
Destiny Collide

"However, with all those successes. I've been stuck in the past where these feelings I first had for you still remained untouched... So here I am in front of you, as the man who has loved you unconditionally, revealing my feelings." Atleast once in our life, we have met that certain someone who suddenly provided us with every bit of affection we craved for a lifetime. It felt like the world revolves around us because of the love between the two of you. Yet, we somehow found ourselves in quite an ordeal of dealing with their sudden disappearance. Hades Leon, a boy who soon turned to a man, with lingering feelings for the one he considered the only one for him. Experienced the excitement and bitterness of romance as he met the one he could not take his eyes off.

ALLEY · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Too Good to be True

My heartbeat kept beating without any leaps. Her presence made me feel as if I was around a place of comfort. A field of flowers... Pink tulips, red roses, and chrysanthemum... She was definitely something I had never seen before. Way too different from how I met everyone in the past. Is this a dream?

At first, love, at first sight, is something that I felt was nothing but pure pleasantry made by those who were romantics. Yet, what is this feeling? With a glance, she changed how I view things in life.

"Hey, you've been staring at me for quite a long time. Are you alright?" She tapped me on my shoulders, eyes wearing a worried look. Glistening as if the stars had been captured in those eyes for a long time. Again, frozen in front of her beauty, Augustine came to my rescue. "Forgive our friend here... He is quite the shy type, but he is a nice guy," She apologized to me for being too forward with her advances.

Her apologies made me snap out of my daydream and respond to her by instinct.

"I should be the one to say sorry. I was just amazed at how small the world could be... Who would have thought that the possibility of us meeting again would be sooner than expected?" She smiled. "You are quite the player, aren't you? The way you speak... I can tell that you had a looot of experience with a woman."

From the tone of her voice and her facial expression... I could tell that she was trying to tease me.

"NOOO!" I reacted way too loud for the entire room to hear me. "You seem to be having a great time despite being strangers there at the back," Sir Alfon also teased me because he knew some of my love interests back in the past. "Sorry, Sir. Please proceed," She came for my rescue. "How nice to have someone apologize on your behalf, Leon," He smirked, which was directed toward me.

"One of these days, I'll surely have my revenge on you," She giggled as she heard me curse against Sir Alfon. "You seem to have a good relationship with our adviser. How long have you been studying in this school? From the looks of it, you're an old student here," Somehow, I feel that the distance between the two of us is starting to close slowly.

Seconds, minutes, an hour had passed. We just kept talking about each other like it was not the first time we saw each other. Shared laughs, shared giggles, and exchanged eye contact. The room filled with students of our age suddenly disappeared, only to leave the two of us to remain.

"You know... I have never met someone who I clicked vibes with easily. Would you mind if I ask you your name?" I said with hesitance visible in my voice. "Same goes for me. My name is..." Suddenly, Sir Alfon told us that we would have a short break which became the reason for our conversation to halt in the meantime.

"See you after recess, Leon!" She ran giggly outside. I just smiled without any response.

Obviously, the three of them behind me began to mock how she ran to tease me. "See you after recess, baby Leon!"

No matter how hard they tried to tease me, I smiled as I felt I was on cloud 9. The thought of the two of us talking to each other made me happier than I t initially felt. And just like that, this lady summoned a field of flowers in a season filled with rain. The smell of perfume and the sweet scent from mine. combined, created an imaginary space that only the two of us could enter.

"Leon, you seem to be enjoying your time with that new student. She is quite the gem if you ask me," Sir Alfon suddenly approached the four of us. "Sir, you won't believe it! But that new student approached Leon earlier at Mcdonald's," Amazed, Sir Alfon teased me again. "Seems like love would be blooming in this section, right?" I just can't comprehend what runs in the minds of these three idiots and their leader, Sir Alfon.

How could something like that happen? This ain't a story where the protagonist suddenly ends up with the female lead. If only it was that easy...

"Shouldn't we head out and fetch some food in the canteen? I've been starving since the start of the orientation," They looked at me with an expression of mockery. Their eyes, their smirk, I know for a fact that they're teasing me again. "Got hungry while talking to her, aren't you?" Sometimes, I have this urge to punch these three in the face.

"Nevermind, I'll just go alone," Though I find it hard to be left alone in such a crowded place. Them teasing me while I order would be more embarrassing than safely purchasing without having to feel eyes looking at me.

Walking past the hallway, I saw my other circle of friends, which formed back when I was still in 2nd Year of Junior Highschool.

"Hey, Leon! Why didn't you accept our invitation to party during the summer break? Have you already forgotten about us?" - - "Yeah... You hurt our feelings. You broke our hearts," Mark, or who we call M, mimicked a sound of crying.

I laughed and teased them a little.

"Stop being such drama queens. I just wanted to cleanse my body for three months without drinking alcohol... If you like you can set up a date next week," Now, our circle suddenly cheered for me and filled the hallway with our voices. "Now, that's the Leon we know!" How do I keep on attracting friends who somehow could make me feel embarrassed because of their open-mindedness?

Honestly speaking, my friends are the best. Not one of them will ever leave their brother when times get rough. We consider ourselves as brothers, not just friends.

I took a run after they glanced in another direction because staying with them would only mean I wouldn't be able to head to the canteen. Because our break is only thirty minutes, these knuckleheads tend to forget about the time because of their stories.

Finally, in the hallway of the connecting building St. Vincent, I could feel at ease because fewer people were spending their time in this hallway. While the building where our room is placed, St. Dominic, many people are crowding. Because the students in the other buildings also went to meet up with their friends.

At the stairs, going down to the second floor, passing through the passage again. Connecting to the third building leading to the canteen. I saw her walking a few meters away from me. Although I have a clear vision, there are obstacles surrounding her that cover her. Therefore, I could not see her clearly because of her outfit. With the build of her body, I immediately knew it was her. However, someone seemed to be accompanying her wearing the school uniform.

Probably another new student or an old friend who already transferred here before her. As I went down the ramp leading to the canteen, I was stunned to see that it was too packed. Given that there are four canteens in this university. Yet, every canteen is overcrowded.

How would I buy food if it's only thirty minutes and the cashier plus the server works like a sloth? How convenient would it be if they added another canteen or allowed dining outside the premises? However, let's be realistic, the school would gladly reconsider creating another canteen. But, allowing the students to dine outside during class hours?

That would absolutely be branded absurd. The reason? It will increase the possibility of students cutting classes. Wouldn't that beat the purpose of heading to school? Another reason would be the cafeteria having no customers, meaning less profit.

Unhappy, I tried to head to the other canteen in hopes to see a much shorter line. Seeing the view of the field at this time of the day, I just can't help but reminisce about the days when I was still a Junior high school student. Every break time, even when there are events in this school. We found ourselves running around, chasing each other like fools, but it was the time I found myself the happiest.

Yet, as we grew older, we found ourselves slowly maturing and changing our habits based on our age. Back in the day, it used to be simple, you didn't care about a thing, because the only thought that flowed into your mind is that you wanted to be happy. Yet, now, we have grown to have responsibilities, especially since two years from now, we'll already be college students.

I cannot imagine myself outside of the gates of this school after I graduate. Sentimental? Yes, this school holds a sentimental value in my life because this was the place where it shaped me into who I am today.

Be it negative or positive, I will always be thankful for having the opportunity to study in such a school.

As I stare into the fields, the warm vibrant color of the surrounding flashing in front of my eyes. There I saw her, walking past in front of me.

She was walking in front of me, smiling...

Smiling with another man.

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