

A clam nature... sweet breezing are helping leaf to feel the happiness of flying..... sun is almost reached his home... birds are playing hide and seek with cloud... And there a girl who seems so calm. Her hair swing with breezing. Her eyes stuck with that leaf who just lost his home and falling on the ground. Seems like she talking with that leaf sharing her pain with that leaf. Her eyes forget to blink. She looks so lifeless, so calm.....

But around the people this calm girl seems so cheerful so energetic. Where gone her calmness, where gone her pain... Her smile have the ability to hide her pain..... Who will say that this much pain. She always give her shoulder when people needs but never got that shoulder when she needs. She feel like she is used by all . Everybody just used her for their needs. She is so unfamiliar the word "LOVE" . Cz she never got that. Nobody try to understand her. Nobody ever try to meet with the real her...