here..~" Akira said as her breathing deepened. She cleared her throat and closed her legs a bit. "I don't think I can wait for tonight anymore...I-I need to...I...want to uh.."

The waiter came with our food and drinks then I asked for a to go box then gave an apology for making him do this work. He smiled and understood then went went back to get us to go boxes and tops for our drinks. After a few minutes of waiting, I felt Akira's body heat and heard her panting softly. She was incredibly horny and it showed. The waiter came back with the boxes and tops then I took them and placed our food in the boxes then put the tops on our drinks. I paid for it with my card then grabbed a bag and bagged our boxes and carried the drinks back to my car.

We got in my car and I drove off.

Day: Saturday

Location: Akira's House

Time: Evening

We walked in the house and I set everything in the kitchen then Akira dragged me upstairs to her bedroom by my belt. Once we got into the room she pushed me again the wall and pressed her lips against mine with a ferocious passion. She kissed me in a way no woman has before. I kissed back with the same amount of passion and she moaned as she kissed me. She slipped her tongue into my mouth and our tongues began to swirl around one another.

I hastily took off her jacket and she helped me take it off then she tossed it aside. She helped me take off my jacket and I tossed my jacket to the side.

She began to quickly unbuckle my belt and impatiently unbuttoned my pants then pulled away from the kiss to get on her knees and yank my pants and boxers down. She took off her shirt and threw it to the side then unclasped her black lace bra then tossed it as well. Her beautiful, large breasts were exposed and I couldn't help but stare at her.

I let out a soft moan as she grabbed my cock and began stroking it. She groped and pinched her hard nipples and moaned as well. After a few more strokes, she began sucking my dick quickly. I gripped her hair tightly and moaned as she sucked my cock. She moaned and gagged as she hungrily sucked my cock. I moaned and panted and gripped her hair more and more. I made her take more of my cock in her mouth and she began to gag. I pulled my shaft out of her mouth and she panted heavily. I pulled her up by her hair and pushed her to the bed and she laid down on the bed then I unbuttoned her pants then yanked them off with her panties then tossed them across the room.

I spread her legs and got down on my knees then spread her folds open then brought my face closer to her pussy then began kissing her pussy and she sat up on her elbows and watched. I began to eat out her wet snatch and she began moaning in pleasure. I inserted my tongue into her pussy and she moaned louder.

"Holy shit..!~ Ahah!~ Uugh that feels so good..!~" She moaned and gripped my hair, bucking her pussy against my tongue and panted loudly.

I began to push my tongue deeper inside of her and she curled her toes. She began to grip my hair more and threw her head back. I took my tongue out of her pussy and began to passionately suck on her clit. She moaned my name loudly and whined lustfully. I stopped before she got a chance to cum, causing her to stay on the edge. She panted and watched me stand up. I took off my shirt and dropped it on the floor.

"I like it rough..~ So don't fucking hold back..!~" She growled passionately at me.

I chuckled sinfully and watched her get on the bed more then crawled on the bed after her. I looked at her as if she was my prey and she looked at me, impatiently. I gently wrapped my hand around her neck and pinned her down on the bed.

"Fuck yes..!~ Give it to me already!~" She moaned loudly.

A primal lust took over my body and I let out an animalistic grunt as I began to mercilessly impale my cock inside of her dripping wet cunt. She groaned loudly in pleasure and gripped my wrist. I began fucking her and she immediately began moaning instinctively. I fucked her pussy quickly and hard, gaining a quick rhythm as I thrusted my hips and slamming my pelvis against hers.

"Uurrggh!~ Yes Shiro!~ Just like that!~" She grunted loudly and lustfully. Akira and I fell into a state of no return a state of lust should only be reached from frustration and yet...we reached this level of lust through straight desire.

Akira's room began to be filled with the sounds of sex and moaning. Akira's aggressive and lascivious moans filled my head and the room as I gave her a pleasure she'd never forget. The bed creaked loudly as I quickened my pace.

"Harder!~ Aaagh!~" Akira ordered me and groaned at the intense sexual pleasure she was feeling. I began to fuck her harder, keeping in mind of my strength and kept it at a level she could handle. "Fuck!~ Haa- Uuuaagh!~ Just like that!~ Don't fucking stop!~"

She moaned and groaned loudly as she rubbed her clit quickly. I gave loud and breathy pants as I continued to fuck her. My cock slipped out of her pussy, but I kept moving my hips before noticing my cock was in her a few seconds after it slipped out.

"Put it back in..!~ Hurry..!~" Akira whined.

I shoved my cock back inside of her and began to fuck her once more. I kept her pinned down by her neck and she dug her nails into my wrist and began moving her hips to match my movements. We both became dangerously close to climaxing.

"Akira..!~" I moaned and grunted.

"Yes!~ Yes!~" Akira moaned loudly.

I let out a loud groan and held her hips tightly as I released my semen inside of her pussy. Akira arched her back and groaned loudly as she came heavily on my cock. Our bodies shook as a wave of uncontrollable pleasure took over our bodies. Akira grunted as she used her weight to push me down on the bed so she could be on top.

"No..!~ Once isn't enough!~ I want you so much~ I need you so much!~" Akira said as she couldn't control herself anymore.

I looked at Akira and smirked. "Let's see how long you can last~"

"I can last longer than you might think!~" Akira moaned and placed her hands on my lower stomach and began to move her hips up and down, riding my dick shamelessly. "Haa!~ Your dick feels so good!~"

I panted and sat up on my elbows as she rode my cock. I smacked her ass multiple times and she let out high pitched moans and began to ride faster. "Mhm~ Ride faster!~"

"Aaahh!~ Yes!~ Yes!~" She moaned lewdly as she did as I commanded. She grabbed my shoulders and smashed her lips against mine as she continued to ride my dick.

I kissed back and we kissed roughly as she continued to quickly and roughly ride me. I wrapped my arm around her waist and she moved her hips back and forth roughly, moaning into the kiss loudly.

She pulled back and panted in my face heavily. She was sweating as she couldn't handle it anymore. She rose her hips and began squirting a lot. She screamed in pleasure and her body shook.

"Mm-mmm!~ Get back down here~" I commanded and slid my cock back into her pussy.

"Ahaah!~ Fuck me Shiro!~" Akira cried in pleasure.

I began to thrust my cock inside of her pussy quickly and roughly. She languidly moaned and drooled as she enjoyed me fucking her silly. I grunted loudly and pulled her down then bit down on her shoulder as I felt myself about to cum again.

"Cum inside me..~ Please!~" Akira panted heavily.

I grunted loudly as I came inside of her pussy a second time and she moaned loudly. I panted heavily and she fell limp on top of me.

"I tap out, I tap out..!~ I'm not as proficient as I used to be it seems..~" Akira panted tiredly.

I chuckled and rubbed her back. "I had a feeling once you started to show signs of exhaustion..~"

"You fucked me so roughly, my energy seemed to deplete faster than normal..~ I really needed that though..~ I help my frustration for years now and getting fucked like that...God...if I could go another round I would in a heartbeat.." Akira chuckled tiredly.

"I know you would.." I chuckled.

"I might fall asleep like this...I don't wanna move..~" Akira smiled.

I held her as I shifted around to lay Akira in bed in a comfortable position then laid down beside her. "There..~ Comfortable for both of us..~"

"Thank you.." Akira smiled and yawned.

I nodded and looked at her.

"This was my real happy birthday gift..~ And now I can rest happily and deal with the pain in the morning..~" Akira chuckled softly. "I think I'm gonna clock out now...I can barely keep my eyes open..~ Good night..~"

"Good night..~" I chuckled and watched her close her eyes then fall asleep.

I closed my eyes to rest and recover my lost stamina. Akira laid her head on my chest and sighed softly. I smiled and held her closely as we rested together for the night.

[Akira's Bond Percentage rose to 100%]

[Achievement Unlocked: 100% Akira]

[Reward: Akira's Charm (Added to Hidden Inventory)]

[Credi Earned: 10,000]